Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

No. He was not given adequate representation. And evidence was withheld that would have exonerated him.

I realize TDS weirdos like you are fine with railroading conservatives. Doesn’t change the fact that his rights were violated.
What evidence exonerates him and how?
No. Congress was in split session to discuss an objection to a state's electors when the he Capitol was breached. At that time, the police informed the leadership who were quickly taken from the floor. The split sessions were gaveled shut minutes later as the rest of the representatives were evacuated.
So none of them were in any danger. Thanks.
No. Congress was in split session to discuss an objection to a state's electors when the he Capitol was breached. At that time, the police informed the leadership who were quickly taken from the floor. The split sessions were gaveled shut minutes later as the rest of the representatives were evacuated.
Wrong. A capital police officer notified his superior that they needed to be evacuated …several times …and never got a response. He finally gave up and started evaluating them by himself.
You didn't answer the question. There were not more votes than ballots. Lying like you do does mean the election was stolen.
It is not the topic of this thread. But illegal ballots can be counted for eternity without that number changing.
Wrong. A capital police officer notified his superior that they needed to be evacuated …several times …and never got a response. He finally gave up and started evaluating them by himself.
You can quibble over exactly who evacuated Congress (although we both agree it was Capitol Police), but the point is that Congress was in session when the Capitol was breached.
Derp. The video you didnt watch.
I did.

The problem is that it doesn't change the fact that Chansley entered the Capitol to disrupt the certification of the election. His crime was committed as he poured through the broken down doors with the rest of the mob.

Video of him wandering around later changes nothing about his offense.

How do you think that video exonerates his actions?
So none of them were in any danger. Thanks.
Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 10.15.02 AM.png
And the lady who was responsible for security of the capitol dropped the ball, then ignored the rules and seated a committee of her choosing and wouldn't allow the media access to the video. It took Pelosi being kicked out of the speaker position and McCarthy stepping in to open the blinds and allow some sunlight in. Now we are getting the rest of the story.
A danger? Of what being photographed in someone's selfie?
The Trump supporters had made numerous violent threats towards members of Congress, specifically Nancy Pelosi. The Capitol Police would not have been able to keep them safe had they not evacuated. They would have been in danger of violent attack from the protestors.

Do you think they should have been evacuated?
Insurrection and Sedition dead and buried.
Bitter clinger lib loons of course immediately safe spaced to “edited ….hearing and seeing wrong….opening doors does not mean let in…” and other hoax fake emotional deflections. Plus these fact threads putting a stake in the vampires heart get shunted away a lot.
You can quibble over exactly who evacuated Congress (although we both agree it was Capitol Police), but the point is that Congress was in session when the Capitol was breached.
Point was. The people in charge purposely provided inadequate security. The capital police officer who evacuated..even stated they could have been prepared if they had been told the amount of security they needed in advance ( which they were not).
The Trump supporters had made numerous violent threats towards members of Congress, specifically Nancy Pelosi. The Capitol Police would not have been able to keep them safe had they not evacuated. They would have been in danger of violent attack from the protestors.

Do you think they should have been evacuated?
Can you prove that or are you just repeating lies?

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