Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Playing J6 video has turned all Democrats, RINOs, snowflakes, and fake news MSM into raving Conspiracy Theorists...

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Everything you falsely accused Speaker Pelosi of doing, Speaker McCarthy IS doing.... :eek:
Releasing withheld evidence?
You seem confused.
Who taught you to be this brainwashed?
I'm asking, but that is something you should ask yourself.
Good luck! :eusa_whistle:
Trump's words did incite the crowd...throughout his speech, but one instance in the speech where he said walk peacefully down to the capitol, which was 4 seconds out of his near 70 minute speech.

Lay on your couch, lights off, and play the day's speeches before Trump and then Trump's.

Just listen with an open mind, and know that the crowd made it there, from all corners of the earth in America....because they wanted to stop the steal, a steal, that never happened, but they were lead to believe it happened....someone stole their vote, their vote for Trump....

Trump began his lying self coup de'tat months before the election when his internal polling said he was going to lose big-time against Biden....and from election day onward it was a full court press and pushed his lies about the election being stolen from him, with his crooked lawyers who are now one hair from being disbarred. And used his crooked STATE MEDIA, FOX help spread the lies which has just been exposed in the Dominion lawsuit.

Your president told you that the deep state, democrats, space lasers, dead people, Dominion voting machines, WHAT EVER occurred, was Fraud against him, and against you, his followers, you were the ones cheated out if his own greatness being were told this endlessly for 4 straight weeks before 1/6 in all right wing media.... Trump knew that before his inciting speech.... and gave the okay, for those who attacked or who had planned ahead of time to attack....

MANY of these people that attended the 1/6 rally that was suppose to be wild, according to Trump, were already primed for a riot, by him before his speech at the rally, is what is apparent to me..

Listen to his speech in his voice.... Its IMPOSSIBLE for anyone listening to it, .... that Trump did not push his crowd that he called to DC to fight for him, was not inciting at minimum, a riot.

Reschenthaler accurately quoted a line from Trump, when the president told supporters “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

But throughout his remarks, Trump spoke of the need to “fight,” to be angry, to stop President-elect Joe Biden from taking office.

— “We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

— “We want to go back, and we want to get this right because we’re going to have somebody in there that should not be in there and our country will be destroyed, and we’re not going to stand for that.”

— “Nobody knows what the hell is going on. There’s never been anything like this. We will not let them silence your voices. We’re not going to let it happen. Not going to let it happen.” The crowd repeatedly chanted “Fight for Trump!” “Thank you,” Trump said.

He assailed “weak,” “pathetic” Republicans who were not standing with him in his push to overturn the election results, and said “there’d be hell all over the country” if Democrats had been robbed of an election win.

“But just remember this,” he went on. “You’re stronger, you’re smarter. You’ve got more going than anybody, and they try and demean everybody having to do with us, and you’re the real people. You’re the people that built this nation. You’re not the people that tore down our nation.”

—“We will not be intimidated into accepting the hoaxes and the lies that we’ve been forced to believe over the past several weeks.”

He told his refuted stories of “ballot harvesting” and thousands of dead people voting.


And, if you watched the 1/6 hearings, and all the Republicans sworn testimony, you would know about all that Trump and his cronies were doing behind the scenes to STEAL THE ELECTION FROM THE WINNER, JOE BIDEN..... for Trump's auto coup, self coup de'tat.... He tried to ILLEGALLY stay in power.
Half of this is Democrat propaganda and is irrelevant anyway. What matters is what he said on Jan. 6. On that day he said “Fight like hell” a number of times but no matter how many times he said it, it still doesn’t mean “Break into the Capital.”.
He also said “peacefully and patriotically…”. You don’t get to ignore that just because you don’t like the guy.

The least we can say is that he wanted to get them angry but that still doesn’t mean he wanted them violent.
Playing J6 video has turned all Semocrays, RINOs, snowflakes, and fake news MSM into raving Conspiracy Theorists...

View attachment 763834
And schizophrenics.

One moment Tucker is the touchstone of truth for allegedly hating on Trump behind the scenes, the next moment he's the greatest propagandist and threat to mocracy since Tokyo Rose.

You said several times in this thread that the release of the Carlson video shed no new light and was unnecessary because they offered nothing disproving the committee’s contentions
I think you also stated one of your main Problems was that the Carlson videos were edited. Fact is committees were also and you loons resent turnabout being fair play.

I said these videos don't refute the ones shown by the J6 committee. That in no way equates to me saying I don't want Carlson to air them.

The dam bursts on the Jan 6 committee liars

8 Mar 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

We’ve waited a long time for this. The dam holding back the truth of Jan 6 has burst and democrats are freaking out. Tucker Carlson dropped the first of what are likely to be numerous bombshells exposing the J6 members for the fraudulent liars they are.
There were four fraudulent crimes in particular perpetrated by the J6 committee
  • Sicknick dying in the attack
  • The violent Shaman
  • Josh Hawley fleeing
  • Ray Epps
The left has lied consistently about the death of Brian Sicknick. The NY Times said that he died in the attack.
These Are the 5 People Who Died in the Capitol Riot
He most certainly did not. He died of “natural causes.”
The “violent” Shaman, Jacob Chansley was railroaded entirely. He’s serving a ridiculous sentence of around four years but the newly released video opens the door, as it were, for an appeal to vacate his conviction. Brady evidence was withheld in his trial and it was done intentionally. Chansley was very peaceful while walking about the Capitol and was escorted by two Captiol cops. Some democrats were all huffy about Chansley being armed with a “spear.” That “spear” was an American flag and he never threatened anyone with it.
The Jan 6 committee went out of its way to embarrass Sen Josh Hawley. The Jan 6 committee, with the aid of egoistic and egocentric producer Dan Przygoda, presented for public consumption a highly edited video smearing Hawley as a coward who fled alone from the protesters. Ridicule was the intent here.
This video was heavily edited to make Hawley look bad. As noted by Carlson, Hawley was among a number of Senators being told to evacuate without explanation. Hawley was the last man out, but the committee made it appear as if he alone was running away to the amusement of those in attendance.
As much entertainment has the exposure of the Jan 6 committee as conniving liars is, there is perhaps even more entertainment in the reactions from the J6 members and the left. Filmmaker Ken Burns has lost his mind entirely. He was trotted out to try to discredit the videos and Carlson but wound up shredding the little credibility he has left.


Adam Kinzinger tells America not to believe its eyes
“There are people that are so invested in the emotional politics” they refuse to accept reality​
Kinzinger again

I am luxuriating in liberal tears and will be for some time. I love how Carlson has antagonized them, especially the liars of the Jan 6 committee. What they have done is worse than Jan 6 itself. They used the machine of government to lie about and unduly harass and punish Trump supporters. Now they try to suppress the truth. Remember, democrats had two years to release this footage but they didn’t and instead are trying to subvert the will of the American people.
Some might argue that this isn’t just worse than Jan 6, but worse than Pearl Harbor or 9-11.
Did someone say conspiracy? When you hear that one, just remember that the Hunter Biden laptop and the origins of COVID 19 (never mind the side effects of the vaccines) were also conspiracies.
I suspect the best is yet to come.

The made-for-TV Committee hearings were a fraud. Crooked Maoist democrats, under the direction of Pelosi, produced a propaganda video directed by her daughter and pretended it was accurate.
Anyone who participated in the fraud needs to be thrown out of office.
Democrats are having their asses handed to them every time they push their propaganda bullshit. No one believes President Trump was responsible for the Afghanistan debacle or J 6 except for Maoist Democrat brainwashed morons.
Maoist Democrats orchestrated the J6 protest turned into a faux insurrection by refusing the offer of National guard assistance.. Director Wray has admitted that there were FBI operatives there on the ground in the midst of the crowds on J6.




Who said Chansley was violent?
You've completely lost your mind, gramps. :rolleyes:

This is what you actually said...

My idea of escorting them in, and through the halls, is the same idea of 330+ Million American who saw it on TV tonight.

Aside from your utter stupidity that 330+ million watched his show, which would be nearly every man, woman & child in the U.S., when it's much closer to 1% of that, there was no video on Tucker's show depicting anyone being escorted into the Capitol building. And the video you once posted didn't show that either. It showed a cop holding an interior door open for rioters already inside the Capitol.
HA HA. Faun, watch out!... there might be a slight draft in your house. Could be an inch diameter piece of dust in your living room. Your clock might be running 10 seconds too fast.

Getting the idea ?

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