BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

What you call "supposition" is simply a veritable landslide of things that took place after Camp's letter arrived at the IRS. You seem to want a sworn confession by Lerner saying that she did indeed target conservative groups for unequal treatment. The fact that Lerner apologized for acting improperly...right before she declared that she didn't act improperly (which is a remarkable rhetorical sleight of hand!) is all the proof you need that this is indeed a scandal.

no, i require actual proof.

What would "actual proof" consist of, Ogi?
You talk about "wild conspiracy theories", Ogi but the truth is...the "wild theory" is the one being put forth by you that the hard drives of 7 people involved in this crash...nobody thinks to retrieve the lost data even though they KNOW that there is an impending investigation...and nobody backs up that data on paper even though they are required to do so by law! You want us to believe that all THAT is believable but WE'RE the conspiracy theorists? That's laughable.

there was no pending investigation when the hard drives crashed.

again, you are presenting false information.
What you call "supposition" is simply a veritable landslide of things that took place after Camp's letter arrived at the IRS. You seem to want a sworn confession by Lerner saying that she did indeed target conservative groups for unequal treatment. The fact that Lerner apologized for acting improperly...right before she declared that she didn't act improperly (which is a remarkable rhetorical sleight of hand!) is all the proof you need that this is indeed a scandal.

no, i require actual proof.

What would "actual proof" consist of, Ogi?

some sort of paper trail. a witness. a whistleblower. something other than supposition.
What's amusing to me is that the IRS...the one agency of the Federal Government that can require you to prove your innocence rather than have to prove your guilt...would be laughed out of court if they brought this explanation of what happened as their defense.
You talk about "wild conspiracy theories", Ogi but the truth is...the "wild theory" is the one being put forth by you that the hard drives of 7 people involved in this crash...nobody thinks to retrieve the lost data even though they KNOW that there is an impending investigation...and nobody backs up that data on paper even though they are required to do so by law! You want us to believe that all THAT is believable but WE'RE the conspiracy theorists? That's laughable.

there was no pending investigation when the hard drives crashed.

again, you are presenting false information.

When a member of Congress has written you a letter demanding answers to an allegation that you've illegally targeted conservatives then an investigation is indeed PENDING! That isn't false information on my part...that's an accurate description of what took place. The shit was about to hit the fan and trust me, Lois Lerner KNEW IT!


You talk about "wild conspiracy theories", Ogi but the truth is...the "wild theory" is the one being put forth by you that the hard drives of 7 people involved in this crash...nobody thinks to retrieve the lost data even though they KNOW that there is an impending investigation...and nobody backs up that data on paper even though they are required to do so by law! You want us to believe that all THAT is believable but WE'RE the conspiracy theorists? That's laughable.

there was no pending investigation when the hard drives crashed.

again, you are presenting false information.

When a member of Congress has written you a letter demanding answers to an allegation that you've illegally targeted conservatives then an investigation is indeed PENDING! That isn't false information on my part...that's an accurate description of what took place. The shit was about to hit the fan and trust me, Lois Lerner KNEW IT!

oldstyle, i'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but you're making it hard.

camp's letter had nothing to do with the targeting of conservatives, and to call it an investigation is, in my opinion, a huge stretch.

it did ask for clarification on procedures, but i would not consider that an investigation because there was no allegation of wrongdoing.
there was no pending investigation when the hard drives crashed.

again, you are presenting false information.

When a member of Congress has written you a letter demanding answers to an allegation that you've illegally targeted conservatives then an investigation is indeed PENDING! That isn't false information on my part...that's an accurate description of what took place. The shit was about to hit the fan and trust me, Lois Lerner KNEW IT!

oldstyle, i'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but you're making it hard.

camp's letter had nothing to do with the targeting of conservatives, and to call it an investigation is, in my opinion, a huge stretch.

it did ask for clarification on procedures, but i would not consider that an investigation because there was no allegation of wrongdoing.

The letter that supposedly led to the crash of Lois Lerner?s hard drive - The Washington Post

For someone to say that Camp's letter had "nothing to do with the targeting of conservatives" Ogi is either one of two things...a statement by someone deliberately trying to misrepresent what took place...or a statement by someone who has no idea what was in Camp's letter! So which of those two are you?
When a member of Congress has written you a letter demanding answers to an allegation that you've illegally targeted conservatives then an investigation is indeed PENDING! That isn't false information on my part...that's an accurate description of what took place. The shit was about to hit the fan and trust me, Lois Lerner KNEW IT!

oldstyle, i'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but you're making it hard.

camp's letter had nothing to do with the targeting of conservatives, and to call it an investigation is, in my opinion, a huge stretch.

it did ask for clarification on procedures, but i would not consider that an investigation because there was no allegation of wrongdoing.

The letter that supposedly led to the crash of Lois Lerner?s hard drive - The Washington Post

For someone to say that Camp's letter had "nothing to do with the targeting of conservatives" Ogi is either one of two things...a statement by someone deliberately trying to misrepresent what took place...or a statement by someone who has no idea what was in Camp's letter! So which of those two are you?
did you not read the letter, or the link you posted? can you find me one instance of the words 'conservative' or 'tea' in that letter?
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Since the 5 cases that Camp referred to were ALL conservative groups being singled out by the IRS for investigations do you REALLY have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that the Republican Chair of the House Ways & Means is grilling the IRS about the targeting of conservative groups? Once again,'re doing "gymnastics" not to admit the obvious! This letter from Camp to the IRS was a shot across the bows. Lerner would have known that she was in deep trouble the minute she saw would the Chief Counsel over at Treasury.
Those 7 hard drives didn't crash because Camp wasn't turning the screws...they crashed because he WAS turning the screws and he WAS asking for detailed information about who, what and when. When he did it was time for hard drives to crash and people to take the 5th.
Those 7 hard drives didn't crash because Camp wasn't turning the screws...they crashed because he WAS turning the screws and he WAS asking for detailed information about who, what and when. When he did it was time for hard drives to crash and people to take the 5th.

That is all to coincidental, one maybe, two unlikely, three no way, seven okay this is ridiculous and anyone dumb enough to ignore that as evidence is a partisan nut job.
Lerner acknowledged it was wrong for the agency to target groups based on political affiliation."That was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive and it was inappropriate. That's not how we go about selecting cases for further review," Lerner said at a conference sponsored by the American Bar Association."The IRS would like to apologize for that," she added.

Her response to the question she had planted.

there's a lot of supposition. and you're free to believe what you want.

here is the difference - we know that zimmerman killed a kid. his reason is the debate.

what has lerner been proved to do?

discriminate against conservative political groups.
that she did that has not been proven.
When a member of Congress has written you a letter demanding answers to an allegation that you've illegally targeted conservatives then an investigation is indeed PENDING! That isn't false information on my part...that's an accurate description of what took place. The shit was about to hit the fan and trust me, Lois Lerner KNEW IT!

oldstyle, i'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but you're making it hard.

camp's letter had nothing to do with the targeting of conservatives, and to call it an investigation is, in my opinion, a huge stretch.

it did ask for clarification on procedures, but i would not consider that an investigation because there was no allegation of wrongdoing.

The letter that supposedly led to the crash of Lois Lerner?s hard drive - The Washington Post

For someone to say that Camp's letter had "nothing to do with the targeting of conservatives" Ogi is either one of two things...a statement by someone deliberately trying to misrepresent what took place...or a statement by someone who has no idea what was in Camp's letter! So which of those two are you?

Both. He is thoroughly dishonest. The letter clearly was the kick off to this investigation. The letter obviously went to Lerner, as head of Exempt Organizations. Lerner obviously saw it before she trashed her computer. And probably messaged the other people who received the email to do likewise, which is why she was concerned about a paper trail being left.
It all makes sense. Unless you are terminally fucking stupid and a partisan asshole to boot.

How old is the video in this "Breaking!" thread? Just wondering if the republic will survive. :eusa_shifty:

You can pooh pooh what happened at the IRS as trivial, Dante but the truth is...abuse of power like this is one of the few things that COULD destroy the Republic. The use of the IRS against political enemies by those in power should be frightening as hell to everyone regardless of your politics. It was scary when Nixon tried to use the IRS and failed. It's even scarier now because those who sought to use the IRS against their political opponents succeeded. Our Republic is only as strong as the rule of law we have here. When government controls people instead of people controlling government...we've got a serious problem.

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