BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

Looks like ogl is getting a beat down with facts. It's tough to stand up for an IRS agent that admitted she was wrong.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Did her dept./she share confidential 990 information against federal law? Who's info did they share? Yes, it is all relevant and ties together. You just refuse to see it.
you can't be helped. i give you the actual letter, an article from a credible news outlet dissecting the letter and the claims it links to lerner and debunking your claim, yet you insist on continuing to believe as you did before, closed off to any new fact or evidence that does not support your preconceived notions.

I explain why it does link to Lerner and the scandal and you ignore it. What does that say about you? Are you lying or stupid?
actually , you claim the letter was to her. it was not. there was one mention of the exempt organizations division - requesting how and how often they share form 990 information.

so again, you can claim that there is a connection because a member of the house was asking a question on an unrelated subject, but frankly it just makes you look desperate.

claiming the letter was to her - that just makes you a liar.
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Looks like ogl is getting a beat down with facts. It's tough to stand up for an IRS agent that admitted she was wrong.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

you'd be right if i weren't the only one posting links and backing up my claims.
Looks like ogl is getting a beat down with facts. It's tough to stand up for an IRS agent that admitted she was wrong.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

you'd be right if i weren't the only one posting links and backing up my claims.

With all respect, Ogi...your links only prove that you've chosen to suspend common sense in hopes of portraying this as something that it isn't. What's coming through your attempts to play Devil's Advocate is that even you don't really believe what you're claiming. The 7 hard drive crashes and then the admission by the IRS that they neither retrieved the data that was lost (even though it was backed up on tape!) nor made paper copies of this data (which by law they were required to do) is SO patently absurd that anyone trying to argue that it wasn't planned, simply looks foolish.
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"If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him."
-- Cardinal Richelieu, and the modern Republican Party.
"If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him."
-- Cardinal Richelieu, and the modern Republican Party.

Please provide proof that the Republican party said that!:cuckoo:
Looks like ogl is getting a beat down with facts. It's tough to stand up for an IRS agent that admitted she was wrong.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

you'd be right if i weren't the only one posting links and backing up my claims.

You'bve backed up nothing except the suspicion you must be getting paid by the DNC to post stupid shit on this site. No one believes you. You would have to be on drugs to think Camps' letter did not involve Lerner, LErner did not see it, Lerner did not react by trashing her computer and the others similarly in the face of an expected congressional investigation.
Looks like ogl is getting a beat down with facts. It's tough to stand up for an IRS agent that admitted she was wrong.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

you'd be right if i weren't the only one posting links and backing up my claims.

You'bve backed up nothing except the suspicion you must be getting paid by the DNC to post stupid shit on this site. No one believes you. You would have to be on drugs to think Camps' letter did not involve Lerner, LErner did not see it, Lerner did not react by trashing her computer and the others similarly in the face of an expected congressional investigation.

you're entire argument boils down to 'but it looks suspicious'

i don't disagree with that assessment. it should be investigated, but i also don't agree with twisting the facts to make it look more suspicious than it is, which you, a proven liar, have insisted upon doing.
you'd be right if i weren't the only one posting links and backing up my claims.

You'bve backed up nothing except the suspicion you must be getting paid by the DNC to post stupid shit on this site. No one believes you. You would have to be on drugs to think Camps' letter did not involve Lerner, LErner did not see it, Lerner did not react by trashing her computer and the others similarly in the face of an expected congressional investigation.

you're entire argument boils down to 'but it looks suspicious'

i don't disagree with that assessment. it should be investigated, but i also don't agree with twisting the facts to make it look more suspicious than it is, which you, a proven liar, have insisted upon doing.

So you agree with me but I'm a liar? WTF?
Fact: Lois Lerner stated they were under tremendous pressure to "do something" about conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United.
Fact: Democratic Senators and Representatives sent letters to the IRS asking them to investigate various conservative groups.
Fact: Conservative groups applying for tax exempt status were subjected to delays and inappropriate scrutiny prior to the election.
Fact: Lois Lerner took the 5th
Fact: Rep Dave Camp sent a letter of inquiry to the iRS about the matter 10 days before Lerner's computer "crashed" and all the emails were wiped out.
Fact: Six other connected with this also experienced catastrophic crashes with unrecoverable emails.
Fact: Two federal judges have ordered investigations by magistrates into the IRS's handling of those emails.
Fact: The Justice Dept commenced an investigation by an Obama contributor and reported back in a week tat there was nothing to see.
Fact: Every statement by this administration about the matter has been proven to be a lie.
Fact: The IRS revealed confidential tax information on conservative groups to both the FBI and outside liberal political groups.

Now, you're going to tell me that this does not stink to high heaven, that all of it was a simple misunderstanding, that it can be explained without saying the administration and/or Democrats were involved in a big, really big, illegal effort to suppress conservaive groups? Please, tell me that with a straight face. Do it, I doubt dare you.
Add a fact: confidential tax information was released more than once on conservative groups
She took the 5th for God's sake. She's a piece of shite criminal. Just like her boss. They should all be arrested.
You'bve backed up nothing except the suspicion you must be getting paid by the DNC to post stupid shit on this site. No one believes you. You would have to be on drugs to think Camps' letter did not involve Lerner, LErner did not see it, Lerner did not react by trashing her computer and the others similarly in the face of an expected congressional investigation.

you're entire argument boils down to 'but it looks suspicious'

i don't disagree with that assessment. it should be investigated, but i also don't agree with twisting the facts to make it look more suspicious than it is, which you, a proven liar, have insisted upon doing.

So you agree with me but I'm a liar? WTF?
Fact: Lois Lerner stated they were under tremendous pressure to "do something" about conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United.
Fact: Democratic Senators and Representatives sent letters to the IRS asking them to investigate various conservative groups.
Fact: Conservative groups applying for tax exempt status were subjected to delays and inappropriate scrutiny prior to the election.
Fact: Lois Lerner took the 5th
Fact: Rep Dave Camp sent a letter of inquiry to the iRS about the matter 10 days before Lerner's computer "crashed" and all the emails were wiped out.
Fact: Six other connected with this also experienced catastrophic crashes with unrecoverable emails.
Fact: Two federal judges have ordered investigations by magistrates into the IRS's handling of those emails.
Fact: The Justice Dept commenced an investigation by an Obama contributor and reported back in a week tat there was nothing to see.
Fact: Every statement by this administration about the matter has been proven to be a lie.
Fact: The IRS revealed confidential tax information on conservative groups to both the FBI and outside liberal political groups.

Now, you're going to tell me that this does not stink to high heaven, that all of it was a simple misunderstanding, that it can be explained without saying the administration and/or Democrats were involved in a big, really big, illegal effort to suppress conservaive groups? Please, tell me that with a straight face. Do it, I doubt dare you.

no, you're a liar because you lie. you've altered facts and distorted the truth to make your case.
you're entire argument boils down to 'but it looks suspicious'

i don't disagree with that assessment. it should be investigated, but i also don't agree with twisting the facts to make it look more suspicious than it is, which you, a proven liar, have insisted upon doing.

So you agree with me but I'm a liar? WTF?
Fact: Lois Lerner stated they were under tremendous pressure to "do something" about conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United.
Fact: Democratic Senators and Representatives sent letters to the IRS asking them to investigate various conservative groups.
Fact: Conservative groups applying for tax exempt status were subjected to delays and inappropriate scrutiny prior to the election.
Fact: Lois Lerner took the 5th
Fact: Rep Dave Camp sent a letter of inquiry to the iRS about the matter 10 days before Lerner's computer "crashed" and all the emails were wiped out.
Fact: Six other connected with this also experienced catastrophic crashes with unrecoverable emails.
Fact: Two federal judges have ordered investigations by magistrates into the IRS's handling of those emails.
Fact: The Justice Dept commenced an investigation by an Obama contributor and reported back in a week tat there was nothing to see.
Fact: Every statement by this administration about the matter has been proven to be a lie.
Fact: The IRS revealed confidential tax information on conservative groups to both the FBI and outside liberal political groups.

Now, you're going to tell me that this does not stink to high heaven, that all of it was a simple misunderstanding, that it can be explained without saying the administration and/or Democrats were involved in a big, really big, illegal effort to suppress conservaive groups? Please, tell me that with a straight face. Do it, I doubt dare you.

no, you're a liar because you lie. you've altered facts and distorted the truth to make your case.

Go seek help ..nut. Even when shown the absolute facts you choose to live in lalaland.. YOU are a mitigating factor as to why psychological studies were done on leftists and found you to be insane. You do not live in reality.
you're entire argument boils down to 'but it looks suspicious'

i don't disagree with that assessment. it should be investigated, but i also don't agree with twisting the facts to make it look more suspicious than it is, which you, a proven liar, have insisted upon doing.

So you agree with me but I'm a liar? WTF?
Fact: Lois Lerner stated they were under tremendous pressure to "do something" about conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United.
Fact: Democratic Senators and Representatives sent letters to the IRS asking them to investigate various conservative groups.
Fact: Conservative groups applying for tax exempt status were subjected to delays and inappropriate scrutiny prior to the election.
Fact: Lois Lerner took the 5th
Fact: Rep Dave Camp sent a letter of inquiry to the iRS about the matter 10 days before Lerner's computer "crashed" and all the emails were wiped out.
Fact: Six other connected with this also experienced catastrophic crashes with unrecoverable emails.
Fact: Two federal judges have ordered investigations by magistrates into the IRS's handling of those emails.
Fact: The Justice Dept commenced an investigation by an Obama contributor and reported back in a week tat there was nothing to see.
Fact: Every statement by this administration about the matter has been proven to be a lie.
Fact: The IRS revealed confidential tax information on conservative groups to both the FBI and outside liberal political groups.

Now, you're going to tell me that this does not stink to high heaven, that all of it was a simple misunderstanding, that it can be explained without saying the administration and/or Democrats were involved in a big, really big, illegal effort to suppress conservaive groups? Please, tell me that with a straight face. Do it, I doubt dare you.

no, you're a liar because you lie. you've altered facts and distorted the truth to make your case.
You should've probably posted something substantial like proof with your unsubstantiated allegation. Nobody except a biased liberal would take your statement as fact.
you're entire argument boils down to 'but it looks suspicious'

i don't disagree with that assessment. it should be investigated, but i also don't agree with twisting the facts to make it look more suspicious than it is, which you, a proven liar, have insisted upon doing.

So you agree with me but I'm a liar? WTF?
Fact: Lois Lerner stated they were under tremendous pressure to "do something" about conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United.
Fact: Democratic Senators and Representatives sent letters to the IRS asking them to investigate various conservative groups.
Fact: Conservative groups applying for tax exempt status were subjected to delays and inappropriate scrutiny prior to the election.
Fact: Lois Lerner took the 5th
Fact: Rep Dave Camp sent a letter of inquiry to the iRS about the matter 10 days before Lerner's computer "crashed" and all the emails were wiped out.
Fact: Six other connected with this also experienced catastrophic crashes with unrecoverable emails.
Fact: Two federal judges have ordered investigations by magistrates into the IRS's handling of those emails.
Fact: The Justice Dept commenced an investigation by an Obama contributor and reported back in a week tat there was nothing to see.
Fact: Every statement by this administration about the matter has been proven to be a lie.
Fact: The IRS revealed confidential tax information on conservative groups to both the FBI and outside liberal political groups.

Now, you're going to tell me that this does not stink to high heaven, that all of it was a simple misunderstanding, that it can be explained without saying the administration and/or Democrats were involved in a big, really big, illegal effort to suppress conservaive groups? Please, tell me that with a straight face. Do it, I doubt dare you.

no, you're a liar because you lie. you've altered facts and distorted the truth to make your case.

Please show where I did any of that. Everything I posted is fact. No distortion, no spin.

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