Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Go fuck yourself you lying ass obsessed whining homo. Hey asswipe, how did the VIDEOS lie dumbfuck? Seems you love sucking repeating every talking point, while ignoring the actual truth. A whiny bunch of RINO’s mean nothing. Continue your rant and tantrum crybaby.
We've seen the vids of Dotard's barbarians on a rampage, dickweed. How do you think those 140 cops were injured? Slipped on a cigarette butt, dope?

Were you at CPAC dressed as a Clown rubber necking for a whiff of Trump's ass, fool?
He showed support to protestors who became a violent mob.

False. He showed support for protestors who had a right to express concern about a possibly stolen election.

That a portion of that much larger group turned into a mob is irrelevant to his gesture of support for the larger group.
That transformation wasn't out of the blue.
It appears to have been.
It was engendered by those whom we are supposed to be able to trust to wield authority in government.
You don’t know that and you have exactly zero proof of your empty assertion.
A rational person can see this, you can't.
You’re not a rational persons, so you negate your own claim.
We've seen the vids of Dotard's barbarians on a rampage, dickweed. How do you think those 140 cops were injured? Slipped on a cigarette butt, dope?

Were you at CPAC dressed as a Clown rubber necking for a whiff of Trump's ass, fool?
I don’t smoke faggot. No, those weren’t the videos shown liar. The shaman being escorted by cops all over the building with no attempt to stop him. As another poster stated previously, you need to be placed on a watch list. Your desire for Donald Trump’s ass is disturbing. Go back to your job wiping Joe’s ass.
And you disbelieve them. Yet they’ve never been properly examined. So you have no basis on which to even doubt that they were fake ballots.
True, I don't believe a thing coming from the Trumpybear campaign. It was the unedited tape that proved it was a ballot case and how it got there. That and the Republican election official who explained it at length.
Go fuck yourself you lying ass obsessed whining homo. Hey asswipe, how did the VIDEOS lie dumbfuck? Seems you love sucking repeating every talking point, while ignoring the actual truth. A whiny bunch of RINO’s mean nothing. Continue your rant and tantrum crybaby.
Stop slobering all over yourself. Get a grip!. You're embarassing yourself! Clean yourself up and get help
None of you can answer my question. I'm not surprised.
It’s been answered. You’re just a coward who refuses to accept that you have been lied to. You believed every lie. Now your world is crumbling and you’re just stuttering and stammering waiting for your instructions from CNN or MSNBC.
It’s been answered. You’re just a coward who refuses to accept that you have been lied to. You believed every lie. Now your world is crumbling and you’re just stuttering and stammering waiting for your instructions from CNN or MSNBC.
Still no answer. And I don't see any crumbling.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
Stop slobering all over yourself. Get a grip!. You're embarassing yourself! Clean yourself up and get help
When dealing with pigs like you and Clipper it seems you people only understand your own language. Then cry when somebody uses your own style against you. The one who needs help is you. We know what you support. You should be fully embarrassed at that.
Still no answer. And I don't see any crumbling.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
You’ve been given the answer coward. You refuse to see it. No, I’m not like you. I have a brain and know how to use it. I don’t blindly accept the Dem lies and then refuse to admit to it like you. How do you feel knowing you were a gullible rube for 7+ years now?
True, I don't believe a thing coming from the Trumpybear campaign. It was the unedited tape that proved it was a ballot case and how it got there. That and the Republican election official who explained it at length.
It was a ballot case (blank ballots). And it was initially hidden (or seemed to be). Some camera caught it being moved out from that hiding spot. But when it was moved is significant. It was moved after all cast ballots were in. And if memory serves, it came out after windows got covered up. And you have nothing on which to base your conjecture about what was then done with the blank ballots.

I don’t care what an election offical said. Would you expect him to say “yep. I sure did a shitty job!”? I wouldn’t.

Plus, you and your ilk gloss over the videos we saw of election folks MARKING ballots or the ballots that were pre-marked with Brandon “votes.”

Unlike you, I have never made the definite claim one way or the other about the election being stolen. Instead, my position has been that it is an open issue. By contrast, you make universal claims that it was not stolen, absent proof.
When dealing with pigs like you and Clipper it seems you people only understand your own language. Then cry when somebody uses your own style against you. The one who needs help is you. We know what you support. You should be fully embarrassed at that.
All that you have is dog shit!
It was a ballot case (blank ballots). And it was initially hidden (or seemed to be). Some camera caught it being moved out from that hiding spot. But when it was moved is significant. It was moved after all cast ballots were in. And if memory serves, it came out after windows got covered up. And you have nothing on which to base your conjecture about what was then done with the blank ballots.

I don’t care what an election offical said. Would you expect him to say “yep. I sure did a shitty job!”? I wouldn’t.

Plus, you and your ilk gloss over the videos we saw of election folks MARKING ballots or the ballots that were pre-marked with Brandon “votes.”

Unlike you, I have never made the definite claim one way or the other about the election being stolen. Instead, my position has been that it is an open issue. By contrast, you make universal claims that it was not stolen, absent proof.

That's because I trust the validity of the 50 state elections and the processes they have in place for challenges and the bipartisan election workers that run the elections. I hated it in 2000, 2004 and 2016, but I trusted it and accepted it.
Tell your Democrat masters all they need to do to prove Carlson altered the video is release them all themselves.

They had all tbe time in the world to do so while the J6 Committee was playing 'Get Trump' ... and FAILING to do so.

Until they do, you and your fellow snowflakes are just spreading 'Conspiracy Theories'.
Weird worshipers are confronted with 1) the preponderance of evidence that resulted in arrests, indictments, prosecutions, convictions, and confessions based upon sworn testimony, hundreds of hours of self-incriminating videos of the Trump goons savaging outnumbered police in a failed attempt to prevent Congress from fulfilling its Constitutional duty of formally recognizing the certified electoral votes of fifty states and the District of Columbia (that the loser/denier watched for hours, ignoring the pleas of minions, family, and media sycophants that he call them off,) 2) the eyewitness accounts of police, congresspersons and others of both political parties, and the record of the Loser's lying harangue that incited the attack, as 3) the Loser persists in lying to his weird worshipers, and the hardcore dead-enders persist in the delusion, despite no credible evidence of his airy-fairy, stolen "Landslide!"

The Cry Baby Loser lost the 2020 election. He lacked (and still lacks) the spheroidal accoutrements to face the truth that Americans, by a margin of over seven million votes, dumped him at their first opportunity.

No amount of empirical data and evidence can free the cult from its mindless veneration.

Normal folks can only relegate them to their perversion, and take precautions that they aren't allowed to savagely assail democracy again.

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