Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Some of Tucker's own words are also very appropriate for the MAGA rigged election scam:

"In fact, there were many examples of behavior we saw in those tapes that didn’t seem to make sense ..."

You can't build or prove a case on "didn't seem to make sense". And that's all they've had.

That's why judges -- including those appointed by Trump -- keep tossing their bullshit out of court.
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Provably, you aren't. You choose to post deflecting, off topic, drivel instead of addressing the subject. Because the subject shows the corruption of this country's politicians and bureaucrats, and that hurts your head.

Hurts my head? Maybe my heart, but not my head. I have posted my disgust at the corruption of our leaders numerous times. And if these videos can call that to light, I am all for it.

Try again.
If memory serves me, Mudwhistle posted video two years ago, on the rally goers entering the capitol and walking between ropes peacefully inside the capitol.... So what is new? :dunno:
Hurts my head? Maybe my heart, but not my head. I have posted my disgust at the corruption of our leaders numerous times. And if these videos can call that to light, I am all for it.

Try again.

Yet here you deflect to save them.

You are worthless.
How many threads we need on this? How does video of people not committing crimes undo video of them committing crimes and pleading guilty.

Do you think there isn’t video of Jeffery Dahmer not eating people?


Hardly. But I see that you are bothered by my posts. Should I now claim victory, like so many do for politicians who get a rise out of the opposing party?

I am bothered by anyone who supports tyrannical governments. As you apparently do.
It undoes the ENTIRETY of the bullshit narrative from the J6 fucktards.

Which was the purpose.

Mission accomplished.
Again… how does video of times that no crimes are occurring undo crimes occurring on video? We watched it live. You miss it?
Doesn't mean you can enter it anytime you wish.

Right back at ya, asshole.

Teabaggers think they can enter the FBI building at Quantico too?
And your fucktard leftists can take over half of Seattle any time they want?

Fuck you, you hypocritical piece of leftard bullshit. Go crawl back under the turd you came from.
Trump telling Republicans that if you commit a crime, you're not guilty of it, someone else is....

Isn't that a 180 degree turn for the Republicans?
That’s not what’s being said. The charge against these people is/was insurrection. That’s a very serious charge. But if these videos point to a different explanation or that this was not, in fact, planned or organized (I don’t believe it was) then Democrats will have a lot of explaining to do.
I saw Michael Jordan at a golf tournament NOT playing basketball. That must mean he didn’t play basketball?

Logic here is stupid. Video of people not committing crimes doesn’t undo the video of them committing crimes. How stupid does Tucker think you are?
The fucking Capitol Police ESCORTED Buffalo Bill throughout the building!!!!!
WTF are you BLIND??????
Except for, when they DIDN'T you fucking moron.


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