Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

These lunatic Trump cultists think if they have a video of a Jan. 6th rioter peeing in a Capitol men’s room it shows he was just an innocent who had to invade with a violent mob carrying Confederate flags and Trump banners … to go to the bathroom!

Liberal extremists and sheep believe because they have cherry-picked footage of some people breaking windows that means EVERYONE was a violent extremist intent on overthrowing the US govt and that they can create false narratives like claiming police officers seen alive later were murdered earlier during the 'Insurrection'.

And because someone exposed their lies, Democrats, RINOs, and snowflakes are


YOU started that topic, FruitLoops. Now you want to run from it because you're losing?

Your concession is accepted.

Troll fails again. I see some of your socks are here. Better let them take over.
Bottom line: there was zero purpose served in airing that altered video clip as having any bearing on the alleged “investigation.”
In your opinion. I disagree. It shows the duplicity of those who are at least partially responsible for the disaster.
In your opinion. I disagree. It shows the duplicity of those who are at least partially responsible for the disaster.
Carlson Off Air: I hate Trump passionately. He's a demonic force. His four years were a disaster and that is just too hard to digest. I can't wait until we are rid of this guy.

Carlson On Air: Donald Trump's cock is very tasty! Dear Leader wuz robbed!

What is it going to take for the rubes to WAKE UP?!?!
It’s a thinking activity so scant chance of comprehensionbut a commentator may not personally like someone personally but dislike Much More the hose job being applied to that party
When you post videos that arent available it is you who has a desperate mental issue
Funny how when everyone was fearing for their lives and needing guns drawn there was a photographer there to take real nice unpanicked pictures of the staged overreactions

Why do you lie?

The video is available. It says right there to click on it and it will open in YouTube.

Your fear speaks louder than your posts.
Why do you lie?

The video is available. It says right there to click on it and it will open in YouTube.

Your fear speaks louder than your posts.
On my screen it says video is no longer available
Liberal extremists and sheep believe … EVERYONE was a violent extremist intent on overthrowing the US govt ..

And because someone exposed their lies, Democrats, RINOs, and snowflakes are

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Nobody believes EVERYBODY, or every MAGAnut in America, or even everyone who went to attend Trump’s speech on Jan. 6th … is “a violent extremist intent on overthrowing the U.S. gov’t.”

You are a moron to think that. But those idiots who invaded Congress must be punished, even if the real criminal is Trump himself.

Most Americans are not “Triggered” by Jan. 6th. We are however angry as hell! And we are determined that assholes like you and your hero Trump will never again get close to overthrowing rule of law and the peaceful transition of presidential power.

So f*ck off and suck it up, loser!
Are you trying to say that Tucker has 41 thousand hours of people being led around by cops?
Tucker sure spoonfed you some bullshit....and you just swallowed it.
Didn't you?
Let me ask you a question. Did you even watch The Jan. 6th Committee hearings?
If your answer is no, you didn't watch them.....yet you are willing to swallow Tucker's bullshit pro commie take on it all hook, line, and sinker....then you don't REALLY know what you are talking about do you?
Even Republicans who were there that day are quickly calling Tucker's bullshit stunt with these carefully edited videos.

And remember, we've got Tucker's emails from the Dominion lawsuit which prove he lied to you MAGAts about the election on air while he was telling his cohosts what "BULLSHIT" the stolen election talk was.
He lied to you because he was betting you are stupid enough to believe it.
Apparently he was right because even after being repeatedly lied to by this twerp and even seeing the PROOF, here he is continuing it and you all STILL fall for it.
Now that's dense!

But in order to be open minded and fair I have been watching Tucker's alternative fact segments on the Jan. 6th attempted coup.

I especially liked the part last night where he played an interview with a disgraced and disgruntled former capitol police officer whose testimony completely trashes Tucker's (and Putin's) entire "peaceful protest" narrative.

"Johnson, a Biden voter, said a Trump supporter placed the MAGA hat on his head. He decided to keep wearing it for self-preservation as he navigated the pro-Trump crowd outside. Johnson was put on an indefinite suspension for doing so and later resigned and lost his pension."

"I couldn't say what would have happened walking through that crowd without it," Johnson said

I especially liked this part of Tucker's segment last night.

And there you have it.
This guy had to have one of those stupid Coca-Cola red MAGAt caps on to even survive in this violent mob.

How does this narrative jibe with Tucker (and Putin's) own "peaceful protest" propaganda?

I can’t believe m evil government took away his pension … those criminals.

What an upside down country we are living in because of many Democrats and even some Republicans who are traitors to the country and they are traitors to freedom of speech.
Nobody believes EVERYBODY, or every MAGAnut in America, or even everyone who went to attend Trump’s speech on Jan. 6th … is “a violent extremist intent on overthrowing the U.S. gov’t.”

You are a moron to think that. But those idiots who invaded Congress must be punished, even if the real criminal is Trump himself.

Most Americans are not “Triggered” by Jan. 6th. We are however angry as hell! And we are determined that assholes like you and your hero Trump will never again get close to overthrowing rule of law and the peaceful transition of presidential power.

So f*ck off and suck it up, loser!
You just do not get it. Instigators installed by the FBI caused the violence. If everyone is identified it would be easily proven. Why isn't the FBI cooperating?
Only a minority of Americans think that the January 6 protester should go to jail. It’s the same people who support BLM

Benjamin Crump and the BLM leaders are criminals of the worst order.

So the problem is it’s only a few Americans at this point we could only hope that they change their ways because they are completely brainwashed right now they do not care or they support the violence of Black Lives Matter which is 1 million times greater than one single event one day January 6.

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