Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Yes, and I copied and pasted those words from your fellow tribe member. Are you really this fucking stupid?

Are you really this pathetic, still pointing fingers instead of manning up?!

YOU are the one who said YOU would be glad to wait for gang-rape evidence.

Save it, snowflake - you are just talking to yourself. I have no time for obfuscation and snowflakes attempting to save face after the fact by blaming others.
Seeing IS believing.
Only tyrannical Gov't's attempt to kill messengers......and YOU.

Tune in tonite, reprobate!
There is nothing Carlson can provide which proves the hoax that the QAnon Shaman was allowed into the Capitol by the police.

I can tell you have not watched the video link I provided.
I picture all of you clamping you hands over your ears, shouting, "LA-LA-LA-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU!"

And you wonder why people call you a cult.

How does one bleev?

Say, I wanted to learn how to bleev, are there any resources you could provide me?

I am anxious to start bleeving and I could use some guidance.
They literally kicked the door open.

After crawling through a window they smashed open.


Who gives a happy fuck?

It's easy for you losers to go all fakey patriotic while you're jacking off with glee for all the mayhem and murder of BurnLootMurder and Panyt-Fa wrought.

So just shut the fuck up. You're a bunch of useless, hypocritical liars.

But thanks for the thought provoking post.

Sociologists and anthropologists will be studying this for decades.

I think that at the core of it is that this is about FAR more than politics for them. They HAVE to believe this stuff now. This is about THEM.
Well, their alternate reality would come completely unraveled if they had to face the truth. They are way too deeply invested in their crowd madness now.
Watch Tucker and the videos if you have the guts. Not likely considering you have been lied to for 7+ years about Trump and still refuse to admit how gullible you are. Just sad really. Already shown that the “Shaman” was led around by police and let in.
They testified that they were trying to talk him into leaving. They were not giving him a tour.

They testified, unlike the cowards who are pleading the Fifth about that day.

Again: What is "The Truth"?
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay
Sociologists and anthropologists will be studying this for decades.

I think that at the core of it is that this is about FAR more than politics for them. They HAVE to believe this stuff now. This is about THEM.

A very, very self absorbed tribal observation on your part!! :nono:
Tucker Carlson admitted in open court last year that he lies to his viewers and they should not believe what he tells them. Basically, he admitted to being a shit stirrer. I will post that in my next post.

While he was peddling the Big Lie on Donald Trump's behalf, behind the scenes Carlson was not buying it. He called Trump a "demonic force". However, he feared the monsters he had helped create would defect to Newsmax and so he kept lying to their faces on the air. His contempt for the rubes is profound.

Even worse, when a Fox News reporter dared to fact check Trump, Carlson called for her to be fired immediately as truth and facts and reality would negatively affect their stock price!

And now, after succumbing to Trump's lickspittles in Congress in order to earn their vote for Speaker, Kevin McCarthy has given exclusive access to 40,000 hours of January 6 video to the chief Trump propagandist, Tucker Carlson.

And once again, Tucker Carlson has lied to his viewers. They are all parroting a lie that the QAnon Shaman was allowed into the Capitol by the Capitol police, based on Carlson propaganda.

For a propagandist to be successful, he needs to rely on the rubes to be unable to think critically or view anything that contradicts the narrative. The rubes are trained to mistrust anything which does not align with the propagandist's lies.

So here is a video which clearly shows the QAnon Shaman was NOT allowed into the building by the police:

Watch that video. As the insurrectionists begin smashing the windows and break in, a single police officer attempts to pepper spray one of the terrorists. He then retreats.

Eventually, two of the invaders kick open the center doors to allow more of the terrorists inside. As the mob surges through the door, you can see the QAnon Shaman carrying a flag as he enters with his fellow rioters.

You would think at some point a rube would have to admit to themselves they were fooled. I realize it is a bitter and difficult pill to swallow, but if one is to maintain one's integrity, you have to reach that point.

Sometimes, your integrity is all you have. And if you casually throw it away to just to win an argument online with complete strangers, then you are near the precipice of insanity.

So why does anyone bleev anything Tucker Carlson says? It's a true mystery to me.
He very clearly and HONESTLY states his show is primarily an OPINION show. As opposed to all of the Democrat controlled "news" outlets that hide the fact they are OPINION shows. Plus Tucker's shows are informative, entertaining and he often has very interesting guests for in depth interviews. But by all means, stick to Morning Joe, CNN and MSNBC to get feed your fantasies.
Watch Tucker and the videos if you have the guts. Not likely considering you have been lied to for 7+ years about Trump and still refuse to admit how gullible you are. Just sad really. Already shown that the “Shaman” was led around by police and let in.

They don't have the guts.

Or the desire.

Their Holy Glowing Rectangles have assured them that they don't need to worry their little heads with thinking critically and making their own decisions.

After all, they're the "EXPERTS", the Sacred Talking Media Heads.

They testified that they were trying to talk him into leaving. They were not giving him a tour.

They testified, unlike the cowards who are pleading the Fifth about that day.

Again: What is "The Truth"?
You just refuse to watch the video and now parrot lies from your precious “committee”. Your cowardice is noted. You’re a good gullible sheep for your Dem masters.
They testified that they were trying to talk him into leaving. They were not giving him a tour.

They testified, unlike the cowards who are pleading the Fifth about that day.

Again: What is "The Truth"?

Don't worry your little head about it. Just go turn the TV back on. That's all you need to know about life -- that the TV is on and you're safe.

He very clearly and HONESTLY states his show is primarily an OPINION show. As opposed to all of the Democrat controlled "news" outlets that hide the fact they are OPINION shows. Plus Tucker's shows are informative, entertaining and he often has very interesting guests for in depth interviews. But by all means, stick to Morning Joe, CNN and MSNBC to get feed your fantasies.
I don't watch any of the 24 hour propaganda outlets. Sorry!

The only time I see video from one of them is when someone posts a link on this forum.

I find it very funny you consider a nonstop stream of lies to be "informative". :lol:
YOU are the one who said YOU would be glad to wait for gang-rape evidence.

Yes, because you said every fantasy you people post on here come true. Since you made that claim I want you to back it up

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