Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

I wonder if Liar Tucker will show the insurrectionists smearing their shit on the walls of the Capitol.

I wonder if he will show the insurrectionists mercilessly beating, electrocuting, and torturing over a hundred police officers.

I wonder if he will show the insurrectionists destroying the congressional offices.

Or...hmmmm...will he try to push the narrative it was a "peaceful gathering"?

In his first video, Propagandist Carlson showed the QAnon Shaman standing outside the doors of the Capitol. He then jump cuts to video of the shaman being "escorted" (BWA-HA-HA-HA!) by the Capitol police. Carlson deliberately chopped out the part where the mob the shaman was part of smashed in the windows and kicked open the doors to get in.

"Peaceful gathering", my ass.
How was anyone deceived by the video? At no point in time did the Jan 6th committee attempt to make us believe that Hawley was the only one running.

Furthermore, if it is true that Hawley was running from the rioters, then it would not be the case that they lied about him running from the rioters as is claimed.
Yes. Hawley was singled out in the video because only moments before he was giving the power fist to the very same rioters he was fleeing from.

It is hilarious these things have to actually be explained to the tards.
A danger? Of what being photographed in someone's selfie?

Police needed to resort to lethal weapons to keep that violent mob out.

How was anyone deceived by the video? At no point in time did the Jan 6th committee attempt to make us believe that Hawley was the only one running.
Bullshit. The way the edited the video makes him look like he was the only one (or one of only a few) who “ran.” And try real hard to finally be honest for once:

What legitimate purpose (in an alleged “investigation” into the 1/6 incident at the Capitol) did focusing on that Senator “running” serve?

If you were honest (or even capable of being honest), your answer would be an admission that it served absolutely no legitimate purpose for such an “investigation.”
And the lady who was responsible for security of the capitol dropped the ball, then ignored the rules and seated a committee of her choosing and wouldn't allow the media access to the video. It took Pelosi being kicked out of the speaker position and McCarthy stepping in to open the blinds and allow some sunlight in. Now we are getting the rest of the story.

Pelosi wasn't in charge of Capitol security. The Capitol police board is.

False. The official and undoubted Speaker of the House was entitled to assert a claim which he believed. But that’s not the same as having “knowledge.” He didn’t know, doesn’t know and can’t know if President Trump bears any actual responsibility. And there is zero evidence in support of that belief.
41 thousand hours of people being led around by cops?
Are you trying to say that Tucker has 41 thousand hours of people being led around by cops?
Tucker sure spoonfed you some bullshit....and you just swallowed it.
Didn't you?
Let me ask you a question. Did you even watch The Jan. 6th Committee hearings?
If your answer is no, you didn't watch them.....yet you are willing to swallow Tucker's bullshit pro commie take on it all hook, line, and sinker....then you don't REALLY know what you are talking about do you?
Even Republicans who were there that day are quickly calling Tucker's bullshit stunt with these carefully edited videos.

And remember, we've got Tucker's emails from the Dominion lawsuit which prove he lied to you MAGAts about the election on air while he was telling his cohosts what "BULLSHIT" the stolen election talk was.
He lied to you because he was betting you are stupid enough to believe it.
Apparently he was right because even after being repeatedly lied to by this twerp and even seeing the PROOF, here he is continuing it and you all STILL fall for it.
Now that's dense!

But in order to be open minded and fair I have been watching Tucker's alternative fact segments on the Jan. 6th attempted coup.

I especially liked the part last night where he played an interview with a disgraced and disgruntled former capitol police officer whose testimony completely trashes Tucker's (and Putin's) entire "peaceful protest" narrative.

"Johnson, a Biden voter, said a Trump supporter placed the MAGA hat on his head. He decided to keep wearing it for self-preservation as he navigated the pro-Trump crowd outside. Johnson was put on an indefinite suspension for doing so and later resigned and lost his pension."

"I couldn't say what would have happened walking through that crowd without it," Johnson said
But if this was a catastrophic violent insurrection worse than slavery, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11.. how could it be possible for the leader to calmly walk around with passive officers?

Given your (the lefts)narrative, that’s simply not possible.

You have to revise your story. The hyperbolic one you claimed no longer holds.

And yes, the guy was not violent, but then why is he in jail for 4 years?
I especially liked this part of Tucker's segment last night.

And there you have it.
This guy had to have one of those stupid Coca-Cola red MAGAt caps on to even survive in this violent mob.

How does this narrative jibe with Tucker (and Putin's) own "peaceful protest" propaganda?
Do you have that video? Please post it. I have not seen it.

If this is the case, why would Capitol Police

NOT arrest him and get him out of the Capitol - they had evety opportunity?

Escort him throughout th Capitol?

Atrempt to unlock locked doors for him, giving him access to parts of the Capitol he cpd not otherwise get into?

Escort him all the way onto the Senate floor?

Claim he was an 'extremely violent threat' and claim he was 'engaging in a violent Insurrection' when he was clearly, peacefully being escorted through the Capitol (a thoroughly debunked J6 Committee narrative)?

There is no logical explanation / defense.

If THIS was the US govt's and DC / Capitol / Federal law enforcement's idea of 'Security', an unruly mob of boy scouts could have made their way in, been escorted around, and charged with 'Insurrection'.
Capitol police arrested no one, there were too many for the police to ever have control enough to do arrests, without escalating the situation and lose complete control, and be harmed.

I just began watching Tucker's show, in the very beginning when he showed cuts of the rioters, it shows the windows being broken and one of those so called peaceful protesters who got in thru the visitor entrance on the other side of the building, :rolleyes:, kick out the door to let those protesters pounding on the outside in.....keep watching, once the door was smashed out, the Qanon Shaman was with the first outside rioters to pour in... You can spot him by the head dress.
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The mob posed no danger, it was part of the orchestrated movements that day. They never got within 50 yards of the chambers. The protestors did very little wrong so Dems and lib loons Pearl clutched to “what they might have done later if….if….if…”. Worst case supposition is not reality.

Complete bullshit.

Here's a violent mob you falsely claim wasn't violent; about 6 feet away from the House chamber you falsely claim was 50 feet away; breaching a police barricade you falsely portray as not wrong...

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

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