Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Interesting that professional photographers abounded in the chamber and despite Everyone desperately fearing for their lives and in need of murderous police intervention they were able to get crystal clear pictures of police pointing guns at an unattended door and congress members some with hands folded in lap and some posed on the floor.
They were ready to take pictures of what they planned and orchestrated to happen .
No. It does no such thing. It wasn’t a disaster. Showing support for protestors isn’t duplicitous. And the Senator wasn’t even partially responsible for the misdeeds of anyone.

So other than the fact that you were wrong on all three points, you offered a really vapid post.
I disagree. Having to call in the National Guard seems like a disaster to me.

Hawley enjoyed egging on the crowd, but had to run from them when it got violent. Relevant information to me, but perhaps something you want the committee to hide from the public.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm crying? No, you're raaaaaaaaanting, halfwit. A slew of GOP Senators today handed your ass buddy Tuck's ass right back at him today for the horseshit he puked last night. Just how much smoke blown up your ass by Tuck & Trump do you need, ya fuck? Never get enough?

Better get a good taste of Tuck's ass while you can, loser. He's being proven to be the hack that anyone with a brain knows him to be. Which leaves you out.
Go fuck yourself you lying ass obsessed whining homo. Hey asswipe, how did the VIDEOS lie dumbfuck? Seems you love sucking repeating every talking point, while ignoring the actual truth. A whiny bunch of RINO’s mean nothing. Continue your rant and tantrum crybaby.
More lying memes from the phony Indian. Explain how the videos lied. And you can not use Tucker’s name or Fox. Go.
They werent the cops he assaulted. If I assaulted you then some other dude gave you a high five does that mean i didnt assault you? Morons. All of you.
You claimed the Capital was being overrun by violent insurrectionists, but these for cops had time to give a guided tour, Simp.

Something isn’t adding up.
What a shock

He loves criminals
Yet your side just lets violent criminals go with a warning, wants to end bail, coddles criminals. There will be a lot of cases getting overturned with these videos coming out. Then let the lawsuits begin.
I will add that vulgarity is also the minimizing and trivializing the autrocities of the Nazies with the policies of of those who you simply disagre with. YOU are VULGAR !

You vote for the same party that put Americans in concentration camps and blocked every anti-lynching bill the Republicans authored.

Did you want me so say goodbye, or your more traditional Sieg Heil????
Putting the words you happen to like into bold (despite the fact that those words are false) does nothing to bolster your empty vapid dishonest Crappy worthless mere opinions.
The opinion of the Republican Majority Leader was most certainly based on many facts of the matter relating to Benedict Donald. That Rat Bastard, the Trumpybear not Turtleman, most certainly spend weeks if not months whining that shadowy forces are stealing our country.....and gullible, weak minded people follow him.
As Joy Reid just pointed out, the Fishstick Nazi playing edited video of cops calmly talking with the painted shaman guy - cops that were reprimanded for their behavior (Tuck Tuck doesn't tell you that) - is resulting in actual reporters going back to this story, and now pressing the Capitol Police for MORE details about these cops. All we knew was that they were reprimanded, but not the specifics. Now the reporters are pressing for the specifics. Now this will result in more legitimate press coverage of things that fell through the cracks in the immediate aftermath of the insurrection attempt.

Tuck Tuck has refocused everyone and opened up a can of worms that will further expose all the bad actors.
Joy Reid? That right there means you’re full of shit.
I disagree. Having to call in the National Guard seems like a disaster to me.
Your mere ignorant and erroneous opinion doesn’t count. I know it bugs you libs, but as I forever need to remind you, words have actual meaning.
Hawley enjoyed egging on the crowd, but had to run from them when it got violent.
Hawkeye showed support for protestors, not a violent mob. That’s not “egging on” anybody. Your pathetic rhetoric fails again.
Relevant information to me, but perhaps something you want the committee to hide from the public.
Relevant for partisan political propaganda? Sure. Relevant to a supposed “investigation” into the 1/6 events? Not hardly. You find it relevant only because you’re a cheap politically partisan hack. Otherwise you’d demonstrate at least enough integrity to admit that his gesture of support for protestors was absolutely irrelevant to the purposes of the committee’s sham investigation.
Hahaha and those videos where they told you the suitcases full of fake ballots, you believe them then too didn't ya?
And you disbelieve them. Yet they’ve never been properly examined. So you have no basis on which to even doubt that they were fake ballots.
That is exactly NOT what I've read. What is your source, your butt or Carlson's?

They've claimed security issues so the public may be forever banned from much of it. If Tucker got access, why not the NY Times or WaPo?

In the 40,000 hours I'm sure there was at least 10 minutes of people peacefully standing around but that wouldn't necessarily be representative of the rest.

Tell your Democrat masters all they need to do to prove Carlson altered the video is release them all themselves.

They had all tbe time in the world to do so while the J6 Committee was playing 'Get Trump' ... and FAILING to do so.

Until they do, you and your fellow snowflakes are just spreading 'Conspiracy Theories'.
Your mere ignorant and erroneous opinion doesn’t count. I know it bugs you libs, but as I forever need to remind you, words have actual meaning.

Hawkeye showed support for protestors, not a violent mob. That’s not “egging on” anybody. Your pathetic rhetoric fails again.

Relevant for partisan political propaganda? Sure. Relevant to a supposed “investigation” into the 1/6 events? Not hardly. You find it relevant only because you’re a cheap politically partisan hack. Otherwise you’d demonstrate at least enough integrity to admit that his gesture of support for protestors was absolutely irrelevant to the purposes of the committee’s sham investigation.
He showed support to protestors who became a violent mob. That transformation wasn't out of the blue. It was engendered by those whom we are supposed to be able to trust to wield authority in government.

A rational person can see this, you can't.

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