BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong


Just because I had a blonde moment which was added to how he phrased it, doesn't make me any less educated .. You'd love to push that narrative because I showed your true yellow color..

You're a fucking dweeb.

I told you you're a fuckin' rick because you play bandit in your bedroom at night, and that translates to you as "ohhh look a yellow coward making fun of someone who plays with their gun!!"

You're a drooler, for real. An immature retarded drooler.

Also - I don't follow you, queen of daft. I posted in about 10 threads today, one was yours. How many did you create? Likely many, because you swing from Obama's nuts like a Ringaling Brother, dontcha.

:cuckoo: Another meltdown.. several in the Flame Zone.. Wigger is nutty
I took him for his post.. "I lost two harddrives in my house." Who the fuck talks like that???

i do.

so does oldstyle.

Oldstyle said:
I've lost one hard drive in twenty years

"I lost two hard drives in my house" does not equate to.."My hard drive crashed twice last week.. Give me a break.. But you and Wigger can go ahead and sound like ignorant fucks.

Just because I had a blonde moment which was added to how he phrased it, doesn't make me any less educated .. You'd love to push that narrative because I showed your true yellow color..

that one moment is excusable. you then somehow followed it by misreading this
ogibillm said:
only an idiot would think that when i said i lost two hard drives in a week that i meant i misplaced two hard drives and somehow thought that was relevant to the conversation.
as me saying i meant to say i misplaced the hard drives.

that pretty much sealed the deal. you're an idiot.

Just because I had a blonde moment which was added to how he phrased it, doesn't make me any less educated .. You'd love to push that narrative because I showed your true yellow color..

that one moment is excusable. you then somehow followed it by misreading this
ogibillm said:
only an idiot would think that when i said i lost two hard drives in a week that i meant i misplaced two hard drives and somehow thought that was relevant to the conversation.
as me saying i meant to say i misplaced the hard drives.

that pretty much sealed the deal. you're an idiot.

Suffice to say, I'm far more intelligent than you or your Wigger friend like to admit.. I have human flaws where I make mistakes and own up to them.. That makes me wise, nothing more.. As to the way you speak, you sound ignorant.. Plain and simple. Any day you'd like to meet me in the arena one on one, say the word.
So the fact it contained official irs business wasn't reason enough? After all, she was the division head. Get real.

to be fair, i didn't keep my dead hard drives around, either. despite what ladygunslinger may think, i'm not a hoarder. once it's dead, it's gone.

Almost any hard drive can have some data recovered, you do know that, right? If willing to pay the bucks it can be done. And considering the irs wanted to be known as the world's' most state of the art IT center (their words, not mine) you would think they could hwve recovered at least something, and knew to hang on to them.

she took it to them, it's their story that they couldn't restore it.

granted, had they known that it would be needed later they may have tried harder to get some stuff off of it.
on topic - supposedly lerner is in a conspiracy at least one. current theory says two - one to give tea party groups extra scrutiny and one to destroy email hard drives.

but, and here's the part that i can't wrap my head around, with all the investigations, and all the allegations, and all the trouble a person in on or with knowledge of the conspiracy could find themselves in, not one person has come forward to save their own hide and earn the praise, adulation, book deal, and talk show circuit that would be their right if they would just blow the whistle.

why is that?
on topic - supposedly lerner is in a conspiracy at least one. current theory says two - one to give tea party groups extra scrutiny and one to destroy email hard drives.

but, and here's the part that i can't wrap my head around, with all the investigations, and all the allegations, and all the trouble a person in on or with knowledge of the conspiracy could find themselves in, not one person has come forward to save their own hide and earn the praise, adulation, book deal, and talk show circuit that would be their right if they would just blow the whistle.

why is that?
you do realize some of the info has come through whistleblowers they have kept under wraps, right?
what is the topic again?

Oh yeah, LAdy Gunslinger


she's maddeningly ignorant.

but point well taken.

Like I said dummy- NO ONE talks in the manner you did. "I lost two harddrives in my house." First off, IN MY HOUSE??? If you had said , "I lost two harddrives," that's perfectly common.. But I lost two harddrives in my house. WTF?? Don't blame me that you either tried to cover your ass afterward once Wigger showed up or that you sound like an ignorant fuck.
on topic - supposedly lerner is in a conspiracy at least one. current theory says two - one to give tea party groups extra scrutiny and one to destroy email hard drives.

but, and here's the part that i can't wrap my head around, with all the investigations, and all the allegations, and all the trouble a person in on or with knowledge of the conspiracy could find themselves in, not one person has come forward to save their own hide and earn the praise, adulation, book deal, and talk show circuit that would be their right if they would just blow the whistle.

why is that?
you do realize some of the info has come through whistleblowers they have kept under wraps, right?

what info? this is a claim that needs support.
You mean you haven't been following closely, have you?
on topic - supposedly lerner is in a conspiracy at least one. current theory says two - one to give tea party groups extra scrutiny and one to destroy email hard drives.

but, and here's the part that i can't wrap my head around, with all the investigations, and all the allegations, and all the trouble a person in on or with knowledge of the conspiracy could find themselves in, not one person has come forward to save their own hide and earn the praise, adulation, book deal, and talk show circuit that would be their right if they would just blow the whistle.

why is that?
you do realize some of the info has come through whistleblowers they have kept under wraps, right?

what info? this is a claim that needs support.
You mean you haven't been following closely, have you?
you do realize some of the info has come through whistleblowers they have kept under wraps, right?

what info? this is a claim that needs support.

i mean i'm unaware of evidence to back this claim and haven't been able to find any using google. but then, i may not be looking in the correct places.

can you provide it?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal*judge*ordered the*IRSThursday to explain under oath how it lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure*

You think it'll change any lib minds?
Those who continue to call this a witch hunt are starting to look totally ridiculous.
what new answer do you think will be given?

I think the next thing we hear from lois will be.....I want to make a deal.
She can now be placed into custody,so it just got serious.

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