BREAKING: Democrats Release Sarah Palin's Social Security Number

Good lord, has it really come to this? People on the right say keep her on the ticket because the left will hang themselves, people on the left say keep her on the ticket because she will sink McCain?

Can't we at least all agree that America is better off if both tickets have the best candidates possible?

We can't risk having a dirty neophyte in the White House just because we are all addicted to playing politics!

Funny... nobody said keep her on the ticket because the left will hang themselves...

It was said that the left and the exposure of the way left-wing attack trolls come up with this senseless crap will probably cause the Dem ticket to lose some amount of support because of these tactics... because rational people will reject this blather

I had her as my #1 choice as VP candidate during the discussions in here... though I did not think she had a shot at it over Romney or Lieberman... I say keep her on there because she is a great fit with her stances and he experience in executive rolls. Also because of it being the 'new generation' of conservative. And also because she gains experience in the #2 roll that will make her a prominent conservative for years to come... not because one's like you stumble all over yourselves with your hatred, making you all look like fools, and exposing the far left and attack machines for what they truly are....
Social security numbers, teenage pregnancies, beauty queen pageants ... who cares?

We are nominating the Devil for VP, and people are concerned that her black shoes don't match her black demon eyes ...

ummm, how exactly did you come to the conclusion that Palin is the devil?
ummm, how exactly did you come to the conclusion that Palin is the devil?

Because she did not have to fire Wooten. Abusing her office's power has a reason. Going after her brother in law had a reason.

Firing Wooten was a random act of hatred and evil. The man's reputation and livelihood were destroyed because he chose to stand for his principles.

This is not an act of calculating political one-up-manship. It is an act of revenge. Cruel, cold, heartless, meaningless, and unwarranted revenge.
Because she did not have to fire Wooten. Abusing her office's power has a reason. Going after her brother in law had a reason.

Firing Wooten was a random act of hatred and evil. The man's reputation and livelihood were destroyed because he chose to stand for his principles.

This is not an act of calculating political one-up-manship. It is an act of revenge. Cruel, cold, heartless, meaningless, and unwarranted revenge.

Wooten, is that you?
Wooten, is that you?

No, I live in NY, not Alaska. I know underhanded "mob" tactics when I see them. Brutalizing the innocent is gangster fare, and does not belong in Washington.

If politics is war, then Wooten is a civilian and that is why I find this intentional targeting of him disturbing. Palin crossed a line, and I feel people have not noticed that.

I do not think that any previous politician has ever crossed this line.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

releasing the SS# MINUS the last digist is = to squat shit!

nice try though.

Really?? Actually it is quite illegal;

Friday, June 13, 2008

Alaska Governor Signs New Law to Restrict the Collection & Sale
of Social Security Numbers to Protect Consumers From Identity Theft

New Law Provides Toughest Social Security Number Protections in the U.S.

San Francisco, CA – Governor Sarah Palin signed legislation today that will help protect Alaskans against identity theft, including tough new restrictions on the collection, disclosure and sale of Social Security numbers. Social Security numbers are particularly sensitive information because they are the key information that crooks can use them to commit identity theft.

“The widespread collection and use of Social Security numbers by businesses and government agencies has put Americans at higher risk for identity theft,” said Gail Hillebrand, Director of Consumers Union’s Financial Privacy Now campaign. “Alaska’s new law provides the toughest Social Security number protections in the country. By reducing the collection and sale of Social Security numbers, this new law will help prevent this sensitive information from falling into the hands of crooks.”

Alaska’s HB 65 restricts the request, collection, sale, and sharing of Social Security numbers by both private parties and government agencies. The new law contains limited exceptions for specific purposes such as for insurance, medical services, fraud prevention, law enforcement, or when the use of Social Security numbers is required by law. By limiting the circulation of Social Security numbers in multiple areas, Alaska’s new law aims to reduce the risk that the information will be used to commit identity theft.

Alaska governor signs strong new ID theft law

(3) Definitions. For purposes of this Act, the following terms have the following meanings:

(a) “Social Security number” means any portion of three or more consecutive digits of a Social Security number.

(b) “Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, limited liability company, organization or other entity, but does not include the state or any political subdivision of the state, or any agency thereof.

Protect your Social Security Number

Whom ever released the number is in violation of the law. I really do not see how anybody can approve of that.
Yes, so the Democrats need to drop Obama.

Works for me!

But between an gifted but inexperienced political outsider and an equally inexperienced woman who is corrupt and rotten to the core, I'll take Obama.

Anyway, McCain will drop Palin like the putrid flower that she is, and then you will all be apologizing to me :)
Her social security number? WHAT?

Has the whole nation gone mad?

The top story in at is some nonsense about Palin's teen daughter being pregnant ... who cares?


Such a thing has never happened in American history. Pregnancies? Dirty political tricks? Who cares? We are at the verge of electing a monster to the nations top ticket!!!

Sarah Palin has to be dropped from the republican ticket, she must be dropped, it must happen, this travesty cannot continue, John McCain is a man of integrity and he MUST get rid of this serpent!

Give it a rest man... nobody is listening your hyperbole.
Every idiot attack they make just makes me like her more. The more they villify a woman, with a pregnant child....a group they have always claimed to "champion", I like her more.

Keep it up, you brain dead morons. You're exposing yourselves for the sexist, child-hating frauds you are.

:lol: so she gets special protection because she has a child that is pregnant? really? how does that work exactly, PLEASE explain it to me.

did she not put herself AND her pregnant child in this situation? could she have not declined when McCain's people showed interest? are her ambitions so much more important to her than the sanity and welfare of her daughter?

and PLEASE stop PRETENDING that Rush and all the other right wing nut jobs wouldn't be ALL OVER THIS girl if Palin were a Democrat in this same position.

they'd eviserate this girl. She's be labeled a whore who probably fucked every guy in her small town, unsure of who the baby's father is even and OMG she'll probably go on welfare and then the government will be supporting this baby. AND they'd go after Palin for what a shitty mother she is. Claim that the girl only got pregnant because her mother was too busy playing Gov and letting this girl run the streets wild.

IMAGINE for one minute, if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant at 17?!! and then remind me again how terrible the liberals are being. This is nothing compared to what your side would be saying.
:lol: so she gets special protection because she has a child that is pregnant? really? how does that work exactly, PLEASE explain it to me.

did she not put herself AND her pregnant child in this situation? could she have not declined when McCain's people showed interest? are her ambitions so much more important to her than the sanity and welfare of her daughter?

and PLEASE stop PRETENDING that Rush and all the other right wing nut jobs wouldn't be ALL OVER THIS girl if Palin were a Democrat in this same position.

they'd eviserate this girl. She's be labeled a whore who probably fucked every guy in her small town, unsure of who the baby's father is even and OMG she'll probably go on welfare and then the government will be supporting this baby. AND they'd go after Palin for what a shitty mother she is. Claim that the girl only got pregnant because her mother was too busy playing Gov and letting this girl run the streets wild.

IMAGINE for one minute, if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant at 17?!! and then remind me again how terrible the liberals are being. This is nothing compared to what your side would be saying.

Hatred and vicious underhanded political low blows have indeed become equal opportunity parasites in American politics.

On social issues, conservatives are generally much more vicious. Indeed, if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant at 17, the treatment she would have received would have been much worse than what we are seeing today.

Unfortunately, two wrongs do not a right make. Leave the daughter's pregnancy issue off the table. It is mostly irrelevant, and a distraction to the much greater sins of the mother.
:lol: so she gets special protection because she has a child that is pregnant? really? how does that work exactly, PLEASE explain it to me.

Sort of the same way Obama gets special protection for being black. I promise you if John McCain attended a church that villified blacks, he never would have won the nomination.
:lol: so she gets special protection because she has a child that is pregnant? really? how does that work exactly, PLEASE explain it to me.

did she not put herself AND her pregnant child in this situation? could she have not declined when McCain's people showed interest? are her ambitions so much more important to her than the sanity and welfare of her daughter?

and PLEASE stop PRETENDING that Rush and all the other right wing nut jobs wouldn't be ALL OVER THIS girl if Palin were a Democrat in this same position.

they'd eviserate this girl. She's be labeled a whore who probably fucked every guy in her small town, unsure of who the baby's father is even and OMG she'll probably go on welfare and then the government will be supporting this baby. AND they'd go after Palin for what a shitty mother she is. Claim that the girl only got pregnant because her mother was too busy playing Gov and letting this girl run the streets wild.

IMAGINE for one minute, if Chelsea Clinton had gotten pregnant at 17?!! and then remind me again how terrible the liberals are being. This is nothing compared to what your side would be saying., they wouldn't. In the same way they haven't really said much about Obama's loser relatives. They haven't dug up his worthless POS father, they haven't messed with his mother (who probably wasn't married to his father).

Believe me, Obama has much, much more to hide than Palin..and the rights haven't touched any of it.

That's the job of the left. You guys are the ones who get off on tromping all over the very people you say you want to protect and take care of.

You're liars and hypocrites.
Whoops, and it has been pointed out to me that in addition nobody ever messes with the fact that his dad's a polygamist...

What was it all the lefties were saying about FDLS polygamists a while back?????

Well anyway, the right has left that completely alone.

So try another lie....
All this talk about the left and right has made me play Johnny Cash's "The one on the right is on the left." :lol:

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