BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

you can't be helped. i give you the actual letter, an article from a credible news outlet dissecting the letter and the claims it links to lerner and debunking your claim, yet you insist on continuing to believe as you did before, closed off to any new fact or evidence that does not support your preconceived notions.

I explain why it does link to Lerner and the scandal and you ignore it. What does that say about you? Are you lying or stupid?
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

Where did I claim it was to her? It was clearly addressed to Schulman. She would have seen it of course since she was the head of Exempt Orgs and the letter specifically asks about that division.
So let's see you move goalposts again.
I explain why it does link to Lerner and the scandal and you ignore it. What does that say about you? Are you lying or stupid?
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

Where did I claim it was to her?
Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

Where did I claim it was to her?
Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.
Fine. It was not specifically to Lerner but it ended up to her anyway. Quit quibbling. You look like a desperate idiot.
you can't be helped. i give you the actual letter, an article from a credible news outlet dissecting the letter and the claims it links to lerner and debunking your claim, yet you insist on continuing to believe as you did before, closed off to any new fact or evidence that does not support your preconceived notions.

I explain why it does link to Lerner and the scandal and you ignore it. What does that say about you? Are you lying or stupid?
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

I'm curious, you NOT think that Camp's letter to the IRS would have been brought to Lois Lerner's attention as soon as it was received? I'm frankly amused at your willingness to believe that it wasn't the catalyst to those 7 computer hard drive "crashes". That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked? Then the 3 high level administrators who have been communicating on this issue all have hard drive crashes at the same time and four other agents in the office where this activity had been carried out have THEIR hard drives crash as well? I mean...come on! Not seeing this for what it is...a desperate making you come across as someone who's not only willing to "bend over backwards" to believe there was no coordinated effort to target conservatives by the IRS but someone who's willing to do "Olympic caliber gymnastics" to pretend this scandal didn't happen!
Uhh, yeah, there was. If you would pull your head out of your posterior, you'd know that:

" we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails"

Also, there have been Congressional investigations as far back as March of 2012, when a Congressional Committee subpoenaed Douglas Shulman over the IRS targeting of conservative groups. The investigations were in full swing by April of 2013. Congress launches preliminary investigations before convening a hearing. That's the part you don't see, and that's the part Lerner is referring to. A hearing was convened on May 22nd, 2013. Less than a month after she wrote that e-mail.

Wider Problems Found at IRS - WSJ

You fail.
Oh, the Darrell Issa and other Witch Hunters Committees on Perpetual Investigations and Fishing Expeditions? Those committee hearings?

Oh well, you've got me there. You win. Let the revolution begin




:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Cue the sarcasm. So, this is your reaction after I blew you out of the water? Don't mention me again.

"Don't mention me again" :lol: So, this is your reaction after I blew you out of the water? :lol:
I explain why it does link to Lerner and the scandal and you ignore it. What does that say about you? Are you lying or stupid?
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

I'm curious, you NOT think that Camp's letter to the IRS would have been brought to Lois Lerner's attention as soon as it was received? I'm frankly amused at your willingness to believe that it wasn't the catalyst to those 7 computer hard drive "crashes". That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked? Then the 3 high level administrators who have been communicating on this issue all have hard drive crashes at the same time and four other agents in the office where this activity had been carried out have THEIR hard drives crash as well? I mean...come on! Not seeing this for what it is...a desperate making you come across as someone who's not only willing to "bend over backwards" to believe there was no coordinated effort to target conservatives by the IRS but someone who's willing to do "Olympic caliber gymnastics" to pretend this scandal didn't happen!
whether it was or wasn't i don't know. what i do know is it's at best disingenuous to try to make the claim there was a letter sent to her, or that the letter was about targeting tea party groups.

you may still believe the connection between the letter and lerner is strong enough to warrant her entering into a second conspiracy to crash some hard drives, and you may be right.

but the facts should stand on their own without embellishment, and the letter should not be presented as something it's not.

That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked?
again, you're spreading false information. Camp's letter was sent in June of 2011. Lerner's email asking for clarification on whether instant messages are automatically saved was sent in April of 2013. you need to keep your facts straight.

and if there was a scandal, present the proof. you have copious amounts of supposition, but that just makes you a conspiracy theorist without the proof to back it up.
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actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

I'm curious, you NOT think that Camp's letter to the IRS would have been brought to Lois Lerner's attention as soon as it was received? I'm frankly amused at your willingness to believe that it wasn't the catalyst to those 7 computer hard drive "crashes". That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked? Then the 3 high level administrators who have been communicating on this issue all have hard drive crashes at the same time and four other agents in the office where this activity had been carried out have THEIR hard drives crash as well? I mean...come on! Not seeing this for what it is...a desperate making you come across as someone who's not only willing to "bend over backwards" to believe there was no coordinated effort to target conservatives by the IRS but someone who's willing to do "Olympic caliber gymnastics" to pretend this scandal didn't happen!
whether it was or wasn't i don't know. what i do know is it's at best disingenuous to try to make the claim there was a letter sent to her, or that the letter was about targeting tea party groups.

you may still believe the connection between the letter and lerner is strong enough to warrant her entering into a second conspiracy to crash some hard drives, and you may be right.

but the facts should stand on their own without embellishment, and the letter should not be presented as something it's not.
Aren't you one of the liberals who automatically assumed that Zimmerman killed that boy in cold blood?
Oh, the Darrell Issa and other Witch Hunters Committees on Perpetual Investigations and Fishing Expeditions? Those committee hearings?

Oh well, you've got me there. You win. Let the revolution begin




:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Cue the sarcasm. So, this is your reaction after I blew you out of the water? Don't mention me again.

"Don't mention me again" :lol: So, this is your reaction after I blew you out of the water? :lol:

The notion that you've successfully argued that the IRS scandal is nothing more than a witch hunt and that President Obama was correct when he said that there wasn't a "smidgeon" of corruption, is pretty much wishful thinking on your part, Dante.

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense has only to look at the story that the IRS is putting out on this scandal to realize that it's laughably improbable. To be quite's SUCH a bad attempt at a coverup that one wonders who the architect was?
I'm curious, you NOT think that Camp's letter to the IRS would have been brought to Lois Lerner's attention as soon as it was received? I'm frankly amused at your willingness to believe that it wasn't the catalyst to those 7 computer hard drive "crashes". That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked? Then the 3 high level administrators who have been communicating on this issue all have hard drive crashes at the same time and four other agents in the office where this activity had been carried out have THEIR hard drives crash as well? I mean...come on! Not seeing this for what it is...a desperate making you come across as someone who's not only willing to "bend over backwards" to believe there was no coordinated effort to target conservatives by the IRS but someone who's willing to do "Olympic caliber gymnastics" to pretend this scandal didn't happen!
whether it was or wasn't i don't know. what i do know is it's at best disingenuous to try to make the claim there was a letter sent to her, or that the letter was about targeting tea party groups.

you may still believe the connection between the letter and lerner is strong enough to warrant her entering into a second conspiracy to crash some hard drives, and you may be right.

but the facts should stand on their own without embellishment, and the letter should not be presented as something it's not.
Aren't you one of the liberals who automatically assumed that Zimmerman killed that boy in cold blood?
i didn't automatically assume it. i saw the evidence, and still believe that zimmerman looked for a reason to use his gun that night.

but that doesn't really matter here.
I'm curious, you NOT think that Camp's letter to the IRS would have been brought to Lois Lerner's attention as soon as it was received? I'm frankly amused at your willingness to believe that it wasn't the catalyst to those 7 computer hard drive "crashes". That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked? Then the 3 high level administrators who have been communicating on this issue all have hard drive crashes at the same time and four other agents in the office where this activity had been carried out have THEIR hard drives crash as well? I mean...come on! Not seeing this for what it is...a desperate making you come across as someone who's not only willing to "bend over backwards" to believe there was no coordinated effort to target conservatives by the IRS but someone who's willing to do "Olympic caliber gymnastics" to pretend this scandal didn't happen!
whether it was or wasn't i don't know. what i do know is it's at best disingenuous to try to make the claim there was a letter sent to her, or that the letter was about targeting tea party groups.

you may still believe the connection between the letter and lerner is strong enough to warrant her entering into a second conspiracy to crash some hard drives, and you may be right.

but the facts should stand on their own without embellishment, and the letter should not be presented as something it's not.
Aren't you one of the liberals who automatically assumed that Zimmerman killed that boy in cold blood?

I am a liberal who defended Zimmerman, but let's face it -- he killed that kid in cold blood. He had every right to - legally. Now he lives terribly with the consequences

you sound like a bigger douche than George
whether it was or wasn't i don't know. what i do know is it's at best disingenuous to try to make the claim there was a letter sent to her, or that the letter was about targeting tea party groups.

you may still believe the connection between the letter and lerner is strong enough to warrant her entering into a second conspiracy to crash some hard drives, and you may be right.

but the facts should stand on their own without embellishment, and the letter should not be presented as something it's not.
Aren't you one of the liberals who automatically assumed that Zimmerman killed that boy in cold blood?
i didn't automatically assume it. i saw the evidence, and still believe that zimmerman looked for a reason to use his gun that night.

but that doesn't really matter here.

There is more evidence that Lerner purposely done things to prevent congress from getting to know the truth, up to and including getting rid of her email then there is that Zimmerman didn't kill that kid in self defense.

You're allowing you're biased liberal point of view color the evidence.:eusa_liar:
Aren't you one of the liberals who automatically assumed that Zimmerman killed that boy in cold blood?
i didn't automatically assume it. i saw the evidence, and still believe that zimmerman looked for a reason to use his gun that night.

but that doesn't really matter here.

There is more evidence that Lerner purposely done things to prevent congress from getting to know the truth, up to and including getting rid of her email then there is that Zimmerman didn't kill that kid in self defense.

You're allowing you're biased liberal point of view color the evidence.:eusa_liar:

there's a lot of supposition. and you're free to believe what you want.

here is the difference - we know that zimmerman killed a kid. his reason is the debate.

what has lerner been proved to do?
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

I'm curious, you NOT think that Camp's letter to the IRS would have been brought to Lois Lerner's attention as soon as it was received? I'm frankly amused at your willingness to believe that it wasn't the catalyst to those 7 computer hard drive "crashes". That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked? Then the 3 high level administrators who have been communicating on this issue all have hard drive crashes at the same time and four other agents in the office where this activity had been carried out have THEIR hard drives crash as well? I mean...come on! Not seeing this for what it is...a desperate making you come across as someone who's not only willing to "bend over backwards" to believe there was no coordinated effort to target conservatives by the IRS but someone who's willing to do "Olympic caliber gymnastics" to pretend this scandal didn't happen!
whether it was or wasn't i don't know. what i do know is it's at best disingenuous to try to make the claim there was a letter sent to her, or that the letter was about targeting tea party groups.

you may still believe the connection between the letter and lerner is strong enough to warrant her entering into a second conspiracy to crash some hard drives, and you may be right.

but the facts should stand on their own without embellishment, and the letter should not be presented as something it's not.

That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked?
again, you're spreading false information. Camp's letter was sent in June of 2011. Lerner's email asking for clarification on whether instant messages are automatically saved was sent in April of 2013. you need to keep your facts straight.

and if there was a scandal, present the proof. you have copious amounts of supposition, but that just makes you a conspiracy theorist without the proof to back it up.

You don't think that the letter to the IRS would have been "strong enough" to trigger a response from Lerner? Really, Ogi? I think we both know that as the head of that Department, Lerner would have immediately been informed about the letter by her superiors. What takes place at the IRS following the reception of the Camp letter...the 7 hard drive crashes...the failure to retrieve any data from tape backups...the failure to make hard copies of the data in question...the cautioning from Lerner to her people to be careful what they say in emails...the questioning of IT personnel over what can be retrieved from different forms of communications by Lerner...and the planting of questions at a forum by Lerner to get ahead of the looming Inspector General's report...ALL point to Lois Lerner's RESPONSE to the Camp letter!
i didn't automatically assume it. i saw the evidence, and still believe that zimmerman looked for a reason to use his gun that night.

but that doesn't really matter here.

There is more evidence that Lerner purposely done things to prevent congress from getting to know the truth, up to and including getting rid of her email then there is that Zimmerman didn't kill that kid in self defense.

You're allowing you're biased liberal point of view color the evidence.:eusa_liar:

there's a lot of supposition. and you're free to believe what you want.

here is the difference - we know that zimmerman killed a kid. his reason is the debate.

what has lerner been proved to do?

discriminate against conservative political groups.
There is more evidence that Lerner purposely done things to prevent congress from getting to know the truth, up to and including getting rid of her email then there is that Zimmerman didn't kill that kid in self defense.

You're allowing you're biased liberal point of view color the evidence.:eusa_liar:

there's a lot of supposition. and you're free to believe what you want.

here is the difference - we know that zimmerman killed a kid. his reason is the debate.

what has lerner been proved to do?

discriminate against conservative political groups.
that she did that has not been proven.
I'm curious, you NOT think that Camp's letter to the IRS would have been brought to Lois Lerner's attention as soon as it was received? I'm frankly amused at your willingness to believe that it wasn't the catalyst to those 7 computer hard drive "crashes". That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked? Then the 3 high level administrators who have been communicating on this issue all have hard drive crashes at the same time and four other agents in the office where this activity had been carried out have THEIR hard drives crash as well? I mean...come on! Not seeing this for what it is...a desperate making you come across as someone who's not only willing to "bend over backwards" to believe there was no coordinated effort to target conservatives by the IRS but someone who's willing to do "Olympic caliber gymnastics" to pretend this scandal didn't happen!
whether it was or wasn't i don't know. what i do know is it's at best disingenuous to try to make the claim there was a letter sent to her, or that the letter was about targeting tea party groups.

you may still believe the connection between the letter and lerner is strong enough to warrant her entering into a second conspiracy to crash some hard drives, and you may be right.

but the facts should stand on their own without embellishment, and the letter should not be presented as something it's not.

That letter arrives at the IRS and suddenly Lerner's telling her people to be careful about what they say in emails and asking IT what can and can't be tracked?
again, you're spreading false information. Camp's letter was sent in June of 2011. Lerner's email asking for clarification on whether instant messages are automatically saved was sent in April of 2013. you need to keep your facts straight.

and if there was a scandal, present the proof. you have copious amounts of supposition, but that just makes you a conspiracy theorist without the proof to back it up.

You don't think that the letter to the IRS would have been "strong enough" to trigger a response from Lerner? Really, Ogi? I think we both know that as the head of that Department, Lerner would have immediately been informed about the letter by her superiors. What takes place at the IRS following the reception of the Camp letter...the 7 hard drive crashes...the failure to retrieve any data from tape backups...the failure to make hard copies of the data in question...the cautioning from Lerner to her people to be careful what they say in emails...the questioning of IT personnel over what can be retrieved from different forms of communications by Lerner...and the planting of questions at a forum by Lerner to get ahead of the looming Inspector General's report...ALL point to Lois Lerner's RESPONSE to the Camp letter!
again, you want to pretend that Lerner suggested caution in emails and asked about the instant messenger retention right after the Camp letter was received. Nearly two years later she sent that email. Quit trying to pretend the two are connected.
What you call "supposition" is simply a veritable landslide of things that took place after Camp's letter arrived at the IRS. You seem to want a sworn confession by Lerner saying that she did indeed target conservative groups for unequal treatment. The fact that Lerner apologized for acting improperly...right before she declared that she didn't act improperly (which is a remarkable rhetorical sleight of hand!) is all the proof you need that this is indeed a scandal.
What you call "supposition" is simply a veritable landslide of things that took place after Camp's letter arrived at the IRS. You seem to want a sworn confession by Lerner saying that she did indeed target conservative groups for unequal treatment. The fact that Lerner apologized for acting improperly...right before she declared that she didn't act improperly (which is a remarkable rhetorical sleight of hand!) is all the proof you need that this is indeed a scandal.

no, i require actual proof.
You talk about "wild conspiracy theories", Ogi but the truth is...the "wild theory" is the one being put forth by you that the hard drives of 7 people involved in this crash...nobody thinks to retrieve the lost data even though they KNOW that there is an impending investigation...and nobody backs up that data on paper even though they are required to do so by law! You want us to believe that all THAT is believable but WE'RE the conspiracy theorists? That's laughable.
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