BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt

Okay, my post (#6) "The cop was doing his job," has become sort of a poll.
23 reactions so far:
10 disagree
13 agree
He has no job to shoot unarmed persons because she might could maybe possibly pose a threat down the road to a congressperson. He panicked and overreacted.

So...unarmed protestors should never be shot? Do you apply that across the board?

Down the road? How about down the hall, or in the back of that very room? Sheesh.

The laws governing the use of lethal force are very clear.....this racist black pos cop violated them and thus is guilty of excessive use of force which resulted in the death of a innocent protestor....they should hang him from the highest tree
If the democrats really wanted unity they would admit the cop disobeyed orders and used excessive force.

Irregardless....American Patriots will not forget what was done to Ashley Babbitt and at the opportune time....hopefully a massive demonstration will be called for in Washington....we must not forget Ashley Babbitt.
They were literally hunting for the vice president of the United States to murder him and you're sick enough to make excuses for them. You're fucked in the head, con
Murder him?

with what?

they had no guns in the capital

Just another example of how the media controls the mindset of was a peaceful protest and going into the people's house (capitol bldg) is the right of any citizen.....the peoples house cannot be restricted that is illegal......the capitol cops by brandishing weapons and killing in cold blood Ashli Babbitt demonstrated outrageous behavior and this killer cop needs to be prosecuted...if Biden really wants unity he must insist on that at the very least.

Riiiiight .... because to the brain-dead cult this....

... is peaceful.


Um; someone on crutches is a threat???

Okay, my post (#6) "The cop was doing his job," has become sort of a poll.
23 reactions so far:
10 disagree
13 agree
He has no job to shoot unarmed persons because she might could maybe possibly pose a threat down the road to a congressperson. He panicked and overreacted.

By "down the road," you mean within seconds.
The laws governing the use of lethal force are very clear
Are you the person who was telling me that your experience in carrying a weapon is in the military and private security as a profession? I can't remember if that was you or someone else I was conversing with and I ask because even though you state that the laws governing the use of lethal force are very clear, you don't seem to understand the actual application of that understanding.

I say this because you all keep highlighting what she wasn't doing while completely overlook what she was doing. I even saw someone try to minimize her perception as a threat by describing her as "undersized". I'm sure she was tough enough for our military if she served 14 years.
What SPECIFIC threat did she pose?
Trespassing while being conservative?
Conspiracy to assault, including conspiracy to "hang Mike Pence". By entering a restricted area (congressional gallery) through the window, she performed an overt act directly endangering the safety or lives of the members of congress, and secret service protectees behind the barricaded door.
Irregardless....American Patriots will not forget what was done to Ashley Babbitt and at the opportune time....hopefully a massive demonstration will be called for in Washington....we must not forget Ashley Babbitt.
What we won't forget is YOU defending this domestic terrorist
Like Kamala Harris defended blm and antifa terrorists?
Negro thug cop shooting an unarmed White Patriot woman veteran.

Why aren't the Patriots burning down cities, looting, murdering, destroying, rioting etc?

You know, like the BLM assholes?
Chief Justice Marshall - On the contrary, if war be actually levied, that is, if a body of men be actually assembled for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable purpose, all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in the general conspiracy, are to be considered as traitors. But there must be an actual assembling of men, for the treasonable purpose, to constitute a levying of war
Negro thug cop shooting an unarmed White Patriot woman veteran.

Why aren't the Patriots burning down cities, looting, murdering, destroying, rioting etc?

You know, like the BLM assholes?

Because she violated her oath to protect and defend the constitution by seeking to by force shut down a constitutional branch of the US government.

In fact John Marshall (chief justice) said that such an assemblage of men for that purpose was treason.
Negro thug cop shooting an unarmed White Patriot woman veteran.

Why aren't the Patriots burning down cities, looting, murdering, destroying, rioting etc?

You know, like the BLM assholes?
Because the National Guard is keeping the domestic terrorists out of D.C.

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