Breaking! Donald J. Trump Was On The Lolita Express

Or they never existed. Or Epstein deleted them. Or any number of not insane conspiracy theories.
That would have been insane for Epstein to do that.

I'm with you on rejecting the knee-jerk impulse to jump to conspiracy theories. But the entire mess with Epstein IS a conspiracy. And it stinks to high heaven.
That would have been insane for Epstein to do that.

I'm with you on rejecting the knee-jerk impulse to jump to conspiracy theories. But the entire mess with Epstein IS a conspiracy. And it stinks to high heaven.
Epstein would be deleting evidence of his own crimes, silly. That doesn’t seem insane to me.
I think all she said, in both cases, was that she didn't see any such abuse. But the "missing" surveillance videos would have. Why did they disappear? Who has them? What are they doing with them?

Enquiring minds want to know.
Are they missing? I think Epstein might have used them to blackmail clients... when he was alive....and I think he may have actually been a spy...of course this is my own conjecture....and not far....
Are they missing? I think Epstein might have used them to blackmail clients... when he was alive....and I think he may have actually been a spy...of course this is my own conjecture....and not far....
Yeah. When you start with a murky political sex scandal, it just goes downhill from there.
The videos didn't disappear. I'll bet Biden told Garland not to release or acknowledge the existence of the videos, like the FBI lied about Hunter's laptop and calling it fake news. You can be sure Epstein insured himself. Rat on him and he will expose them.
Duh, Epstein arrest and death and charges came with Trump as president and Bill Barr as AG....
Why doesn't everyone stop bawling about who was and be concerned about the children that were abused?

Trump this, Trump that... while the Democrats are being outed every day
My lies?

You've seen the picture of him getting jiggy with Epstein.

But you're fine with that.

Your level of self-delusion is truly remarkable.
No, your level of utter lying and stupidity isn’t really surprising. Not telling the truth about the age of those photos. Not saying that Trump bared Epstein from his properties AFTER he got wind of Epstein’s habits. How Trump aided the prosecution of Epstein while your hero Bill Clinton ran away and wouldn’t even answer calls to testify. You know you’re nothing but a liar, but you’re fine with stamping your feet and lying about Trump to protect your precious Dems.
No, your level of utter lying and stupidity isn’t really surprising. Not telling the truth about the age of those photos. Not saying that Trump bared Epstein from his properties AFTER he got wind of Epstein’s habits. How Trump aided the prosecution of Epstein while your hero Bill Clinton ran away and wouldn’t even answer calls to testify. You know you’re nothing but a liar, but you’re fine with stamping your feet and lying about Trump to protect your precious Dems.
Trump partying with pedophiles doesn't bother
Oh no! Trump was once or twice on the Epstein plane.

They got him this time.
Remember these headlines from 2021

Donald Trump appears to have flown on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jets six more times than was previously known, according to flight logs released as evidence in Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial.

So originally you believed he only flew a couple times. Then we find out it was a lot more than that. Why would you even believe the flight logs? I'm sure Trump asked to be kept off the flight log to Lolita Island.
We never saw those flight logs. All we know for sure is the one flight log and the testimony of the girls who say Trump was never there.

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