Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

No your “logic” is left totally in ruins. See I don’t dispute these brief moments where people might be casually walking or not much is happening. That doesn’t mean jack shit if there is plenty of footage of your Neanderthal unhinged morons vandalizing, assaulting cops, actively looking for congress people while chanting to hang Pence, and discussing creating their own government.

You know what the most pathetic part is overall? It was all for NOTHING. Biden was voted in. Dozens of those complete idiots filming their crimes have been arrested. Many are in prison now. Some have been convicted of sedition. That’s your legacy. You’re all fucking losers lol
STFU, you fucking sub-cretinous, puerile little child.
Lol it just doesn’t work like that. That logic does not work. Like why should it be surprising there is going to be moments of low activity and low violence? I bet if you reviewed the footage of any political insurrection the world over, you’re going to see moments where not much is going on. Like why wouldn’t there be those moments? Again, it doesn’t erase the moments you’re talking about either way.
There is low activity that you mention from insurrections and then there are police escorting protestors and opening gates on January 6. When the US Capitol is under attack and a so-called insurrection is taking place, low activity means lockdown and not guided tours for protesters.

This all does not add up to an insurrection. Can you show US political insurrections where low activity included those tasked with protecting the building (police) were guiding and escorting those protesters intent on insurrection?
There is low activity that you mention from insurrections and then there are police escorting protestors and opening gates on January 6. When the US Capitol is under attack and a so-called insurrection is taking place, low activity means lockdown and not guided tours for protesters.

This all does not add up to an insurrection. Can you show US political insurrections where low activity included those tasked with protecting the building (police) were guiding and escorting those protesters intent on insurrection?
But....but....but.....but....MUH LOGIC! :lmao:
There is low activity that you mention from insurrections and then there are police escorting protestors and opening gates on January 6. When the US Capitol is under attack and a so-called insurrection is taking place, low activity means lockdown and not guided tours for protesters.

This all does not add up to an insurrection. Can you show US political insurrections where low activity included those tasked with protecting the building (police) were guiding and escorting those protesters intent on insurrection?
lol it doesn’t matter if you see cops escorting people in if cops on that same force are seen being assaulted. You see them talk about creating their own government in the video. You see them chanting to hang Pence. You see them trying to find congresspeople and gleefully trying to intimidate them thinking they are near. Why are you such a pussy about this? How can you just pretend all this video documented evidence doesn’t exist?
How could you a call what appeared to be a beast a “ hero? “ Did you see the interview of that person who shot Ashli. And the way he talk

ed about murdering a young woman who served this country ….it was monstrous.

How can you stand by the BLM rioters who murdered 25 people causing billions of dollars of damage in the summer of 2020. My friend please I am urging you to do the right thing here. Watch the Tucker Carlson videos it is illuminating. You are wrong about this one it’s not your fault you’ve been misled by horrible people like Bennie Thompson a monstrous person. We can only hope that we get better leaders in this country democratically elected the people will speak in 2024

Yes, Byrd is a hero. Had he not shot her, that mob would have broken through those doors and been feet away from the House chamber where some lawmakers were still holed up. Police would have had to open fire on them to keep them out. Instead, Byrd took out the first one to break through and that kept the rest of that violent mob at bay. Byrd is a hero who saved lives.

And I never stood by the violence of BLM. I condemned it repeatedly.
9 police officers just stand around and let the man walk past them from room to room with police tour guides. Please. And he is in jail.

Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney should be in jail.
9 police officers just stand around and let the man walk past them from room to room with police tour guides. Please. And he is in jail.

Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney should be in jail.

Did he not obstuct Congress' proceeding that day?
Guess you didn't see the same crowd milling around peacefully until, on the Capitol steps, when, for no known reason, someone in the Capitol Police decided to unload tear gas, then 'the merde hit the ventilateur'.

Not to worry, Tucker is having a Capitol Police officer on tonight, he said 'you'll want to hear what he has to say'.

8 PM there or be square.
Right the same cops that supposedly ushered all these MAGARATS in also spurred them to attack

NONE of what you or Tuckems says makes any sense
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lol it doesn’t matter if you see cops escorting people in if cops on that same force are seen being assaulted. You see them talk about creating their own government in the video. You see them chanting to hang Pence. You see them trying to find congresspeople and gleefully trying to intimidate them thinking they are near. Why are you such a pussy about this? How can you just pretend all this video documented evidence doesn’t exist?
I asked a simple logical question. If the Capitol and Democracy are under attack, any and all law enforcement is going to be focused on lockdown and threat reduction….there is no time for escorts and tours.

Where and when have I pretended or denied the video you sited with calls for Pence and a new government does not exist? I fully acknowledge that which is why I find that video also exists of escorting and guiding what you people say are threats. Further, just me raising questions given the conflicting sets of videos, you call me a “pussy”? That makes no sense although it does indicate you want to ignore the dichotomy in videos and questions surrounding the event.
Watch his show tonight and tomorrow night. 30 minutes to go to show time.

if he only releases certain data but not ALL the data it wont be “fully revealed”
There's nothing that can disprove this

God damn Trump supporters are animals. Fucking animals.

Like a bunch of 3rd world looking dumbfucks.

What a disgrace they are to our country.

Pure unmitigated traitorous disgraces.
Says the guy who believes that Seymour Hersh proved the Nordstream conspiracy with a single anonymous source and no corroboration.

Despite the fact that you claim it was “documented” and never was.
That’s right. You know Hersh is right as do l. The mere fact that the entire western msm and political leadership have ignored his report, is all the proof we need.

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So Pelosi actually is the devil's spawn.

Not sure how these people lives with their selves.
No soul, I guess
I asked a simple logical question. If the Capitol and Democracy are under attack, any and all law enforcement is going to be focused on lockdown and threat reduction….there is no time for escorts and tours.

Where and when have I pretended or denied the video you sited with calls for Pence and a new government does not exist? I fully acknowledge that which is why I find that video also exists of escorting and guiding what you people say are threats. Further, just me raising questions given the conflicting sets of videos, you call me a “pussy”? That makes no sense although it does indicate you want to ignore the dichotomy in videos and questions surrounding the event.
Why wouldn’t the explanation just be those officers were complicit? I’ll tell you why the dichotomy doesn’t work. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt that some of those people were harmless. Some of them certainly acted that way. The reason why the narrative of the event overall being an insurrection is because that’s what went down with so many others. That’s why hundreds of them entered the building. My perspective isn’t ALL of them were unhinged violent idiots. I’m just telling you that HUNDREDS of them were.

You’re saying some of them were peaceful and therefore there wasn’t a violent insurrection that day. I’m saying that’s bullshit. There was one given the evidence. You can’t say that because some of them didn’t act violently that there was not an actual attempt at an insurrection.
There is more than 2 years till that could happen. Plenty of time for the people in jail to have their lawyers bring this new evidence to court.

Let's be real here.

There's some shenanigans going on over J6. People lied and people got hurt over those lies. Screw the partisan BS.

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