Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

There is no video evidence the QAnon Shaman was allowed into the Capitol by the police.

It is a lie to say so.

The video proves he got in after his fellow rioters kicked the door open for him and the rest of the mob.

So why do you bleev whatever Carlson tells you to bleev?

It's downright paranormal!

You need to probe furthur.
There is no video evidence the QAnon Shaman was allowed into the Capitol by the police.

It is a lie to say so.

The video proves he got in after his fellow rioters kicked the door open for him and the rest of the mob.

So why do you bleev whatever Carlson tells you to bleev?

It's downright paranormal!
I never heard what tucker said,, I did how ever watch the video of cops giving the horned guy a tour of the building and at no time did it seem they wanted him to leave,,
You posted the same old bullshit that you emotionally incontinent freaks have been posting for two years...A few outliers, most of whom were deliberately riled up with tear gas and flash-bangs.....Nobody with two brain cells to rub together gives a fuck.

Meanwhile, all the video from inside the Capitol shows people peacefully meandering around and the "Q Shaman" being directed by no fewer than ten cops from locked door to locked door, helping him gain access to the Senate chamber.

You hysterical freaks have lost the narrative.....You may now fuck off.
Didga think good ole Tuck was going to show you fucking retards Trump's barbarians rampaging thru the Capital on the hunt for Pence & others, you moron?

You fucking halfwits are too stooooooopid to even know that you're being played by a bunch of multi millionare Fox News hacks like Carlson & their billionaire keeper Murdoch.
As Defendant notes, Mr. Carlson himself aims to “challenge[] political correctness and media bias.” This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. 600 W. 115th Corp. v. Von Gutfeld, 80 N.Y.2d 130, 141, 603 N.E.2d 930, 936 (1992). Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson’s statements as “exaggeration,” “non-literal commentary,” or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable.

McDougal v. Fox News Network, LLC, No. 1:2019cv11161 - Document 39 (S.D.N.Y. 2020)

McDougal v. Fox News Network, LLC, No. 1:2019cv11161 - Document 39 (S.D.N.Y. 2020) case opinion from the Southern District of New York US Federal District Court

Tucker Carlson is not stating actual facts. Any reasonable viewer should arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism.

That's the flaw in these rulings:

FOX viewers are not "reasonable" by any stretch of the imagination.

FOX and similar commentators cause extreme harm by appealing to "unreasonable" and "intelligent" people. The courts should recognize this and drop "reasonable" as a standard.
The fear the OP has of the truth coming out is obvious. Not surprising considering “he” bought every lie about Trump and then came back for more shit sandwiches. Keep crying retard. Keep crying.
Nice try at moving the goalposts. He was not allowed in by the Capitol police.

And now all you can do in the face of reality is spin and whirl like a dervish rather than admit you have been hoaxed yet again.

I never claimed he was,,

why are you only selecting this one time period of the events??

whats your opinion of the cops escorting him around the building??
It's not a "new" video. It's an old original video that was heavily edited and/or hidden from the Jan 6 "committee" that was biased anyway. Why didn't the mainstream media go after the truth? The guy with the painted face and animal skins was escorted around by Capital Cops. Ray Epps was a paid FBI informant who was easily identified but not arrested.
- Tucker - explained that the Pelosi Insurrection committee
had access to the same footage he showed his audience on monday
night.Tucker dint use the word suppression but that is what the
One-sided Pelosi Stasi hearing had done.They purposedly refused
to show footage of the Insurrection because it complicated
their Narrative.Like Duh.Just like holding around 1,ooo Insurrectionist
w/o due process and trial dates routinely pushed forward.
No visitation and kept in solitary confinement.
I wonder what - Tucker - will show tonight.
Maybe the Ranch that Ray Epps was hiding out on.
I never heard what tucker said,, I did how ever watch the video of cops giving the horned guy a tour of the building and at no time did it seem they wanted him to leave,,
A tour! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

"Escorted". :lol:

The police behaved exactly how you should behave with a wild animal. You speak calmly to it, you make no sudden moves, and you keep a watchful eye on it until help arrives.

Unfortunately, the leader of the free world chose to jerk off for over three hours instead, rather than send help.

All the blood spilled that day is on his hands.
I'm seeing that some Republicans are condemning Tucker for this scam.

How exactly is playing a video given to you by the DOJ / Capitol police and playing it as coordinate a 'scam', snowflake?
- Yes, Calson reportedly worked with the Capitol police before showing the video, so your bullshit narrative of the video being altered has already been debunked.

You and the other panicked sheep on this board were throwing out false narratives and reasons to avoid watching it before it even aired.

I guess exposing even further what a complete sham the J6 Committee was has really shaken you snowflakes up.

Even before it aired Trump had been exonerated as Garland and the 'Get Trump' Committee completely failed to provide any evidence of Trump's involvement in the incited violent protest, leading to Garland begging the court to allow Trump to be sued anyway.

From start to finish the Dem Kanuki theater was a joke, as Democrats again were forced to alter transcripts / what was actually said and try to manufacture fake evidence.

While engaging in your usual highly opinionated, biased rant you intentionally ignored / ignore what was / has been proven and the the govt's lies and crimes - avoiding them at all costs.

How exactly did Tucker bring a 'dead' officer back to life, cure him of being 'bashed in the head by a fire extinguisher', leaving him with no marks and walking around just fine?
-- That's one helluva scam, huh, snowflake?

Why didn't the J6 Committee release all of the video footage when they had the chance?
-- Carlson showed America why.

What is preventing the DOJ / Capitol Police from relessing all of it now to prove Carlson 'altered the video'?

Where is ANYONE from the J6 Committee - why aren't they rushing to microphones to claim Carlson doctored the video or to justify / explain their kabuki theater?

For once stop attempting to blame the GOP for DEMOCRAT FAILURE / INACTION and talk about it, not AVOID it.

A tour! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

"Escorted". :lol:

The police behaved exactly how you should behave with a wild animal. You speak calmly to it, you make no sudden moves, and you keep a watchful eye on it until help arrives.

Unfortunately, the leader of the free world chose to jerk off for over three hours instead, rather than send help.

All the blood spilled that day is on his hands.
so ten cops are to big of pussies to ask or make a single man leave a building??

I have to ask,,

did the cops tell you this or are you just making it up??
Folks, this isn't just about Carlson's lies about January 6. It is about his regular pattern of lies over a long period of time.

Willful lies. He lied to you knowing he was telling a Big Lie.

He was sued over his lies in another case and had to admit he lies to his viewers. He had to admit he just likes to stir up shit, the truth be damned.

Why would you listen to a self-admitted willful liar?!!?

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