Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

I recognize what YOU trust. I just don’t care what you trust.

I’d love to know what the impact of scanning ballots several times had on the true note outcome. The foregoing video of COUNTED voted (which belies the claim that s despite being re-scanned they were only “counted” once) seems pretty damn clear that the election officials have no credibility.

And once again, I still haven’t seen proof that any of these scams or irregularities actually gave Brandon false State “wins” in the electoral college. But, the claims that the elections weren’t affected by such irregularities certainly isn’t established, either.

So you fuckwits can jump up and down and wave your arms and whine and scream all you want that Trump “lied.” But you’re wrong. It is FAR from clear that he was even mistaken.

Georgia did a recount and did find 200 ballots were scanned twice in Fulton County. Even if all 200 were for Biden, and they weren't, it had no effect on the outcome of the election.

Now ya know.
Tell your Democrat masters all they need to do to prove Carlson altered the video is release them all themselves.

They had all tbe time in the world to do so while the J6 Committee was playing 'Get Trump' ... and FAILING to do so.

Until they do, you and your fellow snowflakes are just spreading 'Conspiracy Theories'.
The GOP has released the videos to Fox, have they released them to anyone else? Nope and others have gone to court and been denied.
Idiot MAGAts who are too weak willed to think for themselves and so take their instructions from a clown like Trump caused the violence.
No matter how often and how loud you repeat this bullshit, it's still bullshit.

Leftards are full of bullshit.

Nothing BUT bullshit.
As the QShaman rots in jail he has repented & wants nothing to do with Trump & his bullshit. Prison does that to people when they finally figure out that they've been screwed. Maybe him seeing your boy on a golf & living high on the hog as Q rots in prison has something to do with it?

You better get another taste of Trump's ass while the getting is good. He's next.
Sure homo. Sure. Here’s a challenge. Don’t post again until Trump is arrested.
I'm loving how in just 24 hours all of the Fishstick Nazi's claims have been discredited and debunked as total bullshit.

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