Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Watch his show tonight and tomorrow night. 30 minutes to go to show time.

What a mouth-breathing, drooling idiot you are. We've only had over two YEARS to see the video of the attack. 900 arrests and counting.
Tucker is nothing but an Erdogan/Putin ass-kissing traitor and you're his bitch, bitch.
Capitol police arrested no one, there were too many for the police to ever have control enough to do arrests, without escalating the situation and lose complete control, and be harmed.

I just began watching Tucker's show, in the very beginning when he showed cuts of the rioters, it shows the windows being broken and one of those so called peaceful protesters who got in thru the visitor entrance on the other side of the building, :rolleyes:, kick out the door to let those protesters pounding on the outside in.....keep watching, once the door was smashed out, the Qanon Shaman was with the first outside rioters to can spot him by the head dress.
Identify those window breakers. Which one of those people were arrested? Can you give me one name?

Even funnier, FruitLoops... your idiots on the other side of those doors are either in prison for being there or will be going to prison after their trial.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:You are failing troll. Get out while the getting is good.
Bullshit. The way the edited the video makes him look like he was the only one (or one of only a few) who “ran.” And try real hard to finally be honest for once:

What legitimate purpose (in an alleged “investigation” into the 1/6 incident at the Capitol) did focusing on that Senator “running” serve?

If you were honest (or even capable of being honest), your answer would be an admission that it served absolutely no legitimate purpose for such an “investigation.”
So what if they didn't show everyone else running? It doesn't change the fact that Hawley was running. The reason they showed it is because Hawley was there that morning riling up the crowd by raising his fist in the air.

You should have watched the January 6th presentation. You would have seen that Tucker Carlson deceptively edited out the footage the January 6th committee had of Hawley running away in a crowd of other lawmakers.
So what if they didn't show everyone else running? It doesn't change the fact that Hawley was running. The reason they showed it is because Hawley was there that morning riling up the crowd by raising his fist in the air.

You should have watched the January 6th presentation. You would have seen that Tucker Carlson deceptively edited out the footage the January 6th committee had of Hawley running away in a crowd of other lawmakers.
The opposite is true and was proven with video. CBS, NBC, ABC have all been caught editing videos. Ever accuse them?
Yet more evidence that conservatism is a mental deformity.


There is you mental deformity.
It doesn't change the fact that Chansley entered the Capitol to disrupt the certification of the election. His crime was committed as he poured through the broken down doors with the rest of the mob.

Video of him wandering around later changes nothing about his offense.

How do you think that video exonerates his actions?

These lunatic Trump cultists think if they have a video of a Jan. 6th rioter peeing in a Capitol men’s room it shows he was just an innocent who had to invade with a violent mob carrying Confederate flags and Trump banners … to go to the bathroom!

“And look, he didn’t pee on George Washington’s portrait!
He even washed his hands afterwards!”

Patriotic Americans aren’t buying it. We will never forget how Trump and his cronies tried everything they could to STEAL the 2020 election.

Republicans who continue to spread Trump’s “Big Lie” insanity — more than 2 years after Trump lost by over 7 million votes and a 306-236 electoral count — are despicable.

Even Tucker Carlson knows the “Big Lie” is bullshite! The invasion of the Capitol to “stop the count” was just a last-minute gamble and dangerous farce meant to throw the election to the House of Representatives. Failing that end, it still served Trump’s ego and his divisive and dangerous con game, keeping the country hopelessly split around his “precious self” and his megalomaniacal ambition to return.

Tucker Carlson continues to feed the illusions of his audience, and prefers to make money rather than speak the truth.

For the rest who don’t even get a paycheck for repeating Trump’s “comforting” lies … they are either morons trapped by their own political illusions, or profound cynics who still think lying and endangering our Republic and national cohesion is the surest way for their faction to win power.

None of this means the Democrats are angels, or that their program and policies cannot or should not be challenged.

But the most powerful country on earth, the U.S.A., must not become an authoritarian “Banana Republic” where incumbents find inventive ways to stay in power, disregarding the rule of law and even the results of elections!
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So what if they didn't show everyone else running? It doesn't change the fact that Hawley was running. The reason they showed it is because Hawley was there that morning riling up the crowd by raising his fist in the air.

You should have watched the January 6th presentation. You would have seen that Tucker Carlson deceptively edited out the footage the January 6th committee had of Hawley running away in a crowd of other lawmakers.
You’re destined to repeat your futile and already exposed talking point forever.

And it will forever remain futile and ineffective.

Bottom line: there was zero purpose served in airing that altered video clip as having any bearing on the alleged “investigation.”

Even it’s politically propaganda purpose is now exposed.
Are you trying to say that Tucker has 41 thousand hours of people being led around by cops?
Tucker sure spoonfed you some bullshit....and you just swallowed it.
Didn't you?
41 thousand hours of poor sweet innocent people (MAGA NUTZ) being led down the primrose path by the New Gestapo to the old Gulags where several are now serving multiple concurrent life sentences too.......I heard it all on Faux Radio so everyone knows it's the honest truth.

Or knot.
So snowflakes are seriously claiming the officer the J6 committee claims was murdered but was shown later in videos walking around just fine was what....? A TWIN? A 'ZOMBIE'?

Snowflakes insist that the J6 committee did not lie, so the officer was reportedly 'dead' long before he was shown alive on video later.


That was your and the J6 Committee's false narrative being blown up.
False. The official and undoubted Speaker of the House was entitled to assert a claim which he believed. But that’s not the same as having “knowledge.” He didn’t know, doesn’t know and can’t know if President Trump bears any actual responsibility. And there is zero evidence in support of that belief.
There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”

“Seventy-four million Americans did not invade the Capitol. Hundreds of rioters did. Seventy-four million Americans did not engineer the campaign of disinformation and rage that provoked it. One person did. Just one.”

McConnell argued Trump was the only one who could have stopped the insurrection — and that he didn’t act “swiftly” enough.

“Instead, according to public reports, he watched television happily — happily — as the chaos unfolded. He kept pressing his scheme to overturn the election. Even after it was clear to any reasonable observer that Vice President Pence was in serious danger, even as the mob carrying Trump banners was beating cops and breaching perimeters, the president sent a further tweet attacking his own vice president.”
Yet more evidence that conservatism is a mental deformity.

When you post videos that arent available it is you who has a desperate mental issue
Funny how when everyone was fearing for their lives and needing guns drawn there was a photographer there to take real nice unpanicked pictures of the staged overreactions
Carlson Off Air: I hate Trump passionately. He's a demonic force. His four years were a disaster and that is just too hard to digest. I can't wait until we are rid of this guy.

Carlson On Air: Donald Trump's cock is very tasty! Dear Leader wuz robbed!

What is it going to take for the rubes to WAKE UP?!?!

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