BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

So you agree with me but I'm a liar? WTF?
Fact: Lois Lerner stated they were under tremendous pressure to "do something" about conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United.
Fact: Democratic Senators and Representatives sent letters to the IRS asking them to investigate various conservative groups.
Fact: Conservative groups applying for tax exempt status were subjected to delays and inappropriate scrutiny prior to the election.
Fact: Lois Lerner took the 5th
Fact: Rep Dave Camp sent a letter of inquiry to the iRS about the matter 10 days before Lerner's computer "crashed" and all the emails were wiped out.
Fact: Six other connected with this also experienced catastrophic crashes with unrecoverable emails.
Fact: Two federal judges have ordered investigations by magistrates into the IRS's handling of those emails.
Fact: The Justice Dept commenced an investigation by an Obama contributor and reported back in a week tat there was nothing to see.
Fact: Every statement by this administration about the matter has been proven to be a lie.
Fact: The IRS revealed confidential tax information on conservative groups to both the FBI and outside liberal political groups.

Now, you're going to tell me that this does not stink to high heaven, that all of it was a simple misunderstanding, that it can be explained without saying the administration and/or Democrats were involved in a big, really big, illegal effort to suppress conservaive groups? Please, tell me that with a straight face. Do it, I doubt dare you.

no, you're a liar because you lie. you've altered facts and distorted the truth to make your case.
You should've probably posted something substantial like proof with your unsubstantiated allegation. Nobody except a biased liberal would take your statement as fact.

oh i have, in this very thread.
You are one stupid shit making crap up. There have been no emails. Congress has not seen them. They claim they are lost.
Get out of here with that nonsense. No one believes you anymore.

not that you had any credibility to lose, but clearly you're just showing yourself here to be ignorant of facts.
GOP Lawmakers Grill IRS Chief Over Lost Emails - WSJ
The IRS said its effort to reconstruct Ms. Lerner's emails from 2009 to 2011 have been largely successful. Skeptical Republicans said at a minimum, the file doesn't include emails to and from other agencies and the outside world. Committee aides noted the IRS provided 43,000 pages of Lerner emails for mid-2011 to mid-2013, but only 24,000 for the two years when data was lost.
24000 blank pages?
Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.

look, you have no credibility, you are a proven liar. but if you can point to one instance of Ms. Lerner's name in the letter sent by Camp i'll eat my hat. Hell, I'll settle for the word 'conservative' or 'tea'

this letter was to the irs. it was about an unrelated issue. to link it to lerner, or to the targeting of tea party groups, is what is grossly dishonest. and if you don't believe me, just ask the washington post - they gave the claim three pinnochios or "Significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions"

but then lying and spreading falsehoods - that's par for the course for you.
no, you're a liar because you lie. you've altered facts and distorted the truth to make your case.
You should've probably posted something substantial like proof with your unsubstantiated allegation. Nobody except a biased liberal would take your statement as fact.

oh i have, in this very thread.

Grossly dishonest reporting because the IRS scandal was a broad range of issues. The tax letter was one issue and it was the opening wedge.
So yes, Dave Camp sent a letter to Lerner asking about this and magically within 10 days her hard drive crashes and all documentation is wiped out, even from servers and other things meant to archive them.
Yeah sure that's credible. If it were Bush you know the Left would be screaming for lynchings.

look, you have no credibility, you are a proven liar. but if you can point to one instance of Ms. Lerner's name in the letter sent by Camp i'll eat my hat. Hell, I'll settle for the word 'conservative' or 'tea'

this letter was to the irs. it was about an unrelated issue. to link it to lerner, or to the targeting of tea party groups, is what is grossly dishonest. and if you don't believe me, just ask the washington post - they gave the claim three pinnochios or "Significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions"

but then lying and spreading falsehoods - that's par for the course for you.
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
the file doesn't include emails to and from other agencies and the outside world.
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

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You should've probably posted something substantial like proof with your unsubstantiated allegation. Nobody except a biased liberal would take your statement as fact.

oh i have, in this very thread.
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
the file doesn't include emails to and from other agencies and the outside world.
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.
you're entire argument boils down to 'but it looks suspicious'

i don't disagree with that assessment. it should be investigated, but i also don't agree with twisting the facts to make it look more suspicious than it is, which you, a proven liar, have insisted upon doing.

So you agree with me but I'm a liar? WTF?
Fact: Lois Lerner stated they were under tremendous pressure to "do something" about conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United.
Fact: Democratic Senators and Representatives sent letters to the IRS asking them to investigate various conservative groups.
Fact: Conservative groups applying for tax exempt status were subjected to delays and inappropriate scrutiny prior to the election.
Fact: Lois Lerner took the 5th
Fact: Rep Dave Camp sent a letter of inquiry to the iRS about the matter 10 days before Lerner's computer "crashed" and all the emails were wiped out.
Fact: Six other connected with this also experienced catastrophic crashes with unrecoverable emails.
Fact: Two federal judges have ordered investigations by magistrates into the IRS's handling of those emails.
Fact: The Justice Dept commenced an investigation by an Obama contributor and reported back in a week tat there was nothing to see.
Fact: Every statement by this administration about the matter has been proven to be a lie.
Fact: The IRS revealed confidential tax information on conservative groups to both the FBI and outside liberal political groups.

Now, you're going to tell me that this does not stink to high heaven, that all of it was a simple misunderstanding, that it can be explained without saying the administration and/or Democrats were involved in a big, really big, illegal effort to suppress conservaive groups? Please, tell me that with a straight face. Do it, I doubt dare you.

no, you're a liar because you lie. you've altered facts and distorted the truth to make your case.

I gotta ask...where the hell are you getting your info from? The HuffingPaint post?
oh i have, in this very thread.
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
the file doesn't include emails to and from other agencies and the outside world.
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.

So she sent them emails of her telling her son to lock the doors and don't let strangers in at night and that would be, in your world, considered emails that she sent and verification that no emails were sent would be a lie.

Who gives a fuck if she sent emails if they were the wrong ones.

Damn you must think were idiots.
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.

So she sent them emails of her telling her son to lock the doors and don't let strangers in at night and that would be, in your world, considered emails that she sent and verification that no emails were sent would be a lie.

Who gives a fuck if she sent emails if they were the wrong ones.

Damn you must think were idiots.

well, you are an idiot. 24000 pages of the 'lost' emails from 2009-2011 have been recovered. it is not a complete recovery, but it is more than '0'
oh i have, in this very thread.
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
the file doesn't include emails to and from other agencies and the outside world.
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.

You are the liar. You are the one distorting. The IRS claims Lerner's HD crashed and they dont have the emails requested.
Are you denying that?
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.

You are the liar. You are the one distorting. The IRS claims Lerner's HD crashed and they dont have the emails requested.
Are you denying that?

not entirely. they claim they dont have all of the emails. they have 24000 pages - which is 24000 more than you claimed they had
You know I've always looked at dems as the competition.....these days I see them as the enemy.
When you cant get em to admit something as obvious as this,I dont know how else to view them.
I mean seriously!! This is such an affront to all thats right and honest that I have no choice but to view dems as an adversary beyond political.
They are a danger to the Republic at this point.
the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.

So she sent them emails of her telling her son to lock the doors and don't let strangers in at night and that would be, in your world, considered emails that she sent and verification that no emails were sent would be a lie.

Who gives a fuck if she sent emails if they were the wrong ones.

Damn you must think were idiots.

well, you are an idiot. 24000 pages of the 'lost' emails from 2009-2011 have been recovered. it is not a complete recovery, but it is more than '0'

None of those emails covered covered the pertinent subjects we want covered such as her emails concerning purposely picking on Conserviative pacs, for example. Therefore they don't count.
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the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.

You are the liar. You are the one distorting. The IRS claims Lerner's HD crashed and they dont have the emails requested.
Are you denying that?

not entirely. they claim they dont have all of the emails. they have 24000 pages - which is 24000 more than you claimed they had

So this is why 2 judges have ordered their own investigations into the missing emails, because they've provided all of them?
Damn are you stupid, s0n. You have no credibility here. You've been shown up after every post. Give it up.
You know I've always looked at dems as the competition.....these days I see them as the enemy.
When you cant get em to admit something as obvious as this,I dont know how else to view them.
I mean seriously!! This is such an affront to all thats right and honest that I have no choice but to view dems as an adversary beyond political.
They are a danger to the Republic at this point.

They're interested in winning. They dont care about fairness. They dont care about ethical. They dont care about legal. Their side is winning and thats all that matter to them.
oh i have, in this very thread.
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
the file doesn't include emails to and from other agencies and the outside world.
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.'re embarrassing yourself here. Do you know what a document "dump" is? It's what people do who don't want to comply with a request for pertinent documents but want to appear to be compliant. You don't release the documents that are harmful to you and you release MOUNTAINS of documents that have nothing to do with the investigation. Then when you're accused of non-compliance you protest that you've released 24,000 pages of emails! How could you POSSIBLY not be complying? It's a game. The IRS is deliberately hiding documents from them a document dump instead and you're buying it...hook, line & sinker!
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damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.'re embarrassing yourself here. Do you know what a document "dump" is? It's what people do who don't want to comply with a request for pertinent documents but want to appear to be compliant. You don't release the documents that are harmful to you and you release MOUNTAINS of documents that have nothing to do with the investigation. Then when you're accused of non-compliance you protest that you've released 24,000 pages of emails! How could you POSSIBLY not be complying? It's a game. The IRS is deliberately hiding documents from them a document dump instead and you're buying it...hook, line & sinker!

He admits that the IRS has not released the pertinent emails but somehow I'm the liar.
damn dude your own quotes prove you wrong
ie the ones that matter weren't there. Sure they got plenty of emails from her about things not pertinent to the case but the ones that matter were not recovered.

You knowingly passed this omission off as a proof he lied and you expect people to believe what you post.

the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.'re embarrassing yourself here. Do you know what a document "dump" is? It's what people do who don't want to comply with a request for pertinent documents but want to appear to be compliant. You don't release the documents that are harmful to you and you release MOUNTAINS of documents that have nothing to do with the investigation. Then when you're accused of non-compliance you protest that you've released 24,000 pages of emails! How could you POSSIBLY not be complying? It's a game. The IRS is deliberately hiding documents from them a document dump instead and you're buying it...hook, line & sinker!
so the claim has gone from 0 emails to too many emails?
the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.'re embarrassing yourself here. Do you know what a document "dump" is? It's what people do who don't want to comply with a request for pertinent documents but want to appear to be compliant. You don't release the documents that are harmful to you and you release MOUNTAINS of documents that have nothing to do with the investigation. Then when you're accused of non-compliance you protest that you've released 24,000 pages of emails! How could you POSSIBLY not be complying? It's a game. The IRS is deliberately hiding documents from them a document dump instead and you're buying it...hook, line & sinker!

He admits that the IRS has not released the pertinent emails but somehow I'm the liar.
you made multiple false claims. what else do you call that?
the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.'re embarrassing yourself here. Do you know what a document "dump" is? It's what people do who don't want to comply with a request for pertinent documents but want to appear to be compliant. You don't release the documents that are harmful to you and you release MOUNTAINS of documents that have nothing to do with the investigation. Then when you're accused of non-compliance you protest that you've released 24,000 pages of emails! How could you POSSIBLY not be complying? It's a game. The IRS is deliberately hiding documents from them a document dump instead and you're buying it...hook, line & sinker!
so the claim has gone from 0 emails to too many emails?

Come on, Dude! The IRS is NOT being compliant with this investigation! It's so obvious that I find it amusing that you're still trying to argue that they are. The IRS knows they did something so egregious that it could threaten their very existence. They've circled the wagons and are trying to ride this storm out.
Sit down and watch all the testimony by the different IRS heads and acting heads and see how they have attempted to stonewall this from the beginning. The pattern of deceit from the IRS is really quite amazing to witness. The different IRS spokesmen tell a story...get called on it...get replaced with someone new who tells another story...who get called on it...get replaced with someone else with another story...and on and on...'re embarrassing yourself here. Do you know what a document "dump" is? It's what people do who don't want to comply with a request for pertinent documents but want to appear to be compliant. You don't release the documents that are harmful to you and you release MOUNTAINS of documents that have nothing to do with the investigation. Then when you're accused of non-compliance you protest that you've released 24,000 pages of emails! How could you POSSIBLY not be complying? It's a game. The IRS is deliberately hiding documents from them a document dump instead and you're buying it...hook, line & sinker!

He admits that the IRS has not released the pertinent emails but somehow I'm the liar.
you made multiple false claims. what else do you call that?

So it is entirely plausible to you that 7 computers, just happened to have crashed in a short time period. That pertinent e-mails are missing and those that may have had the questioned e-mails are the ones who's computers crashed.

Does that not sound a little conspicuous?

The odds are astronomical, the circumstantial is overwhelming. The American deserve answers, they need to know why and who instructed IRS employees to target specific political groups.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
the claim was no emails - the facts are 24000 pages of emails.

So she sent them emails of her telling her son to lock the doors and don't let strangers in at night and that would be, in your world, considered emails that she sent and verification that no emails were sent would be a lie.

Who gives a fuck if she sent emails if they were the wrong ones.

Damn you must think were idiots.

well, you are an idiot. 24000 pages of the 'lost' emails from 2009-2011 have been recovered. it is not a complete recovery, but it is more than '0'

24, 000 emails that do not include the ones between the 7, unless they were cc'd to others. I would think that does make a difference. Persons of interest over quantity, ya know. And I do know you know the difference.

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