Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

That’s right. You know Hersh is right as do l. The mere fact that the entire western msm and political leadership has ignored his report, is all the proof we need.

Oh how nice. Someone telling me what I believe.

Maybe you know something about journalistic standards. What do they have to say about using a single source for your entire story?

Last I heard that was a no-no. Did that change?
Let's be real here.

There's some shenanigans going on over J6. People lied and people got hurt over those lies. Screw the partisan BS.
Indeed. If people didn’t believe the stolen election lies they probably wouldn’t have rioted at the Capitol and hurting all sorts of people, from the officers they beat to having to face the consequences of their actions.
They should be released immediately after tonight's reveal.

However that is'not how democrats play.They NEVER back down or
Apologize.They are infernally incapable of common courtesy.
Double,triple quadruple Down to Never Neverland if need be.
But make no mistake they are really in a pickle NOW.
Usually they merely create a bigger narrative to help the
failed narrative ... Go Away.
So keep your eyes peeled for some kind of monstrosity
of a New Narrative to emerge.
By these truly Insufferable pack of Lying cheats known as
Indeed. If people didn’t believe the stolen election lies they probably wouldn’t have rioted at the Capitol and hurting all sorts of people, from the officers they beat to having to face the consequences of their actions.

More partisan along
The question is; Was the plea entered under duress of the prosecutors telling him he would go to prison for a longer term? IF he was, this was done under false pretense and his plea can be withdrawn or the prosecutors could be charged, and the plea vacated.
Actually, if the prosecution said he could get more time if convicted at trial (since there wouldn’t be an agreed-upon number subject to court approval), it would be up to his own lawyers to provide accurate legal counsel.

Still, I don’t think such commentary would have been dishonest by the prosecution, anyway. He was facing more time if convicted after a trial.

The point, I believe, is that a reasonable analysis of the likely outcome of a trial in DC would have been “guilty.” And that being the case, an agreement to take a plea so as to secure a lesser sentence is a rational choice: but it doesn’t mean that he was actually guilty. (He is now guilty in the eyes of the law, however.)
Why wouldn’t the explanation just be those officers were complicit? I’ll tell you why the dichotomy doesn’t work. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt that some of those people were harmless. Some of them certainly acted that way. The reason why the narrative of the event overall being an insurrection is because that’s what went down with so many others. That’s why hundreds of them entered the building. My perspective isn’t ALL of them were unhinged violent idiots. I’m just telling you that HUNDREDS of them were.

You’re saying some of them were peaceful and therefore there wasn’t a violent insurrection that day. I’m saying that’s bullshit. There was one given the evidence. You can’t say that because some of them didn’t act violently that there was not an actual attempt at an insurrection.
Prior to yesterday’s video release, I have always maintained that this was not an Insurrection. I have yet to see a legal body deem this an insurrection. Yes, there was violence and threats and those that called for an insurrection but the release of yesterday’s video show’s law enforcement did not consider it an insurrection.
More partisan along
Not at all. These lies have been documented at length. Just see the Dominion lawsuit.

Carlson himself was freaking out because they were losing viewers (which means money) because they hadn’t been telling their viewers the lies they knew were false.

This is absolutely part of the story whether you like it or not.
Not at all. These lies have been documented at length. Just see the Dominion lawsuit.

Carlson himself was freaking out because they were losing viewers (which means money) because they hadn’t been telling their viewers the lies they knew were false.

This is absolutely part of the story whether you like it or not.

Missed run along, huh?
Not at all. You guys are deathly afraid to be questioned so you just ignore it.

Look ignorance.
We have to be able to debate, we have to be open to responding.
There is no bubble surrounding us - The Democrat Media is pervasive.
We know everything that you know plus everything that your bubble protects you from.

We are the most informed people on the planet.
Release the video to the real media. You know ones that doesn't lie to keep it's audience happy.
Prior to yesterday’s video release, I have always maintained that this was not an Insurrection. I have yet to see a legal body deem this an insurrection. Yes, there was violence and threats and those that called for an insurrection but the release of yesterday’s video show’s law enforcement did not consider it an insurrection.
I’m sorry a legal body? You mean the one that convicted dozens of extremists from RW terrorist groups of sedition. I’m guessing you’re now going to say that they weren’t charged with insurrection so it’s a moot point but you and I both know that is ridiculous. Either that, or you don’t know what sedition means.
Look ignorance.
We have to be able to debate, we have to be open to responding.
There is no bubble surrounding us - The Democrat Media is pervasive.
We know everything that you know plus everything that your bubble protects you from.

We are the most informed people on the planet.
There's no such thing as the Democratic media, There are real journalists and then there are the propagandists and lying scum over at Fox and on the Internet sewing conspiracy theories. Try reality for God's sake ignoramus... only you fools in the GOP base who can't change the channel from Fox and Internet nut jobs believe your crap.... try the BBC France 24 DW the German station or Google news that gives all sides of the issues including FOX. Too bad you don't even know that Murdoch has admitted that they lied about election fraud because they wanted to hold on to the brain washed... Poor America. we are also the only developed country getting stupider under GOP rule the last 40 years....
Let's be real here.

There's some shenanigans going on over J6. People lied and people got hurt over those lies. Screw the partisan BS.

I agree. The only way to make it right would be for it to go back to court. If the videos that Tucker showed tell the whole story then it is a slam dunk. If Tucker just showed one side like the Jan 6th committee did then it will not be.
Oh how nice. Someone telling me what I believe.

Maybe you know something about journalistic standards. What do they have to say about using a single source for your entire story?

Last I heard that was a no-no. Did that change?
I was trying to help you. I really hate ignorance.

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