Breaking! DOJ mistakenly (Yea Right!) exposes list of Trump files from Mar-a-Lago being vetted for privilege including medical records

Meaning he [Obama] had been storing classified documents until August 2018 in an unsafe warehouse. The ones the archive knew about. August 2018 was over 1 1/2 years after he left the White House. Capiche?

Trump had [maybe] classified documents at MAL which is guarded 24/7 by the Secret Service.

Trump was in the process of negotiations and had already turned some documents over.

There is no criminal provision in the PRA.
Lots of crap goes on, until somebody sees something and says, "Hey, this isn't supposed to be here. If this is here for some reason or even by accident, what else is in this file area that should not be. I wonder what the Obama foundation paid the National Archivists to come in, evaluate, clean up, retrieve and properly secure what was found. I bet it wasn't cheap.
The search warrant was bogus by an anti-Trump judge who had made disparaging remarks about Trump on social media. He should have recused himself.
The FBI was suspicious Trump had classified documents and got a search warrant to look for them.

Turns out Trump had classified documents.

It’s an entirely appropriate search warrant. They found exactly what they were looking for.
Yeah....this is a totally new rule that they made up just for Trump....(and a boldfaced lie).
Bullshit. How much did you take with you? I didn't take anything but personal copies of hand receipted inventory, signed, showing where, when by who things were found/accounted for, keeping my copy 6 years (past the limits of liability) to protect me, as million$ of dollars I do not have, were on the line, and it is good to have a signed document, showing when items (many sensitive end items including weapons, communication devices, demolition equipment) were seen, identified, counted, located and who witnessed, if something comes up. It was known, what I was hired for, clearances restored, access granted, etc, and it was that attention to detail, background and not being connected directly to the system or units involved, they were looking for. Not being of the system, I had no intention of being on the wrong end of somebody else's liability issues, without proof of what was signed for and turned over to the responsibility units returning from overseas duty as to what was there, and what was not there, before they returned.
You're just making up new rules that apply only to Trump.
Meanwhile every other president got a pass on exactly the same thing.
I am not making up anything. I am just one on the outside, looking in, but still know many of the rules from the inside.
oh you "doubt" it huh? well that's it then. White6 doubts it so thats the end of the debate.

he wins!!!
Well thanks, maybelooking. Glad I could put your mind at ease. You are easy. :auiqs.jpg:
I am not making up anything. I am just one on the outside, looking in, but still know many of the rules from the inside.
No....but you're buying the lies hook, line, and sinker, from our corrupt FBI.
They are nothing but a bunch of fascist Brownshirters getting away with abusing their authority and breaking the law.
Bullshit. How much did you take with you? I didn't take anything but personal copies of hand receipted inventory, signed, showing where, when by who things were found/accounted for, keeping my copy 6 years (past the limits of liability) to protect me, as million$ of dollars I do not have, were on the line, and it is good to have a signed document, showing when items (many sensitive end items including weapons, communication devices, demolition equipment) were seen, identified, counted, located and who witnessed, if something comes up. It was known, what I was hired for, clearances restored, access granted, etc, and it was that attention to detail, background and not being connected directly to the system or units involved, they were looking for. Not being of the system, I had no intention of being on the wrong end of somebody else's liability issues, without proof of what was signed for and turned over to the responsibility units returning from overseas duty as to what was there, and what was not there, before they returned.
When were you elected president of the United States?
When were you elected president of the United States?
Oh! They get a special privilege that the rest of us, no longer in our government positions, in regard to continuing responsibility for classified information we have viewed or worked with? I did not read of it. When was it passed? How about property of the US Government? Do they get a pass on that, also? They could make a fortune as some of the coolest crap passes their desk, and to hear you, they are above all the regulatory responsibilities for the knowledge and secrets dealt with once they leave office. Nah. I don't buy it. You will just have to show me, in the regs, or laws where they get that privilege. I have never heard of it.
I know because there has been zero evidence of Trump taking military secrets.

"Military secrets" is not the correct term.

The statutes cited in the pleading and subsequently in the search warrant itself cite "national defense information" and the United States Code specifies what the information means.

Milter Secrets =/= National Defense Information

Military secrets would be DOD documents. National Defense Information are those things that could harm the United States which could include non-military government operations and diplomatic information.

Lots of crap goes on, until somebody sees something and says, "Hey, this isn't supposed to be here. If this is here for some reason or even by accident, what else is in this file area that should not be. I wonder what the Obama foundation paid the National Archivists to come in, evaluate, clean up, retrieve and properly secure what was found. I bet it wasn't cheap.

Three million plus.

"Military secrets" is not the correct term.

The statutes cited in the pleading and subsequently in the search warrant itself cite "national defense information" and the United States Code specifies what the information means.

Milter Secrets =/= National Defense Information

Military secrets would be DOD documents. National Defense Information are those things that could harm the United States which could include non-military government operations and diplomatic information.

The whole discussion is irrelevant because nobody really knows what the documents they claim were stolen by the FBI from Mara-lago contained.

The point should be that the NARA had knowledge of everything that was stored there and had personally reviewed nobody was hiding anything from them.
Maybe he should have given back all the government documents when asked and not stored personal documents, legal correspondence, medical file, etc, in that basement office with government documents, classified, secret and top secret government documents, instead of holding back and having his lawyers lie to the government, about what was still there, claiming incorrectly that all had been returned. Sometime, deny, deny, deny, does not help you in the long run. Go figure.
Maybe the DOJ should follow the law and not use its enforcement authority to persecute the opposition to the Democrat party.
The whole discussion is irrelevant because nobody really knows what the documents they claim were stolen by the FBI from Mara-lago contained.

The point should be that the NARA had knowledge of everything that was stored there and had personally reviewed nobody was hiding anything from them.

And the PRA is the sole statutory construct that deals with such issues involving a former POTUS. There is no criminal part of the PRA in dealing with papers a former POTUS has. The DoJ is attempting to involve another statute when PRA is the sole statute involved.
Not the president, dumbass.

Yep, Øbama had classified documents stored unsafely, as opposed to MAL which has 24/7 Secret Service protection. They never raided the Øbama warehouse where the classified documents were stored. They negotiated a settlement.
Three million plus.

Congratulations, you found the "legaleese" in that statement. It doesn't mean there were classified materials among the Obama records, but in case there were any accidentally mixed in, that possiblity covered by the letter.

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