Breaking! Donald J. Trump Was On The Lolita Express

Who the hell can write precisely like Ashley and why would they? That would be a very expensive endeavor to hire a pro and for what? Secondly, if it was literally "forged" as you poor people would like to believe, then why hasn't that been proven by an FBI handwriting expert? Stop getting high this early in the day.

This is ultimately how the alleged Biden diary ended up in the hands of the federal government in the first place. All of these relevant facts aside, though, no government official, prosecutor, or judge has explicitly "confirmed" that the diary published by National File is authentic.

These claims are regularly raised whenever there is movement in the criminal case against Project Veritas. Such opportunities allow for short-lived virality and new attention to a story whose publicly known facts have not changed for at least a year, but they are never accurate. For these reasons, we rate this claim as "False."

Not only did he have a history of fraternizing and being cozy w/Epstein...

It's now being reported that he also visited his child farm...

But guess who isn't on any of Epstein's logs...

That's right, good ole Sleepy Joe Biden....


I love it when the facts come out, don't you?

Maybe it was Junior.
Those tapes are selectively edited, and law enforcement found no violations of the law by ACORN.

O'keefe hoaxed you.

Why do you tards keep lining up to kiss the asses of those who are conning you!!??
Because if Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Those tapes are selectively edited, and law enforcement found no violations of the law by ACORN.

O'keefe hoaxed you.

Why do you tards keep lining up to kiss the asses of those who are conning you!!??
Kinda like the Zimmerman 911 tape that was edited by NBC to make him sound like a racist. You loons bought it hook, line, and sinker. Lol
What handwriting expert?
Oh my God ... you're truly dense. Have you ever heard of the FBI? Do you even know that handwriting experts exist? Have you ever seen them analyze forged documents? They can find significant difference in a matter of minutes even if the forger is good.
Oh my God ... you're truly dense. Have you ever heard of the FBI? Do you even know that handwriting experts exist? Have you ever seen them analyze forged documents? They can find significant difference in a matter of minutes even if the forger is good.
So basically you made it up.

Or show us where the FBI handwriting expert verified each word on each page.

You can't. Because your just pulling stuff out of your ass.

Acting like a hyper little child just makes you look even worse.
Same thing Chuck Schumer did and there is a thread blasting him for doing so....what is good for the goose is good for the gander
Is Chuck Schumer one of your "faves"?

If you want to know what Democrats are pedos with epstein, just ask any Democrat who their "faves" are.

Notice Democrats know pelosi knows who the pedos are, but they don't ask and she keeps it secret.

So basically you made it up.

Or show us where the FBI handwriting expert verified each word on each page.

You can't. Because your just pulling stuff out of your ass.

Acting like a hyper little child just makes you look even worse.
That's exactly what I'm saying. The FBI FAILED to prove that it was NOT Ashley's handwriting which means that it IS her handwriting. See how easily logic works? Try it some day.
Not only did he have a history of fraternizing and being cozy w/Epstein...

It's now being reported that he also visited his child farm...

But guess who isn't on any of Epstein's logs...

That's right, good ole Sleepy Joe Biden....


I love it when the facts come out, don't you?

Want to talk about all the Democrats on the list?
One time my ass and they fell out over a Real Estate deal didn't have a damn thing to do with him soliciting young girls. I guess you have to keep trying to push that lie.

"He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life," Trump told the magazine.

Trump and Epstein's friendship reportedly soured after they fought over a $41 million Palm Beach mansion.​

Come on and keep spinning the lie.
I do love it when people not involved telling us what other people think,,

and if it was more than once then why does his name only appear once??
The flight logs show Trump flew on the Lolita Express at least six times. Including at least once with Epstein. On that flight, Trump, Jr. also came along.

Trump told you tards a lie about why his friendship ended with Epstein. His friendship with Epstein was ended by Epstein in 2008 when Trump outbid him on a piece of property he wanted.
so you say,,

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