BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

You think it'll change any lib minds?
Those who continue to call this a witch hunt are starting to look totally ridiculous.
what new answer do you think will be given?

I think the next thing we hear from lois will be.....I want to make a deal.
She can now be placed into custody,so it just got serious.

she can now be placed into custody? how? where's that information coming from?
There was NO congressional investigation at the time was there?

Uhh, yeah, there was. If you would pull your head out of your posterior, you'd know that:

" we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails"

Also, there have been Congressional investigations as far back as March of 2012, when a Congressional Committee subpoenaed Douglas Shulman over the IRS targeting of conservative groups. The investigations were in full swing by April of 2013. Congress launches preliminary investigations before convening a hearing. That's the part you don't see, and that's the part Lerner is referring to. A hearing was convened on May 22nd, 2013. Less than a month after she wrote that e-mail.

Wider Problems Found at IRS - WSJ

You fail.
Oh, the Darrell Issa and other Witch Hunters Committees on Perpetual Investigations and Fishing Expeditions? Those committee hearings?

Oh well, you've got me there. You win. Let the revolution begin




:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:
:laugh2: :laugh2:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Cue the sarcasm. So, this is your reaction after I blew you out of the water? Don't mention me again.
White House Spokesman vs. IRS Whistleblowers: Who?s Telling the Truth? | CNS News
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s assertions that “line IRS employees in Cincinnati” were responsible for the Internal Revenue Service scandal directly contradicts testimony from two unnamed IRS whistleblowers who told congressional investigators the targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups was coordinated from the Washington headquarters.

You mean you haven't been following closely, have you?
what info? this is a claim that needs support.

i mean i'm unaware of evidence to back this claim and haven't been able to find any using google. but then, i may not be looking in the correct places.

can you provide it?
Dude, seriously? You can look at the list of who's computer's "crashed" and buy the line of bullshit that being put out about this? Come on...have a little self respect! Nobody is THAT naive.

i've lost two computer hard drives in my own house before - in the same week.

i'm not saying it isn't worth investigating, just that it isn't necessarily a conspiracy, either.

and here's the thing about this being a conspiracy - the longer it goes on, the bigger it has to be, and yet you seem to believe that there is not one person in the irs, or in their it department, or wherever, that isn't interested in the fame and glory and frankly butt covering that would go along with exposing everything.

there should be a whistleblower. the fact that there isn't, although not conclusive, certainly leads me to believe that there really is nothing to see.

I work in IT.. I don't know how the hell someone loses two harddrives in their home.. You're either a slob and you should be featured on HOARDING or you're lying..

I was thinking the same thing. I've never lost a hard drive to the point you couldnt retrieve the data if you really wanted to.
Holy shit, are liberals really actually believing the emails were lost in a computer crash?
what new answer do you think will be given?

I think the next thing we hear from lois will be.....I want to make a deal.
She can now be placed into custody,so it just got serious.

she can now be placed into custody? how? where's that information coming from?

Congress doesn't have the power to have her jailed.
A federal Judge does.

They will be questioned under oath....curious to see who breaks first for a lighter sentence.
It's like "deja vu all over again"!

I seem to remember liberals pulling the same shit during little Trey Trey's trial.
They totally ignore any and all evidence no matter how damning.
And the sad part is these assholes know damn good and well what really happened.
Party before country..:cuckoo:
White House Spokesman vs. IRS Whistleblowers: Who?s Telling the Truth? | CNS News
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s assertions that “line IRS employees in Cincinnati” were responsible for the Internal Revenue Service scandal directly contradicts testimony from two unnamed IRS whistleblowers who told congressional investigators the targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups was coordinated from the Washington headquarters.

You mean you haven't been following closely, have you?

i mean i'm unaware of evidence to back this claim and haven't been able to find any using google. but then, i may not be looking in the correct places.

can you provide it?

thank you. these whistleblowers - they made accusations, but did they provide any evidence? i mean they couldn't point to directives, or emails, or anything - at least that's what my reading of the article lead me to believe.
I think the next thing we hear from lois will be.....I want to make a deal.
She can now be placed into custody,so it just got serious.

she can now be placed into custody? how? where's that information coming from?

Congress doesn't have the power to have her jailed.
A federal Judge does.

They will be questioned under oath....curious to see who breaks first for a lighter sentence.

I want to see if the pressure grows even more with the True the Vote hearing coming up as well.
I took him for his post.. "I lost two harddrives in my house." Who the fuck talks like that???

i do.

so does oldstyle.

Oldstyle said:
I've lost one hard drive in twenty years

I used it in the context of the hard drive crashing. I didn't physically lose simply ceased working.

That's all semantics however...let's get back to the issue at hand. Does anyone REALLY think that the 7 computer hard drives of those particular IRS administrators and agents all crashed shortly after Camp wrote his letter to the IRS demanding answers about Lerner's group targeting conservatives? Does anyone here REALLY think that those 7 people...all suffered from hard drive crashes at the same time? Does anyone REALLY think that with all 7 of those hard drives that crashed that amazingly nobody bothered to get any of the lost data from tape backups? Or that none of the 7 bothered to make hard copy backups of the data like they were required to do by law?

For those of you that have been around a few years...think back to the Watergate scandal and the missing 18 minutes of White House tapes. Do you remember Rosemary Woods trying to recreate how she "mistakenly" erased that part of the tapes? How ridiculous she looked trying to physically demonstrate how she "mistakenly" did that? Nobody bought that story for a second! It was laughable. Well, folks...the story coming out of the IRS of 7 hard drives crashing with nobody making an effort to back up data from storage tapes makes Rosemary Wood's "gymnastics" to erase the White House tapes seem credible in comparison!
I took him for his post.. "I lost two harddrives in my house." Who the fuck talks like that???

i do.

so does oldstyle.

Oldstyle said:
I've lost one hard drive in twenty years

I used it in the context of the hard drive crashing. I didn't physically lose simply ceased working.

That's all semantics however...let's get back to the issue at hand. Does anyone REALLY think that the 7 computer hard drives of those particular IRS administrators and agents all crashed shortly after Camp wrote his letter to the IRS demanding answers about Lerner's group targeting conservatives?

this is a problem. you're not dealing with correct facts.
The letter that supposedly led to the crash of Lois Lerner?s hard drive - The Washington Post

camp did not, at that time, send any letter about lerner's group targeting conservatives.

this is a falsehood that is being spread.
i do.

so does oldstyle.

I used it in the context of the hard drive crashing. I didn't physically lose simply ceased working.

That's all semantics however...let's get back to the issue at hand. Does anyone REALLY think that the 7 computer hard drives of those particular IRS administrators and agents all crashed shortly after Camp wrote his letter to the IRS demanding answers about Lerner's group targeting conservatives?

this is a problem. you're not dealing with correct facts.
The letter that supposedly led to the crash of Lois Lerner?s hard drive - The Washington Post

camp did not, at that time, send any letter about lerner's group targeting conservatives.

this is a falsehood that is being spread.

Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.
Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.

look, you have no credibility, you are a proven liar. but if you can point to one instance of Ms. Lerner's name in the letter sent by Camp i'll eat my hat. Hell, I'll settle for the word 'conservative' or 'tea'

this letter was to the irs. it was about an unrelated issue. to link it to lerner, or to the targeting of tea party groups, is what is grossly dishonest. and if you don't believe me, just ask the washington post - they gave the claim three pinnochios or "Significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions"

but then lying and spreading falsehoods - that's par for the course for you.
Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.

look, you have no credibility, you are a proven liar. but if you can point to one instance of Ms. Lerner's name in the letter sent by Camp i'll eat my hat. Hell, I'll settle for the word 'conservative' or 'tea'

this letter was to the irs. it was about an unrelated issue. to link it to lerner, or to the targeting of tea party groups, is what is grossly dishonest. and if you don't believe me, just ask the washington post - they gave the claim three pinnochios or "Significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions"

but then lying and spreading falsehoods - that's par for the course for you.
Listen I know this is tough for you because you are stupid. But the letter specifically references the Exempt Organizations Divisions. And the head of that division was?
Yea, Lois Lerner.
The letter was about gifts made to exempt organizations and Camp states he feels the IRS is suppressing political speech by their actions.
Again, since you are stupid this doesnt make a lot of sense because you cannot see the name "Lerner" anywhere or understand what "gift to tax exempt organization" means. You merely rely on the left wing media to feed you what they want to know. But smart people understand this. You're one of the othjer kind.
Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.

look, you have no credibility, you are a proven liar. but if you can point to one instance of Ms. Lerner's name in the letter sent by Camp i'll eat my hat. Hell, I'll settle for the word 'conservative' or 'tea'

this letter was to the irs. it was about an unrelated issue. to link it to lerner, or to the targeting of tea party groups, is what is grossly dishonest. and if you don't believe me, just ask the washington post - they gave the claim three pinnochios or "Significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions"

but then lying and spreading falsehoods - that's par for the course for you.
Listen I know this is tough for you because you are stupid. But the letter specifically references the Exempt Organizations Divisions. And the head of that division was?
Yea, Lois Lerner.
The letter was about gifts made to exempt organizations and Camp states he feels the IRS is suppressing political speech by their actions.
Again, since you are stupid this doesnt make a lot of sense because you cannot see the name "Lerner" anywhere or understand what "gift to tax exempt organization" means. You merely rely on the left wing media to feed you what they want to know. But smart people understand this. You're one of the othjer kind.
you can't be helped. i give you the actual letter, an article from a credible news outlet dissecting the letter and the claims it links to lerner and debunking your claim, yet you insist on continuing to believe as you did before, closed off to any new fact or evidence that does not support your preconceived notions.

there is one mention of the Exempt Organizations Division - one.
g. How did employees in the Exempt Organizations Division assist in the sharing of the Form 990 information with other IRS employees? Is this a common practice? If so, how many examinations have originated from shared Form 990s to other IRS divisions?
no mention of lerner, the letter certainly isn't to her, and it certainly doesn't mention the targeting of any group.
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look, you have no credibility, you are a proven liar. but if you can point to one instance of Ms. Lerner's name in the letter sent by Camp i'll eat my hat. Hell, I'll settle for the word 'conservative' or 'tea'

this letter was to the irs. it was about an unrelated issue. to link it to lerner, or to the targeting of tea party groups, is what is grossly dishonest. and if you don't believe me, just ask the washington post - they gave the claim three pinnochios or "Significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions"

but then lying and spreading falsehoods - that's par for the course for you.
Listen I know this is tough for you because you are stupid. But the letter specifically references the Exempt Organizations Divisions. And the head of that division was?
Yea, Lois Lerner.
The letter was about gifts made to exempt organizations and Camp states he feels the IRS is suppressing political speech by their actions.
Again, since you are stupid this doesnt make a lot of sense because you cannot see the name "Lerner" anywhere or understand what "gift to tax exempt organization" means. You merely rely on the left wing media to feed you what they want to know. But smart people understand this. You're one of the othjer kind.
you can't be helped. i give you the actual letter, an article from a credible news outlet dissecting the letter and the claims it links to lerner and debunking your claim, yet you insist on continuing to believe as you did before, closed off to any new fact or evidence that does not support your preconceived notions.

I explain why it does link to Lerner and the scandal and you ignore it. What does that say about you? Are you lying or stupid?
Listen I know this is tough for you because you are stupid. But the letter specifically references the Exempt Organizations Divisions. And the head of that division was?
Yea, Lois Lerner.
The letter was about gifts made to exempt organizations and Camp states he feels the IRS is suppressing political speech by their actions.
Again, since you are stupid this doesnt make a lot of sense because you cannot see the name "Lerner" anywhere or understand what "gift to tax exempt organization" means. You merely rely on the left wing media to feed you what they want to know. But smart people understand this. You're one of the othjer kind.
you can't be helped. i give you the actual letter, an article from a credible news outlet dissecting the letter and the claims it links to lerner and debunking your claim, yet you insist on continuing to believe as you did before, closed off to any new fact or evidence that does not support your preconceived notions.

I explain why it does link to Lerner and the scandal and you ignore it. What does that say about you? Are you lying or stupid?
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.

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