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The phrase "the final 10 shots" really stands out when only one person was armed.
Wilson only shot Brown when Brown advanced-in the report, witnesses proved not credible who jumped to conclusions saying the seen the shooting when they didn't-in the report, autopsy backed Wilson's account-in the report, credible witnesses backed Wilson's account-in the report. The lefts bloviating have just been proved to be pure BS!!!!
I am glad who we have in office in St Louis, in MO, and in DC, compared to the hate displayed here by dim wits.

The right verdict was given. Everyone from the bottom up to the pres says peacefully protest but don't get violent. And some of you idiots have a problem with that.

Absolutely amazing. You wonder why the mainstream GOP won't have a thing to do with you now?
I am glad who we have in office in St Louis, in MO, and in DC, compared to the hate displayed here by dim wits.

The right verdict was given. Everyone from the bottom up to the pres says peacefully protest but don't get violent. And some of you idiots have a problem with that.

Absolutely amazing. You wonder why the mainstream GOP won't have a thing to do with you now?
1. lying
2. you're projecting
3. shut the fuck up.

1. The right decision was made.
2. You are the hater as it shows.
3. You could not make either Brown or Wilson shut up, much less me. :lol:

Your types guys are why the mainstream GOP is done with you. Sux to be you.
No Jake I am honest enough to tell you who I hate, you are one of those not the protesters though they are acting stupid, but it's emotion they are running on, but you I honestly hate
FakeJake... the creepy little creature talks about as much bull shit as anyone here. Puts on the best show of pretending to be one thing while exposing himself as another though... that's a good show... although it's certainly getting old, and boring. Ya... I hate him too... he's weird.

just like the poster child lib. Never admits what they truly are.
not one mention of the thousands of black youth killed every year by other thugs....
Yup, even though 93% of all blacks being shot are by OTHER BLACKS.

That just doesn't matter... evidently that's ok.

Yep - they go after white on black killing - ultimately because its about the money. Lawsuits will follow and the Brown family will be looking for the money. "Show me the mon-nee!!"
If this is not good enough then they should move to Iran and try their brand of justice. The justice system worked, "Grand jurors were “the only people who heard every witness,” he said, “and every piece of evidence.” Many witnesses presented conflicting statements that ultimately were inconsistent with the physical evidence.

He declined to release the vote of the grand jury, which was made up of nine whites and three blacks, saying that the process was secret."
How does Obama figure that their anger is UNDERSTANDABLE to him ? Wasn't Obama sworn in to up hold the law's of this land ? How is he so biased in this way, and especially when he is supposed to be the President for all Americans in this nation, and to uphold the law in a non-biased and ultimately a fair way ? It appears that Obama may not be qualified at all for his Job, because it shows every time he opens his mouth anymore or if he tries to solve anything that which should be done in a by-partisan way in order to help all Americans, and not just for those who are deemed as being some what special... Now it isn't getting done in the right ways, because (the well has been poisoned many times), and as we see that it is no where close to being fair and balanced with this guy, nor is it with some of our courts when ever they are involved as well these days. Can he do better, well it's doubtful but we can only hope that it will get better and he will also..
Looting on south florissant from adams carrying items from business.

large scale looting now being reported in Ferguson...
How ironic - some protesters are getting injured while looting and protesting and they are carrying the injured people to the cops to ask for help. What a bunch of hypocrits.

Protestors breaking windows and looting black-owned businesses.

Chris Cuomo's face after tear gas looks as if he is constipated or having an orgasm
Reports of a guy getting beat down and then tossed into a black van.

Now command given to retreat.
Looting on south florissant from adams carrying items from business.

large scale looting now being reported in Ferguson...
Time to call in the guard and start shooting. Reporting some looter with an AR-15.

Where's the KKK? I thought they were going to be defending shit?
Angry black woman on CNN complaining that police fired tear gas on a protester who had a heart attack and they were carrying her to the police for help.

How dare the police not help when there are thousands of people who would gladly rip their throats out.

These people are SO ENTITLED! I hate to say it but shooting them would actually be better as it puts them out of their misery about the reality of life.
I notice a mod, I won't say the mods name, just shut down another thread on this subject because he hates the facts.

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