Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Watch his show tonight and tomorrow night. 30 minutes to go to show time.

Tucker Carlson on Trump: ‘I Hate Him Passionately’​

When the cameras stop rolling, the pro-Trump pundit reveals his disdain for Fox viewers’ favorite politician
MARCH 7, 2023
Tucker Carlson on Trump: ‘I Hate Him Passionately’

Former President Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson during the LIV Golf Invitational Series Bedminster on July 31, 2022 at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. RICH GRAESSLE/ICON SPORTSWIRE VIA GETTY IMAGES
NEW TEXT MESSAGES released through Dominion Voting Systemslawsuit against Fox News reveal just how much Tucker Carlson despised Donald Trump and his allies, despite publicly going to the mat for the former president’s election lies.
“I hate him passionately,” Carlson wrote in a text message to an unknown recipient two days before the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, “I can’t handle much more of this.”

Only revelation so far is that tucker carlson passionately hates "scumbag donald"..
I just love how predictably stupid you are. Court filings in the Dominion lawsuit show Tucker Carlson knows it's all a lie and he doesn't care. Both Carlson and Rupert Murdoch think their viewers are idiots who will believe any lie they tell you, and you're positive proof that they haven't misjudged you.

You keep denying "credible" and falling for the lies of elites who think you're a complete fool.
I don't watch Fox, you retarded asshole.

Go bleat on someone else.

Leftards are SO goddamn stupid...

That's because I trust the validity of the 50 state elections and the processes they have in place for challenges and the bipartisan election workers that run the elections. I hated it in 2000, 2004 and 2016, but I trusted it and accepted it.
I recognize what YOU trust. I just don’t care what you trust.

I’d love to know what the impact of scanning ballots several times had on the true note outcome. The foregoing video of COUNTED voted (which belies the claim that s despite being re-scanned they were only “counted” once) seems pretty damn clear that the election officials have no credibility.

And once again, I still haven’t seen proof that any of these scams or irregularities actually gave Brandon false State “wins” in the electoral college. But, the claims that the elections weren’t affected by such irregularities certainly isn’t established, either.

So you fuckwits can jump up and down and wave your arms and whine and scream all you want that Trump “lied.” But you’re wrong. It is FAR from clear that he was even mistaken.
No bitch. That’s you. You’re incapable of ever being honest. And we all see it.
Next year will be 20 years of "knowing" you online, and you've never been correct about a single issue.

WRONG about Saddam's WMD.
WRONG about Katrina.
WRONG about John McCain.
WRONG about Obama's birth certificate.
WRONG about Mitt Romney.
WRONG about Raphael 'Ted' Cruz.
WRONG about Trump.
WRONG about collusion with Russia.
WRONG about the 2020 election.

What have I been wrong about? I said it would be Hillary vs. Jeb! and Hillary would win.
Tucky is not a credible journalist, according to Fox's own lawyers. He's an entertainer who shovels cloying pabulum into the maws of the credulous. The Trump-hater's attack on the Capitol Police is not sustained by documented reality.

Mitch McConnell and other Senate Republicans lashed out at conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday after he characterized the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol as "mostly peaceful chaos."

At a GOP leadership news conference, McConnell, R-Ky., said he wanted to align himself with the letter sent to the U.S. Capitol Police force by Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger, who denounced Carlson for spreading “offensive and misleading conclusions” about the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, including a “disturbing accusation” that Officer Brian Sicknick’s death had nothing to do with the riot.
"I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief and the Capitol Police about what happened on Jan. 6," McConnell said as he held up a copy of the letter. "It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.”
A handful of other Senate Republicans on Tuesday pushed back against Carlson's claim that Jan. 6 was "peaceful chaos," with Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina blasting the remarks as “bullshit.”...
Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota conservative, said he was in the Capitol on Jan. 6 and firmly rejected Carlson's portrayal of that day as “some rowdy peaceful protest of Boy Scouts.”
“I think that breaking through glass windows and doors to get into the United States Capitol against the borders of police is a crime. I think particularly when you come into the chambers, when you start opening the members' desks, when you stand up in their balcony — to somehow put that in the same category as, you know, permitted peaceful protest is just a lie,” Cramer said.
What did not appear on Carlson’s program Monday evening was video showing police and rioters engaged in extended violent clashes. About 140 police officers were assaulted that day.
Manger said in a letter to his officers that Carlson's show was “filled with offensive and misleading conclusions about the January 6th attack," adding that the show “never reached out to the department to provide accurate context.”
You retarded idiots are still trying to paint Tucker as 'different" somehow, and you'te so goddamn stupid you think America is going to fall for your lying bullshit.
We can see that the very few people who still support the January 6 committee have no logical response to the new evidence released by Tucker Carlson.

You do the responses are robotic responses. Three word install posts or one sentence or two sentences and salt posts or they post cartoons.

This evidence doesn't refute the J6 evidence.
Tucker Carlson? I can't take him seriously after his rant about green M&Ms being changed. She used to wear "sexy boots" (his words) and now she wears sneakers.

He talked about preferring the "sexy" green M&M. If you find an animated green M&M sexy, you need help.
He was being sarcastic you stupid fucker
Because they are human beings dealing with a very unique situation with 10,000+ protesters with thousands of violent ones. I don’t blame the police, do you?

The video clearly shows there was nobody around them for quite some time. Casually strolling through the hallways, up stairs, unlocking doors. The capitol police had every opportunity to quickly and quietly arrest him.
I do agree with you on this point, it was a very unique situation the media and the dems created for your J6 hearings.
Next year will be 20 years of "knowing" you online, and you've never been correct about a single issue.

Another lib lie by the always dishonest Syndi.
WRONG about Saddam's WMD.
That’s debatable.
WRONG about Katrina.
No I wasn’t.
WRONG about John McCain

No, I wasn’t.
WRONG about Obama's birth certificate.

No. I wasn’t.
WRONG about Mitt Romney.
I was wrong about him in part. But I had to vote for him. The alternative was worse.
WRONG about Raphael 'Ted' Cruz.
In no way have I been wrong about Ted. You have always been wrong about Ted.
WRONG about Trump.
Nope. My defense of him against the perpetual lying leftwing propaganda has been spot on.
WRONG about collusion with Russia.
Not at all. I denied it. I was right. You were wrong.
WRONG about the 2020 election.
The candidate I supported lost. In that sense I was “wrong.” But in every other way, was right.
What have I been wrong about?

Practically everything I e said here. Especially when I always smack you around like a pingpong ball.
I said it would be Hillary vs. Jeb! and Hillary would win.
It wasn’t Jeb, was it, you moron.
It takes place wherever and whenever we WANT it to take place.
Nope. A petition of grievances is a FORMAL writing....that has to be addressed.

A protest is a peaceful informal type of complaint, that does not have to be addressed by our govt.
I don’t smoke faggot. No, those weren’t the videos shown liar. The shaman being escorted by cops all over the building with no attempt to stop him. As another poster stated previously, you need to be placed on a watch list. Your desire for Donald Trump’s ass is disturbing. Go back to your job wiping Joe’s ass.
As the QShaman rots in jail he has repented & wants nothing to do with Trump & his bullshit. Prison does that to people when they finally figure out that they've been screwed. Maybe him seeing your boy on a golf & living high on the hog as Q rots in prison has something to do with it?

You better get another taste of Trump's ass while the getting is good. He's next.
No asshole. It shows cops LEADING THE SHAMAN AROUND. And doing NOTHING to even attempt to stop him. You’ve been proven a retarded liar once again.
Ah, see?

At 3:24, the Shaman is shown outside the doors his fellow rioters kicked open for him.

Carlson then JUMP CUTS to the Shaman in a Capitol hallway.

So I ask again, did you watch the OP video? It completely debunks your lie that he was allowed in by the cops.

You've been had, sucker.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

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