Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

On my screen it says video is no longer available

And below that it says "watch on YouTube."

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Only a minority of Americans think that the January 6 protester should go to jail. It’s the same people who support BLM
Actually a majority of Americans believe in law and order. If you're caught breaking the law you should be prepared to pay the consequences regardless if you're thug with ties to Proud Boys, BLM or any group perpetrating violence.
The same Democrats / govt who

Violated the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Patriot Act...

Defrauded the FISA Court

Illegally spied on US citizens, Trump, and his team...

Created / initiated the 'Russian Collusion' scandal

Created / initiated / ran / participated in Obama's/Biden's failed coup attempt

Initiated/ ran / participated in Pelosi's / Schiff's / Swalwell's criminal failed-coup Impeachment attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally trying to remove a US President from office

Admitted to participating in the failed coup attempt AFTER they conducted an internal investigation proving there was no crime / collusion

Spent the last 6+ years running failed attempts to 'Get Trump'...

Were exposed for having actively engaged in suppression of free speech, who silenced / Censored American citizens while spreading lies, misinformation, and propaganda

Spent the last DECADE having their lies, perjury, scandals, violations of Constitution / Rule of Law / US citizens' Constitutional Rights, targeting of Conservatives / Americans - attemptibg to label parents as terrorists for opposing Democrat agenda, sedition, treason, more

These same Democrats who have been exposed repeatedly, constantly for the last 6+ years for their lies, scams, false narratives, treason and propaganda are telling people THEY can be trusted...

The same all Trump-hating panel that ran a Committee where their full focus was 'Get Trump' - AND FAILED TO GET THE JOB DONE, as Trump was exonerated for having anything to do with tve J6 violent protest - are now claiming the playing of videos they had, and played cherry-picked clips from to support their fale narrative, is a tgreat / evil / must be sensored/ silenced.

The PROVEN most corrupt, lying, seditios, treasonous, Constitution/Law-violating, oppressive, free speech silencing / censoring party / criminals in tbe last decade are attempting to, AGAIN, silence every other speech / thought / narrative except their own.

Democrats / this administration has screamed in their decense that they have NOT attempted to kill free speech yet here is Chuck Schumer screaming on the Senate floor about how Tucker Carlson MUST BE SILENCED, how he MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE TO SHOW video from J6.

'I have never used the word 'asshole', so STFU, ASSHOLE!'


It is mind-numbing how snowflakes can continue to take anything Democrats say seriously after it have been proven repeatedly for the last decade that they LIE, attempt scandals, attempt treason, violate Constitution and law, target / punish / censure / silence / villainze CConservatves, etc...

Because they are human beings dealing with a very unique situation with 10,000+ protesters with thousands of violent ones. I don’t blame the police, do you?
Thousands of violent INSURRECTIONISTS running amok in the Capital and 4 cops took time to give Pajama Viking a guided tour? :laughing0301: :cuckoo:
Nobody believes EVERYBODY, or every MAGAnut in America, or even everyone who went to attend Trump’s speech on Jan. 6th … is “a violent extremist intent on overthrowing the U.S. gov’t.”

That is exactly the message Democrats / the J6 Comittee have pushed.

Almost everyone arrested spen 2 years in DC Gitmo awaiting trial, a violation of their Constitutional rights.

An elderly couple who walked into the Capitol, were told it was illegal for them to be there,tben.left were hu ted down and treated like all the orher 'Insurrectionists'.

EVERY indication proves J6 was NEVER an attempt to overthrow the US govt, as the video Carlson played shows.

It destroys the Democrats' / J6 Committee's false narrative - THAT is what they are pissed about.
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You LIE,

Why would the NG be needed when it was just supposed to be a 'peaceful protest.'

I know..... it's all Antifa, BLM and the FBI <<<<< it's their fault.
Came directly from a capital police officer that no one would respond for his calls for backup to evacuate.
truThe same Democrats / govt who

Violated the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Patriot Act...

Defrauded the FISA Court

Illegally spied on US citizens, Trump, and his team...
So tell me how did the Durham investigation go for you guys EasyMcPeasy? I mean that was going to settle all that shit once and for all. Hell, you guys were so excited when it was leaked that Durham had opened an actually Criminal Investigation too, I think you jizzed all over yourselves........But I digress. You're laundry list is phony just like all your old talking points......OH yeah and it turns out the only criminal investigation Durham started was into crooked Trumpyberra himself.

Faux should have it's News License revoked. Just kidding we don't have News licenses....we have FAUX!
The same Democrats / govt who

Violated the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Patriot Act...

Defrauded the FISA Court

Illegally spied on US citizens, Trump, and his team...

Created / initiated the 'Russian Collusion' scandal

Created / initiated / ran / participated in Obama's/Biden's failed coup attempt

Initiated/ ran / participated in Pelosi's / Schiff's / Swalwell's criminal failed-coup Impeachment attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally trying to remove a US President from office

Admitted to participating in the failed coup attempt AFTER they conducted an internal investigation proving there was no crime / collusion

Spent the last 6+ years running failed attempts to 'Get Trump'...

Were exposed for having actively engaged in suppression of free speech, who silenced / Censored American citizens while spreading lies, misinformation, and propaganda

Spent the last DECADE having their lies, perjury, scandals, violations of Constitution / Rule of Law / US citizens' Constitutional Rights, targeting of Conservatives / Americans - attemptibg to label parents as terrorists for opposing Democrat agenda, sedition, treason, more

These same Democrats who have been exposed repeatedly, constantly for the last 6+ years for their lies, scams, false narratives, treason and propaganda are telling people THEY can be trusted...

The same all Trump-hating panel that ran a Committee where their full focus was 'Get Trump' - AND FAILED TO GET THE JOB DONE, as Trump was exonerated for having anything to do with tve J6 violent protest - are now claiming the playing of videos they had, and played cherry-picked clips from to support their fale narrative, is a tgreat / evil / must be sensored/ silenced.

The PROVEN most corrupt, lying, seditios, treasonous, Constitution/Law-violating, oppressive, free speech silencing / censoring party / criminals in tbe last decade are attempting to, AGAIN, silence every other speech / thought / narrative except their own.

Democrats / this administration has screamed in their decense that they have NOT attempted to kill free speech yet here is Chuck Schumer screaming on the Senate floor about how Tucker Carlson MUST BE SILENCED, how he MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE TO SHOW video from J6.

'I have never used the word 'asshole', so STFU, ASSHOLE!'


It is mind-numbing how snowflakes can continue to take anything Democrats say seriously after it have been proven repeatedly for the last decade that they LIE, attempt scandals, attempt treason, violate Constitution and law, target / punish / censure / silence / villainze CConservatves, etc...

Excellent listing of lunacy and lies
We can see that the very few people who still support the January 6 committee have no logical response to the new evidence released by Tucker Carlson.

You do the responses are robotic responses. Three word install posts or one sentence or two sentences and salt posts or they post cartoons.
We can see that the very few people who still support the January 6 committee have no logical response to the new evidence released by Tucker Carlson.

the responses are robotic responses. Three word posts or one sentence or two sentences or they post cartoons. but these are people who are following politicians like Chuck Schumer who do not care about the working class people.

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