BREAKING: Fani Willis is Done! Nathan Wade Testifies He Paid For Vacations with His Business Card and Fani Willis Reimbursed Him in CASH For Expenses

I'm looking at this questioning and this entire thing is a joke. This was a man and woman in a relationship and these idiots are taking money paid for on dates and claiming they are improper gifts. This is stupid.

For example, they went to dinner and Wade paid. Willis refusing to let a man think he had to pay for her, paid him back her part of the dinner and these idiots call this a gift.
"took the case?" She brought the case. If/when another DA takes over they will have to decide if the charges are bullshit.
None of this changes the evidence compiled against trump. You guys are desperately grasping for anything. Funny how Willis doesn't try avoiding things like trump has done.
She grew up in an angry, anti-white black household and probably feels entitled to her position. Her father was a founder of a faction of the Black Panthers.
All Democrats are dumber than a door knob and corrupt as hell. We got a good look at it today.

Having sex with the guy she hires and pays $750K in taxpayer's money. LOL!

Takes several vacations with him.

Cash payments made.

No records of the cash exchanging hands.

Lying to the Court.

Typical Democrat corruption. The same assholes that are prosecuting the political opposition of the Leftest Banana Republic.
Fani Willis outwitted the nasty Trump attorneys today!

Go Fani!
"A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

Yuri Bezmenov
She’s angry because she had an inappropriate and unethical relationship with a man she hired, using taxpayer funds, and benefitted financially as a result. She was caught, and is now being called to task for it. She has an inflated ego, and is angry she’s being questioned for her behavior.
That’s a lazy generalized statement that you could make from reading propaganda headlines, but shows no intimate knowledge of the actual case we are watching today.

Nothing has shown misuse of tax payer funds and financial benefits. And she is literally saying why she is mad… she is calling out the multiple lies that trumps team included in 3 different lawsuits. She is doing this all under oath. So if Trump has evidence to back up those claims, they have her. My guess is… they don’t.
That’s a lazy generalized statement that you could make from reading propaganda headlines, but shows no intimate knowledge of the actual case we are watching today.

Nothing has shown misuse of tax payer funds and financial benefits. And she is literally saying why she is mad… she is calling out the multiple lies that trumps team included in 3 different lawsuits. She is doing this all under oath. So if Trump has evidence to back up those claims, they have her. My guess is… they don’t.

What a load of crap. This ^^^ is a desperate attempt to defend a moron getting completely destroyed on the stand. Willis is done, and so is this case against Trump.
What are you watching?! I just ran some errands and was listening to Hannitys show. He was harping on the guy pausing for 20 seconds before answering if he stayed in a cabin and then played the clip with the pause. I was just laughing and shaking my head.

Is that the stuff you think is “destroying” them on the stand?
I do not know that. The Republicans are learning the game now. And the damn has spread a leak or two with African Americans in high positions now being questioned for their dealings. Trump does not go down without a fight. Whatever the outcome of all of this.
There isn’t a leak in the dam. Did you watch the trial? Trumps team couldn’t show anything improper and got called out on lies and distortions. Their tactic is obvious
That’s a lazy generalized statement that you could make from reading propaganda headlines, but shows no intimate knowledge of the actual case we are watching today.

Nothing has shown misuse of tax payer funds and financial benefits. And she is literally saying why she is mad… she is calling out the multiple lies that trumps team included in 3 different lawsuits. She is doing this all under oath. So if Trump has evidence to back up those claims, they have her. My guess is… they don’t.
All under oath!!!!! That means nothing anymore. She was defensive. And then went race and gender. She may win if the judge is intimidated. He may be. However, the door opened a crack to question African Americans of political power of some sort now in court.
I'm looking at this questioning and this entire thing is a joke. This was a man and woman in a relationship and these idiots are taking money paid for on dates and claiming they are improper gifts. This is stupid.

For example, they went to dinner and Wade paid. Willis refusing to let a man think he had to pay for her, paid him back her part of the dinner and these idiots call this a gift.

None of this changes the evidence compiled against trump. You guys are desperately grasping for anything. Funny how Willis doesn't try avoiding things like trump has done.

RICO charges ! Hahahahaahhaahaahahahahaaaaaaa

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