BREAKING: FBI Arrests 87-Year-Old Concentration Camp Survivor for Singing Hymns Outside Abortion Clinic Door

Oh, so you must strongly oppose prosecuters who are refusing to prosecute shoplifters. Link me to some posts were you expressed your anger at that.
I don't know if I've expressed anger over it. Shoplifting isn't something I get overly emotional about. To clear some things up its the police who make arrests and prosecutors who decide whether or not to prosecute. I wouldn't have a problem with prosecutors choosing not to charge this woman. Removing her and negating her ability to block women from entering the facility seems good enough to me. If that requires arresting her, holding her for a couple hours and then releasing her I wouldn't object.
This is the real identity politics right here. Bitch ass Republicans acting like arresting someone for breaking the law is an affront to humanity if they're old and they survived the holocaust.
Rosa Parks is okay. Times change and the eddies of how people live go with it. This lady is not okay by the same people who adore Rosa.
Rosa Parks is okay. Times change and the eddies of how people live go with it. This lady is not okay by the same people who adore Rosa.
Well Rosa Parks was trying to mind her own business on a bus and this lady is trying to mind someone else business. Buy a clue you moron. 😄
If you read my posts, what I am saying is fetuses are aborted, not babies.

What the heck is a preborn baby? That doesn't even make sense. That would be like calling a 1 year old a postborn fetus.

...the term sounds suspiciously like a religious construct.

I should make some things known for the sake of clarity. I am not dogmatic about abortion; that would be my wife. I like pointing out hypocrisy. I don't like abortion, but I can see where it can be necessary sometimes. I also dislike killing people, but that has to be done sometimes too. Many Russians that we're killing with our weapons in Ukraine are not bad people. They are just in the wrong place, wearing the wrong clothes.

I find it interesting the proponents of abortion have a hard time admitting that aborting is, in fact, killing. The same people opposed the death penalty; many of them have no problem killing a baby for any reason. Many proponents of abortion are also pacifists and don't believe in killing, but evidently, that doesn't apply to the unborn.

And what is wrong with the word pre-born? It is my construct and is just as valid as any other construct. You know what it means, and when it comes to words, that's all that matters.
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There’s no actual argument here. You’re just repeating “they’re not the same” because you don’t want it to be the same.

The law isn’t against gay people being married. The law is against people marrying someone of the same gender.

Its gender discrimination.

How would have you replied to someone in the 60s saying that interracial marriage isn’t the same as intraracial marriage “aren’t equal no matter what you say”?

They are not the same. race doesn't involve an action, sexuality does.

Gender has nothing to do with it, sexuality does.

again, because race and sexuality are not the same, the comparison is moot.
I did answer your question. If I support abortion for legal reasons then your girl fetuses and gay thing are not a factor...but the question itself is very telling. I am learning about you.

You don't want to answer the question because you know it looks bad.

I'll make it more clear. In your opinion would it be right for a woman to abort a fetus because they know it's

1. The wrong gender
2. Gay
3. Down's syndrome.
They are not the same. race doesn't involve an action, sexuality does.

Gender has nothing to do with it, sexuality does.

again, because race and sexuality are not the same, the comparison is moot.
You can’t be this stupid. How can you extract gender from sexual orientation? You can’t. It’s part of the definition of heterosexual and homosexual.

You’re making blatantly stupid arguments
You can’t be this stupid. How can you extract gender from sexual orientation? You can’t. It’s part of the definition of heterosexual and homosexual.

You’re making blatantly stupid arguments

Again one involves an action or a behavior, the other doesn't.
Sexuality does, and that's my point in all this.
Your point is bullshit and you’re too stupid to it to see that.

Interracial marriage is also a behavior but it’s protected because it would be discrimination based on race to say they can’t get married.

Same sex marriage is also a behavior but it’s protected because it would be discrimination based on gender to say they can’t get married.

Your point is bullshit and you’re too stupid to it to see that.

Interracial marriage is also a behavior but it’s protected because it would be discrimination based on race to say they can’t get married.

Same sex marriage is also a behavior but it’s protected because it would be discrimination based on gender to say they can’t get married.


marriage is an act. sexuality is a behavior, race and gender are characteristics.
marriage is an act. sexuality is a behavior, race and gender are characteristics.
What a weak ass response.

Gender is inextricable from sexuality. You can’t discriminate based on sexuality without discriminating gender.


Yet you’re going to try to separate these? Get fucked.
What a weak ass response.

Gender is inextricable from sexuality. You can’t discriminate based on sexuality without discriminating gender.


Yet you’re going to try to separate these? Get fucked.

I stand by my statement.

Sorry if you are having a hard time with your cherished notions being questioned in a rational way. If you can't play with the big boys, I suggest the Hello Kitty Message Board as perhaps more fitting for your debating ability.
I stand by my statement.

Sorry if you are having a hard time with your cherished notions being questioned in a rational way. If you can't play with the big boys, I suggest the Hello Kitty Message Board as perhaps more fitting for your debating ability.
My only problem is that losers like you can’t figure out when you’ve been beaten.

That’s why you’re response are so pathetic.

“I stand by my statement” means youre going to pretend that I didn’t disassemble your ridiculous assertion and have no counter argument.

You’re an intellectual child.
My only problem is that losers like you can’t figure out when you’ve been beaten.

That’s why you’re response are so pathetic.

“I stand by my statement” means youre going to pretend that I didn’t disassemble your ridiculous assertion and have no counter argument.

You’re an intellectual child.

I made my argument, you disagree. That's your right. You getting all sand in your vagina about it is your problem, not mine.
I made my argument, you disagree. That's your right. You getting all sand in your vagina about it is your problem, not mine.
Your argument is nonsense and I proved it.

At least you’re a legend in your own mind.
Your argument is nonsense and I proved it.

At least you’re a legend in your own mind.

You didn't prove anything, you just countered with your own opinion and like most progressives treated it as the truth and fact.

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