BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

The bomber Lunatic did this before in 2002, along with many other criminal activities, LONG BEFORE TRUMP became President.

Dropping the irrational partisanship behavior will help you.

Exactly. He's exactly the type of "lone wolf" loser misfit the link identifies there. The demagogue's target.

That's a psychology study, not a 'partisanship' analysis. There's nothing about "partisanship" in there at all. Learn to read.

And no, he didn't do this before. He did a lot of other shit.

You made a claim that the President triggred the man, with this link:

"Stochastic Terrorism"

I pointed out that the man wasn't triggered at all since he has long been a repeat criminal and extremist in behavior long before President Trump came along. He made terroristic bomb scare SIXTEEN YEARS AGO! has a few Felony charges to his record also long before Trump came along too.

Your link drives the guilt by association claim very hard, which fails to show whether the person was first ALREADY PREDISPOSED in doing it without outside influences.

Your link has ZERO Psychological research in it and the writer of the blog has ZERO indication of Psychology education or experience at all. He is an armchair pop psychologist and it shows with his obvious partisanship and shoddy research, trying to make tortured connections between the crime and supposed outside influence.

I own books written by Nazis, therefore I must be a Nazi sympathizer. I have seen well over a THOUSAND hours of horrid violence on TV and Movies, yet still don't own the weapons used in those shows, haven't attacked anyone either shedding blood and mayhem.

Guilt by association is one of the worst ideas perpetuated by ignorant people who keep playing the pop psychology from their living room. Might as well indict Jimmy Carter, who had a bunch of his friends get indicted for crimes, even some of them go to jail, after all they were his friends and political appointments. Yet most people long knew Jimmy Carter was not a criminal at all, just a weak President unfortunately.

Getting "triggered" by a book or film FIRST requires that the person is already a lunatic and a criminal. Most people who read and see the same stuff he did never even began to become what he became because they don't have the brain problem he has. All those mass shootings are being done by people who are mentally sick and some even on drugs, NEVER one shoots who is sane or free of drugs, NEVER!

Learn to think rationally fella.

You'll find I'm the primary mover and shaker against Composition Fallacies on this site. Go ahead, read my posts.

This STILL has nothing to do with my link. There is no "association" suggested there. It's a psychological study of how manipulators get gullible puppets to do their bidding for them. I don't know why you're going on and on trying to make a study you obviously didn't read into something it's not.

That ain't gonna sell here Homer. I knew what was on that page before I posted it. As I just said --- go learn how to read. And don't try to snow your way through when you obviously haven't. K? Had you done that you might have noticed, right at the top of the page, that it's seven years old.

Gosh you make so many assumptions about me who saw how old the link is and even read the whole thing and looked up the writer. It is a poor article since he makes many unsupported assertions, using the stupid Guilty by association idea all through the article. I pointed out the obvious that YOU have yet to acknowledge that the man had amassed over TWENTY YEARS of criminal activities, long before the President came along.
I live in a family who's father is a Professor in Psychology, Mother who has a Masters in Psychology, Godmother with a Master and the School district Psychologist. I have Some Psychologist training too. I can see the obvious flaws of your link easily while you appears taken by the low scholarship of that armchair analysis.

Obviously it didn't rub off.

Don't plant shit in my link that isn't there. Simple as that. Can you handle it or not?
She didn’t. She has been investigated to hell and back by you guys and you still can’t let go of it.

How anyone can believe Hillary never broke the law is beyond me. The media sure did a good job protecting her. A damn good job.
You either believe in the justice system, that over all it works or you decide ahead of time, with a paucity of actual information and a hell of a lot of opinion that a person is guilty and the only “legitimate” investigation is the one that will find that person guilty regardless of actual evidence. That isn’t justice.

The Republicans have launched investigation after investigation...and failed to produce evidence for an indictment? Might be time to admit this is based on hate not law.

I never said they should continue to investigate her. The fact remains she has broken the law and nothing is going to change that. Unfortunately the American justice system isn’t perfect and sometimes criminals go free. When you’re someone like Hillary Clinton you can get away with stuff no other person would. Just bc she was exonerated doesn’t mean she didn’t commit the crimes from which she was spared of taking responsibility for.

So do you feel the same about Trump?

Not sure what you’re getting at here but Trump hasn’t committed the crimes she did.

You have to remember that in the upside down world of the left Trump committed the one and forever unforgivable crime of winning the election.
They didn't feel that way about Obama when he beat her but I think we all know why eh?

Just tweeted by Tapper:

Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources. — CNN’s Mark Morales, Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, and Brynn Gingras report

Latest news: Trump critics and CNN receive explosive devices - CNNPolitics

Federal authorities have arrested a man in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
We now know some in LE have been targeting the wrong people. California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show

We have more extremely violent Trump supporters being arrested every day. From coast to coast - This bomber does not exist in a vacuum

Members of California white supremacist group arrested in connection with deadly Charlottesville rally - Los Angeles Times

You know that this is a deep State set up.
The overkill on the van was classic overreach. In any case it's irrelevant at this point. Let's posit for a moment that this guy did this all on his own with no interference from the deep state. It doesn't matter anymore.... The FBI's credibility is so flushed away has to be irretrievable anytime this decade. So whether this is a false flag or the real thing is no longer the point.... The real point is what people are thinking... And I am amazed at the speed with which the greater community of conservatives reach the conclusion nearly simultaneously that this was a setup.

So it's a backfire even if it wasn't meant to be one... It's a backfire even if it wasn't a setup.

It's a backfire because everything that happens between now and November 6th is locked into that partisan antipathy that the left is mostly responsible for.....with the antifa rallies, the get in their faces philosophy and the obvious Grand production of the Kavanaugh hearing. The canoe has gone too close to the waterfall... It isn't coming back not even for the Sayoc Fiasco. Too little too late deep Staters!

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The magabomber was a trump fanatic from day one. Here he is at trump’s inauguration....


... so take your conspiracy nuttery over to the conspiracy threads.
Seminole Hollywood reservation is just to the south of Plantation Fl. Where the guy was arrested.

They weren't around there.
Who wasn't around where? Spit it out, dumbass.

There was no "Seminole" anything in South Florida, faggot.

Seminoles didn't reach past around Sarasota county.

The internet doesn't know a whole fucking lot.
Aww, poor, Mary. Sees faggots everywhere.

Especially, in the mirror, isn’t that right, Mary?

Hypocritical lefty using homophobic accusations as a smear.

Vile scum.
Fucking idiot. Next time, try reading the post I was responding to. It’s in English so you may need some help.
Apparently you had your heart set on Composition Fallacy.

Long way to fall when it works against you innit.


I think you're missing the point. first of all this latest Fiasco did absolutely nothing to gain or lose votes one way or the other.

This is a backfire for the left even if it's not a setup. The bad reputation that the FBI has developed over the past two years of being a harbor call Liars sneaks and weasels directly overshadowd any effort they are putting out now.

What's really hilarious is that this could be the real thing and it doesn't matter. It's going to be seeing as a deep State production because they've already demonstrated their capable of it... And it's going to backfire even if it's the real thing.

Now that my friend is a composition you can take to the bank.


Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. Fallacies are fallacies, PERIOD. You don't get a "get out of fallacy free" card just because you think you can sell some myth.

Wasn't even your point White Knight charging in on trusty steed to defend milady's fallacy, but the fact remains what political party this guy is with, if any, now or in the past, is Fucking Irrelevant, and at the risk of repetition, PERIOD. And there ain't nothing you can do to change that so -------- sucks 2BU.

Yeeeeeeeeeeep. I studied your offering for syntax and grammar and can find nothing relevant in it.

I assume you're trying to paw at the point that this latest Fiasco will have some effect on the November 6th election.

Once again I will repeat to you that I believe you're missing the point.

While you are flailing desperately to add credibility to what really appears to be another deep State set up..... I am merely observing what is already fact. The voting base that has been targeted by this elaborate production has not moved an inch.

So whether it's real or whether it's contrived is irrelevant. The partisan antipathy at this point is so virulent that it has the same effect one way or another.

Now then eat your mush and behave!


Not much into the whole "reading" thing are ya.

Let's take you by the proverbial hand and walk you through where we just came from.
Buckled up? Roll tape.

Cesar Sayoc, Jr., identified as suspect in pipe bomb attacks

Sayoc's white van, which had pictures of Trump and the presidential seal plastered to the windows, was seized by the officials and hauled off to a secure facility.

The suspect is a registered Republican, according to records.
Now let’s see how recently registered. And what his prior party affiliations are...

--- which I then pointed out is irrelevant because it constitutes nothing more than a Composition Fallacy.

--- which you'll notice is not even your post, responding to another post that's also not yours.

--- Then you came charging in on yon white steed yammering about what kind of mythologies you could sell, which is not only irrelevant to the event, it's even irrelevant to the fallacy.

Maybe you should concentrate on your own posts instead of jerking off to other people's posts that you can't even read. Just an idea.

Au contraire! I read with relish every syllable that is offered...but you see I am a pragmatic soul. I don't respond to points of argument that prove themselve wrong without my help. As for the rest of it....I look at the greater point behind it and speak to that point if it is discernable that is.

So I will repeat for the third time...feel privileged because I never do this....

It doesn't matter if Sayoc was an independent operative or if he was a product of a deep state production. The overarching effect on public opinion is that this is just another false flag ....hoax. The FBI can thank themselves for that effect. That may eventually be found to be inaccurate....but it's all that really matters at this point in time.

I distinctly remember telling you to finish up that mush! Listen up boy!

”The overarching effect on public opinion is that this is just another false flag.”

Prove that ^^^

I am under the belief that the vast majority of Americans are nowhere near as crazy as you conspiracy nuts.
The MAGAbomber is clearly of Filipino descent, by the name and his photo.

"MAGAbomber". Perfect, I like it.

There used to be consequences.
Which means he's a Cruz allie...

What's an allie? Did you mean "ally"?
See urban dictionary..

Sorry! I speak English. I suggest you do the same.

Your urban dictionary says it is a term for the most beautiful girl in the world or a skinny girl. So neither of those fit in the context of your statement.

I suggest getting a refund on your education.
”I suggest getting a refund on your education.”


Does throwing stones in glass houses mean anything to you, ya dumbass? Need I remind the forum how you just looked at a photo of people in D.C. on an overcast day wearing winter coats; and proved to be retarded enough to assert the photo was taken in the summer??

"MAGAbomber". Perfect, I like it.

There used to be consequences.
Which means he's a Cruz allie...

What's an allie? Did you mean "ally"?
See urban dictionary..

Sorry! I speak English. I suggest you do the same.

Your urban dictionary says it is a term for the most beautiful girl in the world or a skinny girl. So neither of those fit in the context of your statement.

I suggest getting a refund on your education.
”I suggest getting a refund on your education.”


Does throwing stones in glass houses mean anything to you, ya dumbass? Need I remind the forum how you just looked at a photo of people in D.C. on an overcast day wearing winter coats; and proved to be retarded enough to assert the photo was taken in the summer??


At glass houses dude. AT..... And the operative phrase is living in one.

Which means he's a Cruz allie...

What's an allie? Did you mean "ally"?
See urban dictionary..

Sorry! I speak English. I suggest you do the same.

Your urban dictionary says it is a term for the most beautiful girl in the world or a skinny girl. So neither of those fit in the context of your statement.

I suggest getting a refund on your education.
”I suggest getting a refund on your education.”


Does throwing stones in glass houses mean anything to you, ya dumbass? Need I remind the forum how you just looked at a photo of people in D.C. on an overcast day wearing winter coats; and proved to be retarded enough to assert the photo was taken in the summer??


At glass houses dude. AT..... And the operative phrase is living in one.

”the operative phrase is living in one.”

Yes, ”IN,” that’s what I said...

”Does throwing stones IN glass houses mean anything to you, ya dumbass?”

Why would anyone use that phrase about throwing stones “AT” a glass house?? That makes no sense.
For no reason at all? So her breaking the law isn’t a legitimate reason to you? Why?
She didn’t. She has been investigated to hell and back by you guys and you still can’t let go of it.

How anyone can believe Hillary never broke the law is beyond me. The media sure did a good job protecting her. A damn good job.
You either believe in the justice system, that over all it works or you decide ahead of time, with a paucity of actual information and a hell of a lot of opinion that a person is guilty and the only “legitimate” investigation is the one that will find that person guilty regardless of actual evidence. That isn’t justice.

The Republicans have launched investigation after investigation...and failed to produce evidence for an indictment? Might be time to admit this is based on hate not law.

Oh please! You must have missed Comey's testimony before Congress where he cleared Hillary of punishment but admitted that she had committed serious criminal acts.

Come on Coyote, even you are not that stupid, even though I know you try very hard to be just like your libtard friends.
He said serious criminal acts? Really? He said no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case on it.

The fact is that he lied.

Oh, where is Comey now? Oh, that's right! He is one of the the three people left still looking for work in the entire country!

Steve Scalise is a Congressman. He is not a Senator. You are confused yet again.
Steve himself was not 'the' target. Republicans at a softball game were, and no one had been demonizing Republicans and suggesting they be attacked. Trump has mentioned people targeted by name. The pipe bomber, rightwing, domestic terrorist went after a list of Trump's favorite targets

You are completely full of shit. Trump hasn't mentioned anyone who didn't mention him first. Your suggestion that he simply stand there and take the abuse is laughable. That's what Romey did. Sanders spends his entire rhetoric on attack.... He targets Republicans
In general. There is no such list except in the minds of those who resent being exposed.

Sorry... You don't get to use the "it's different" Line here...double standards all the way with you guys.. It's going to cost you on the sixth.

55 for Mitch... 2 more judges on the way.

”2 more judges on the way.”

Not if Democrats can pull off a miracle and take control of the Senate.

If a liberal leaves the court, no one cares. An 8 person court of 5 conservatives or a 7 person court with 5 conservatives works even better! Libs cannot win by obstructing and refusing to confirm anyone. They would lose their ass again in 2020.
Just tweeted by Tapper:

Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources. — CNN’s Mark Morales, Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, and Brynn Gingras report

Latest news: Trump critics and CNN receive explosive devices - CNNPolitics

Federal authorities have arrested a man in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
We now know some in LE have been targeting the wrong people. California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show

We have more extremely violent Trump supporters being arrested every day. From coast to coast - This bomber does not exist in a vacuum

Members of California white supremacist group arrested in connection with deadly Charlottesville rally - Los Angeles Times

You know that this is a deep State set up.
The overkill on the van was classic overreach. In any case it's irrelevant at this point. Let's posit for a moment that this guy did this all on his own with no interference from the deep state. It doesn't matter anymore.... The FBI's credibility is so flushed away has to be irretrievable anytime this decade. So whether this is a false flag or the real thing is no longer the point.... The real point is what people are thinking... And I am amazed at the speed with which the greater community of conservatives reach the conclusion nearly simultaneously that this was a setup.

So it's a backfire even if it wasn't meant to be one... It's a backfire even if it wasn't a setup.

It's a backfire because everything that happens between now and November 6th is locked into that partisan antipathy that the left is mostly responsible for.....with the antifa rallies, the get in their faces philosophy and the obvious Grand production of the Kavanaugh hearing. The canoe has gone too close to the waterfall... It isn't coming back not even for the Sayoc Fiasco. Too little too late deep Staters!

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The magabomber was a trump fanatic from day one. Here he is at trump’s inauguration....


... so take your conspiracy nuttery over to the conspiracy threads.

So Trump was inaugurated on a cold, overcast day in September 2018? That's what the picture says!

Steve Scalise is a Congressman. He is not a Senator. You are confused yet again.
Steve himself was not 'the' target. Republicans at a softball game were, and no one had been demonizing Republicans and suggesting they be attacked. Trump has mentioned people targeted by name. The pipe bomber, rightwing, domestic terrorist went after a list of Trump's favorite targets

You are completely full of shit. Trump hasn't mentioned anyone who didn't mention him first. Your suggestion that he simply stand there and take the abuse is laughable. That's what Romey did. Sanders spends his entire rhetoric on attack.... He targets Republicans
In general. There is no such list except in the minds of those who resent being exposed.

Sorry... You don't get to use the "it's different" Line here...double standards all the way with you guys.. It's going to cost you on the sixth.

55 for Mitch... 2 more judges on the way.

”2 more judges on the way.”

Not if Democrats can pull off a miracle and take control of the Senate.

If a liberal leaves the court, no one cares. An 8 person court of 5 conservatives or a 7 person court with 5 conservatives works even better! Libs cannot win by obstructing and refusing to confirm anyone. They would lose their ass again in 2020.
The Republicans did.
Steve Scalise is a Congressman. He is not a Senator. You are confused yet again.
Steve himself was not 'the' target. Republicans at a softball game were, and no one had been demonizing Republicans and suggesting they be attacked. Trump has mentioned people targeted by name. The pipe bomber, rightwing, domestic terrorist went after a list of Trump's favorite targets

You are completely full of shit. Trump hasn't mentioned anyone who didn't mention him first. Your suggestion that he simply stand there and take the abuse is laughable. That's what Romey did. Sanders spends his entire rhetoric on attack.... He targets Republicans
In general. There is no such list except in the minds of those who resent being exposed.

Sorry... You don't get to use the "it's different" Line here...double standards all the way with you guys.. It's going to cost you on the sixth.

55 for Mitch... 2 more judges on the way.

”2 more judges on the way.”

Not if Democrats can pull off a miracle and take control of the Senate.

If a liberal leaves the court, no one cares. An 8 person court of 5 conservatives or a 7 person court with 5 conservatives works even better! Libs cannot win by obstructing and refusing to confirm anyone. They would lose their ass again in 2020.
The Republicans did.

The Republicans did what? Having a lib leave the court actually improves their control, not reduces it. Go ahead and obstruct any of Trumps nominees if they gain control of the Senate. No one will care!

5-3 or 5-2 votes win every time!
She didn’t. She has been investigated to hell and back by you guys and you still can’t let go of it.

How anyone can believe Hillary never broke the law is beyond me. The media sure did a good job protecting her. A damn good job.
You either believe in the justice system, that over all it works or you decide ahead of time, with a paucity of actual information and a hell of a lot of opinion that a person is guilty and the only “legitimate” investigation is the one that will find that person guilty regardless of actual evidence. That isn’t justice.

The Republicans have launched investigation after investigation...and failed to produce evidence for an indictment? Might be time to admit this is based on hate not law.

Oh please! You must have missed Comey's testimony before Congress where he cleared Hillary of punishment but admitted that she had committed serious criminal acts.

Come on Coyote, even you are not that stupid, even though I know you try very hard to be just like your libtard friends.
He said serious criminal acts? Really? He said no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case on it.

The fact is that he lied.

Oh, where is Comey now? Oh, that's right! He is one of the the three people left still looking for work in the entire country!
Comey's testimony helped put Trump's cronies in the place they are in.
Steve himself was not 'the' target. Republicans at a softball game were, and no one had been demonizing Republicans and suggesting they be attacked. Trump has mentioned people targeted by name. The pipe bomber, rightwing, domestic terrorist went after a list of Trump's favorite targets

You are completely full of shit. Trump hasn't mentioned anyone who didn't mention him first. Your suggestion that he simply stand there and take the abuse is laughable. That's what Romey did. Sanders spends his entire rhetoric on attack.... He targets Republicans
In general. There is no such list except in the minds of those who resent being exposed.

Sorry... You don't get to use the "it's different" Line here...double standards all the way with you guys.. It's going to cost you on the sixth.

55 for Mitch... 2 more judges on the way.

”2 more judges on the way.”

Not if Democrats can pull off a miracle and take control of the Senate.

If a liberal leaves the court, no one cares. An 8 person court of 5 conservatives or a 7 person court with 5 conservatives works even better! Libs cannot win by obstructing and refusing to confirm anyone. They would lose their ass again in 2020.
The Republicans did.

The Republicans did what? Having a lib leave the court actually improves their control, not reduces it. Go ahead and obstruct any of Trumps nominees if they gain control of the Senate. No one will care!

5-3 or 5-2 votes win every time!
McHale's Admiral doesn't realize that a few of the conservative justices can be persuaded to not toe the ideological line.

The bomber Lunatic did this before in 2002, along with many other criminal activities, LONG BEFORE TRUMP became President.

Dropping the irrational partisanship behavior will help you.

Exactly. He's exactly the type of "lone wolf" loser misfit the link identifies there. The demagogue's target.

That's a psychology study, not a 'partisanship' analysis. There's nothing about "partisanship" in there at all. Learn to read.

And no, he didn't do this before. He did a lot of other shit.

You made a claim that the President triggred the man, with this link:

"Stochastic Terrorism"

I pointed out that the man wasn't triggered at all since he has long been a repeat criminal and extremist in behavior long before President Trump came along. He made terroristic bomb scare SIXTEEN YEARS AGO! has a few Felony charges to his record also long before Trump came along too.

Your link drives the guilt by association claim very hard, which fails to show whether the person was first ALREADY PREDISPOSED in doing it without outside influences.

Your link has ZERO Psychological research in it and the writer of the blog has ZERO indication of Psychology education or experience at all. He is an armchair pop psychologist and it shows with his obvious partisanship and shoddy research, trying to make tortured connections between the crime and supposed outside influence.

I own books written by Nazis, therefore I must be a Nazi sympathizer. I have seen well over a THOUSAND hours of horrid violence on TV and Movies, yet still don't own the weapons used in those shows, haven't attacked anyone either shedding blood and mayhem.

Guilt by association is one of the worst ideas perpetuated by ignorant people who keep playing the pop psychology from their living room. Might as well indict Jimmy Carter, who had a bunch of his friends get indicted for crimes, even some of them go to jail, after all they were his friends and political appointments. Yet most people long knew Jimmy Carter was not a criminal at all, just a weak President unfortunately.

Getting "triggered" by a book or film FIRST requires that the person is already a lunatic and a criminal. Most people who read and see the same stuff he did never even began to become what he became because they don't have the brain problem he has. All those mass shootings are being done by people who are mentally sick and some even on drugs, NEVER one shoots who is sane or free of drugs, NEVER!

Learn to think rationally fella.

You'll find I'm the primary mover and shaker against Composition Fallacies on this site. Go ahead, read my posts.

This STILL has nothing to do with my link. There is no "association" suggested there. It's a psychological study of how manipulators get gullible puppets to do their bidding for them. I don't know why you're going on and on trying to make a study you obviously didn't read into something it's not.

That ain't gonna sell here Homer. I knew what was on that page before I posted it. As I just said --- go learn how to read. And don't try to snow your way through when you obviously haven't. K? Had you done that you might have noticed, right at the top of the page, that it's seven years old.

Gosh the bullcrap flows from your mouth in a torrent because you are LYING over it!

Example of shoddy armchair statements from your favorite pop psychologist:

"This is also the term for what Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and others do. And this is what led directly and predictably to a number of cases of ideologically-motivated murder similar to the Tucson shootings. As of this writing, there is no evidence to link Jared Loughner to a specific source of incitement; but some of the other cases can be clearly linked."

then after some long winded pap finally gets back to the bad old republicans with more unsupported drivel:

"o let's take Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly. There is no question that their emotional rhetoric appeals to people who are emotionally unstable. And, since their audiences are tracked and analyzed in detail, there is no question that they know it.

When they go on TV and shout and sputter, rant and rave, and weep and wail, they are not expecting to persuade liberals or even undecideds to change their votes. They are "playing to their base," that they know includes people who are emotionally unstable. In short they are "stirring the pot." And if you turn up the temperature and keep stirring, you know that the pot will boil. Bubbles will come up from the depths and pop."

Clinical Psychologists do not write that way at all, what you have here is drivel from an engineer with ZERO Psychology training and Education, he writes incoherently and in laughable circles. He never does show any scholarly approach to provide a real link to BEHAVORAL reactions to what Hannity and others say, and that he doesn't even show that the accused bomb terrorist even watch their shows!

You are that stupid to fall for the physocbabble that flows heavily in your link.

No guilt by association?

Gee did you even read your own link that has excellent examples of it such this one?

"It becomes insidious when these practices are used in such a manner as to deliberately or negligently stir up lone wolf violence.

So let's take Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly. There is no question that their emotional rhetoric appeals to people who are emotionally unstable. And, since their audiences are tracked and analyzed in detail, there is no question that they know it.

When they go on TV and shout and sputter, rant and rave, and weep and wail, they are not expecting to persuade liberals or even undecideds to change their votes. They are "playing to their base," that they know includes people who are emotionally unstable. In short they are "stirring the pot." And if you turn up the temperature and keep stirring, you know that the pot will boil. Bubbles will come up from the depths and pop."


"On 27 July 2008, lone wolf shooter Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and shot nine people, killing two and wounding seven. Adkisson said he was motivated by hatred of "Democrats, liberals, n-----s, and faggots." A police search of his home found books by Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly."


"On 31 May 2009, anti-abortion extremist Scott Roeder shot and killed gynecologist Dr. George Tiller while Tiller was attending church services. At first it appeared that he acted alone, but research by subject-matter experts uncovered evidence that he had at least one accomplice. That issue is presently being investigated by a federal grand jury."

In the months leading up to the assassination, Bill O'Reilly had waged a "relentless campaign" against Tiller, a campaign of exactly the type that would be expected to stir up violence against the doctor."

Red bolding mine

From HERE,

Guilt refers to a feeling of having done something bad or a perception that you did something wrong. Guilt by association means that you personally didn't really do something wrong but that people who you are associated with did. You are judged by the company you keep, so you can be viewed as guilty because of your association with wrongdoers."

There are more examples of clearly implied "guilt by association" in your hilarious link. A real Psychologist would never write this way.

You are a truly stupid man.
Last edited:

The bomber Lunatic did this before in 2002, along with many other criminal activities, LONG BEFORE TRUMP became President.

Dropping the irrational partisanship behavior will help you.

Exactly. He's exactly the type of "lone wolf" loser misfit the link identifies there. The demagogue's target.

That's a psychology study, not a 'partisanship' analysis. There's nothing about "partisanship" in there at all. Learn to read.

And no, he didn't do this before. He did a lot of other shit.

You made a claim that the President triggred the man, with this link:

"Stochastic Terrorism"

I pointed out that the man wasn't triggered at all since he has long been a repeat criminal and extremist in behavior long before President Trump came along. He made terroristic bomb scare SIXTEEN YEARS AGO! has a few Felony charges to his record also long before Trump came along too.

Your link drives the guilt by association claim very hard, which fails to show whether the person was first ALREADY PREDISPOSED in doing it without outside influences.

Your link has ZERO Psychological research in it and the writer of the blog has ZERO indication of Psychology education or experience at all. He is an armchair pop psychologist and it shows with his obvious partisanship and shoddy research, trying to make tortured connections between the crime and supposed outside influence.

I own books written by Nazis, therefore I must be a Nazi sympathizer. I have seen well over a THOUSAND hours of horrid violence on TV and Movies, yet still don't own the weapons used in those shows, haven't attacked anyone either shedding blood and mayhem.

Guilt by association is one of the worst ideas perpetuated by ignorant people who keep playing the pop psychology from their living room. Might as well indict Jimmy Carter, who had a bunch of his friends get indicted for crimes, even some of them go to jail, after all they were his friends and political appointments. Yet most people long knew Jimmy Carter was not a criminal at all, just a weak President unfortunately.

Getting "triggered" by a book or film FIRST requires that the person is already a lunatic and a criminal. Most people who read and see the same stuff he did never even began to become what he became because they don't have the brain problem he has. All those mass shootings are being done by people who are mentally sick and some even on drugs, NEVER one shoots who is sane or free of drugs, NEVER!

Learn to think rationally fella.

You'll find I'm the primary mover and shaker against Composition Fallacies on this site. Go ahead, read my posts.

This STILL has nothing to do with my link. There is no "association" suggested there. It's a psychological study of how manipulators get gullible puppets to do their bidding for them. I don't know why you're going on and on trying to make a study you obviously didn't read into something it's not.

That ain't gonna sell here Homer. I knew what was on that page before I posted it. As I just said --- go learn how to read. And don't try to snow your way through when you obviously haven't. K? Had you done that you might have noticed, right at the top of the page, that it's seven years old.

Gosh the bullcrap flows from your mouth in a torrent because you are LYING over it!

Example of shoddy armchair statements from your favorite pop psychologist:

"This is also the term for what Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and others do. And this is what led directly and predictably to a number of cases of ideologically-motivated murder similar to the Tucson shootings. As of this writing, there is no evidence to link Jared Loughner to a specific source of incitement; but some of the other cases can be clearly linked."

then after some long winded pap finally gets back to the bad old republicans with more unsupported drivel:

"o let's take Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly. There is no question that their emotional rhetoric appeals to people who are emotionally unstable. And, since their audiences are tracked and analyzed in detail, there is no question that they know it.

When they go on TV and shout and sputter, rant and rave, and weep and wail, they are not expecting to persuade liberals or even undecideds to change their votes. They are "playing to their base," that they know includes people who are emotionally unstable. In short they are "stirring the pot." And if you turn up the temperature and keep stirring, you know that the pot will boil. Bubbles will come up from the depths and pop."

Clinical Psychologists do not write that way at all, what you have here is drivel from an engineer with ZERO Psychology training and Education, he writes incoherently and in laughable circles. He never does show any scholarly approach to provide a real link to BEHAVORAL reactions to what Hannity and others say, and that he doesn't even show that the accused bomb terrorist even watch their shows!

You are that stupid to fall for the physocbabble that flows heavily in your link.

No guilt by association?

Gee did you even read your own link that has excellent examples of it such this one?

"It becomes insidious when these practices are used in such a manner as to deliberately or negligently stir up lone wolf violence.

So let's take Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly. There is no question that their emotional rhetoric appeals to people who are emotionally unstable. And, since their audiences are tracked and analyzed in detail, there is no question that they know it.

When they go on TV and shout and sputter, rant and rave, and weep and wail, they are not expecting to persuade liberals or even undecideds to change their votes. They are "playing to their base," that they know includes people who are emotionally unstable. In short they are "stirring the pot." And if you turn up the temperature and keep stirring, you know that the pot will boil. Bubbles will come up from the depths and pop."


"On 27 July 2008, lone wolf shooter Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and shot nine people, killing two and wounding seven. Adkisson said he was motivated by hatred of "Democrats, liberals, n-----s, and faggots." A police search of his home found books by Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly."


"On 31 May 2009, anti-abortion extremist Scott Roeder shot and killed gynecologist Dr. George Tiller while Tiller was attending church services. At first it appeared that he acted alone, but research by subject-matter experts uncovered evidence that he had at least one accomplice. That issue is presently being investigated by a federal grand jury."

In the months leading up to the assassination, Bill O'Reilly had waged a "relentless campaign" against Tiller, a campaign of exactly the type that would be expected to stir up violence against the doctor."

Red bolding mine

From HERE,

Guilt refers to a feeling of having done something bad or a perception that you did something wrong. Guilt by association means that you personally didn't really do something wrong but that people who you are associated with did. You are judged by the company you keep, so you can be viewed as guilty because of your association with wrongdoers."

There are more examples of clearly implied "guilt by association" in your hilarious link. A real Psychologist would never write this way.

You are a truly stupid man.
Hear hear!!!


Steve Scalise is a Congressman. He is not a Senator. You are confused yet again.
Steve himself was not 'the' target. Republicans at a softball game were, and no one had been demonizing Republicans and suggesting they be attacked. Trump has mentioned people targeted by name. The pipe bomber, rightwing, domestic terrorist went after a list of Trump's favorite targets

You are completely full of shit. Trump hasn't mentioned anyone who didn't mention him first. Your suggestion that he simply stand there and take the abuse is laughable. That's what Romey did. Sanders spends his entire rhetoric on attack.... He targets Republicans
In general. There is no such list except in the minds of those who resent being exposed.

Sorry... You don't get to use the "it's different" Line here...double standards all the way with you guys.. It's going to cost you on the sixth.

55 for Mitch... 2 more judges on the way.

”2 more judges on the way.”

Not if Democrats can pull off a miracle and take control of the Senate.

If a liberal leaves the court, no one cares. An 8 person court of 5 conservatives or a 7 person court with 5 conservatives works even better! Libs cannot win by obstructing and refusing to confirm anyone. They would lose their ass again in 2020.
"Libs cannot win by obstructing and refusing to confirm anyone."

Nope, Republicans have proven you can do that and still win.

The bomber Lunatic did this before in 2002, along with many other criminal activities, LONG BEFORE TRUMP became President.

Dropping the irrational partisanship behavior will help you.

Exactly. He's exactly the type of "lone wolf" loser misfit the link identifies there. The demagogue's target.

That's a psychology study, not a 'partisanship' analysis. There's nothing about "partisanship" in there at all. Learn to read.

And no, he didn't do this before. He did a lot of other shit.

You made a claim that the President triggred the man, with this link:

"Stochastic Terrorism"

I pointed out that the man wasn't triggered at all since he has long been a repeat criminal and extremist in behavior long before President Trump came along. He made terroristic bomb scare SIXTEEN YEARS AGO! has a few Felony charges to his record also long before Trump came along too.

Your link drives the guilt by association claim very hard, which fails to show whether the person was first ALREADY PREDISPOSED in doing it without outside influences.

Your link has ZERO Psychological research in it and the writer of the blog has ZERO indication of Psychology education or experience at all. He is an armchair pop psychologist and it shows with his obvious partisanship and shoddy research, trying to make tortured connections between the crime and supposed outside influence.

I own books written by Nazis, therefore I must be a Nazi sympathizer. I have seen well over a THOUSAND hours of horrid violence on TV and Movies, yet still don't own the weapons used in those shows, haven't attacked anyone either shedding blood and mayhem.

Guilt by association is one of the worst ideas perpetuated by ignorant people who keep playing the pop psychology from their living room. Might as well indict Jimmy Carter, who had a bunch of his friends get indicted for crimes, even some of them go to jail, after all they were his friends and political appointments. Yet most people long knew Jimmy Carter was not a criminal at all, just a weak President unfortunately.

Getting "triggered" by a book or film FIRST requires that the person is already a lunatic and a criminal. Most people who read and see the same stuff he did never even began to become what he became because they don't have the brain problem he has. All those mass shootings are being done by people who are mentally sick and some even on drugs, NEVER one shoots who is sane or free of drugs, NEVER!

Learn to think rationally fella.

You'll find I'm the primary mover and shaker against Composition Fallacies on this site. Go ahead, read my posts.

This STILL has nothing to do with my link. There is no "association" suggested there. It's a psychological study of how manipulators get gullible puppets to do their bidding for them. I don't know why you're going on and on trying to make a study you obviously didn't read into something it's not.

That ain't gonna sell here Homer. I knew what was on that page before I posted it. As I just said --- go learn how to read. And don't try to snow your way through when you obviously haven't. K? Had you done that you might have noticed, right at the top of the page, that it's seven years old.

Gosh the bullcrap flows from your mouth in a torrent because you are LYING over it!

Example of shoddy armchair statements from your favorite pop psychologist:

"This is also the term for what Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and others do. And this is what led directly and predictably to a number of cases of ideologically-motivated murder similar to the Tucson shootings. As of this writing, there is no evidence to link Jared Loughner to a specific source of incitement; but some of the other cases can be clearly linked."

then after some long winded pap finally gets back to the bad old republicans with more unsupported drivel:

"o let's take Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly. There is no question that their emotional rhetoric appeals to people who are emotionally unstable. And, since their audiences are tracked and analyzed in detail, there is no question that they know it.

When they go on TV and shout and sputter, rant and rave, and weep and wail, they are not expecting to persuade liberals or even undecideds to change their votes. They are "playing to their base," that they know includes people who are emotionally unstable. In short they are "stirring the pot." And if you turn up the temperature and keep stirring, you know that the pot will boil. Bubbles will come up from the depths and pop."

Clinical Psychologists do not write that way at all, what you have here is drivel from an engineer with ZERO Psychology training and Education, he writes incoherently and in laughable circles. He never does show any scholarly approach to provide a real link to BEHAVORAL reactions to what Hannity and others say, and that he doesn't even show that the accused bomb terrorist even watch their shows!

You are that stupid to fall for the physocbabble that flows heavily in your link.

No guilt by association?

Gee did you even read your own link that has excellent examples of it such this one?

"It becomes insidious when these practices are used in such a manner as to deliberately or negligently stir up lone wolf violence.

So let's take Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly. There is no question that their emotional rhetoric appeals to people who are emotionally unstable. And, since their audiences are tracked and analyzed in detail, there is no question that they know it.

When they go on TV and shout and sputter, rant and rave, and weep and wail, they are not expecting to persuade liberals or even undecideds to change their votes. They are "playing to their base," that they know includes people who are emotionally unstable. In short they are "stirring the pot." And if you turn up the temperature and keep stirring, you know that the pot will boil. Bubbles will come up from the depths and pop."


"On 27 July 2008, lone wolf shooter Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and shot nine people, killing two and wounding seven. Adkisson said he was motivated by hatred of "Democrats, liberals, n-----s, and faggots." A police search of his home found books by Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly."


"On 31 May 2009, anti-abortion extremist Scott Roeder shot and killed gynecologist Dr. George Tiller while Tiller was attending church services. At first it appeared that he acted alone, but research by subject-matter experts uncovered evidence that he had at least one accomplice. That issue is presently being investigated by a federal grand jury."

In the months leading up to the assassination, Bill O'Reilly had waged a "relentless campaign" against Tiller, a campaign of exactly the type that would be expected to stir up violence against the doctor."

Red bolding mine

From HERE,

Guilt refers to a feeling of having done something bad or a perception that you did something wrong. Guilt by association means that you personally didn't really do something wrong but that people who you are associated with did. You are judged by the company you keep, so you can be viewed as guilty because of your association with wrongdoers."

There are more examples of clearly implied "guilt by association" in your hilarious link. A real Psychologist would never write this way.

You are a truly stupid man.

I'm sorry you're so full of yourself as to be this clueless. Again -- and for the last time --- none of this is about "partisan" anything; it's a psychological analysis.

As far as who's a 'stupid man', I named myself after a political cartoon while you named yourself after a porn star. So blow me.

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