Breaking: Formal Impeachment Charges To Be Introduced Tommorow Against Eric Holder


Who gives a shit about Holder? When are Republicans going to show some balls and impeach Obama like they promised?

you want the son-of-a-bitch impeached ?? GOOD !!!!!!!

when we take over the senate in "14".., that commiecrat muslime ,son-of-a-bitch will be HISS-TOW-REEE :up: .... :lmao:

How did that go in 2012? Did you take the Senate in 2010? How did that go in 2008? Or 2006?

We are not going to beat the dems playing your failed game plan.

Who gives a shit about Holder? When are Republicans going to show some balls and impeach Obama like they promised?

you want the son-of-a-bitch impeached ?? GOOD !!!!!!!

when we take over the senate in "14".., that commiecrat muslime ,son-of-a-bitch will be HISS-TOW-REEE :up: .... :lmao:

Don't you agree Republicans are a bunch of pussies?
I mean Obama is the worst president in history and alll that....what are they waiting for?
I love Wonkette's write up on it:

House Nutball Caucus Files Articles Of Impeachment On Eric Holder, Elliot Richardson Still Dead
by Gary Legum has been a fun couple of days, what with watching the Cephalopod caucus in Congress run shrieking from the Affordable Care Act and dulling the pain by driving nails through our testicles and all. So you’ll forgive us if we missed the news that a few of the walking yeast infections on the Republican side of the House have filed articles of impeachment against Attorney General Eric Holder for the high crime of being a black man in charge of upholding laws instead of breaking them the way God and Rush Limbaugh intended.

Ha ha, we’re kidding! Of course Eric Holder has done all sorts of crimes. Otherwise would such intellectual luminaries as Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Ted “YOLO” Yoho, and this friggin’ guy have gone to all the trouble? Let’s take a quick look at the four (four! Nixon only got three! Holder is worse than Nixon, INPEACH!) articles of impeachment and join these upstanding lawmakers as they beat AG New Black Panther Dolemite with their Nightsticks of Justice.

Read more at House Nutball Caucus Files Articles Of Impeachment On Eric Holder, Elliot Richardson Still Dead

alking yeast infections. :lol:

Who gives a shit about Holder? When are Republicans going to show some balls and impeach Obama like they promised?

you want the son-of-a-bitch impeached ?? GOOD !!!!!!!

when we take over the senate in "14".., that commiecrat muslime ,son-of-a-bitch will be HISS-TOW-REEE :up: .... :lmao:

How did that go in 2012? Did you take the Senate in 2010? How did that go in 2008? Or 2006?

We are not going to beat the dems playing your failed game plan.
The point about 2012 and the Senate was well-made, but, here's the thing...

The House is likely to remain in Republican hands in 2014, for no other reason than to serve as a last line of defense and check-and-balance against an increasingly isolated and runaway Presidency that is no longer entirely trusted, even by many of its earlier supporters...

And, ObamaCare may prove to be a shattering, game-changing disaster, as more substantive problems unfold and as more people are hurt due to dropped policies and increasing rates and as Democrats begin running for cover in a rush to distance themselves...

If it gets bad enough - and it's beginning to shape up that way as we approach 2014 - there are 33 Senate seats up for grabs (more Democrats than Republicans) - then the Democratic hold on the Senate is probably going to be a matter of great anxiety to the Democrats by the November timeframe...

There just isn't enough time left on the calendar, following an ObamaCare disaster, for the Electorate to forget about it, prior to the election... and a significant loss to the Republicans seems well within the realm of possibility.

If all that does end-up unfolding, then, with a modest shift in control of the Senate, and with enough Democrats jumping-ship in a mad scramble to distance themselves from ObamaCare and Obama, anything is possible...

With a full three years left on his Presidential term, it may prove worth the effort to try to Impeach and Convict Obama and to clean-out his crew, than to simply hobble them in traditional Lame-Duck fashion.

The charges don't matter... if the combined House and Senate want him gone that badly, they'll sort that out easily enough... given the wealth of topical material to choose from.

At this juncture, Impeachment, Trial and Conviction seem like a long-shot, but, for the first time in the past five years, we are beginning to see conditions and sentiments unfolding that might actually lead to such an outcome if left unchanged, and in a far more credible manner than the spin-doctored scenarios that we saw emerging from the hotheads and knee-jerkers and racists and malcontents and sore losers of earlier times in O's tenure.

Joe Biden as President?

In any event, it would make for grand Political Theater...

Who gives a shit about Holder? When are Republicans going to show some balls and impeach Obama like they promised?

you want the son-of-a-bitch impeached ?? GOOD !!!!!!!

when we take over the senate in "14".., that commiecrat muslime ,son-of-a-bitch will be HISS-TOW-REEE :up: .... :lmao:

Sure....based on what crime(s)?

Who gives a shit about Holder? When are Republicans going to show some balls and impeach Obama like they promised?

you want the son-of-a-bitch impeached ?? GOOD !!!!!!!

when we take over the senate in "14".., that commiecrat muslime ,son-of-a-bitch will be HISS-TOW-REEE :up: .... :lmao:

Sure....based on what crime(s)?
Minor detail, to be sorted-out later.

If (a) the composition of the Congress changes sufficiently in 2014 and (b) if the Congress beginning in January 2015 wants him out badly enough, they'll figure it out.
I wish they would but you racist fuckwads have them scared and cowering in the corner.

Grampa, is endlessly playing the race card the only tactic you have left?

No wonder all the decent people have left the Repulican party. Just look at this thread. No honest and moral person could read it without feeling disgusted at the antics of the ODS crowd.
Nothing happened when Holder was found in contempt of Congress. Nothing will happen here. This administration and its flunkies are bullet-proof and not responsible for anything they cause.
Unfortunately it will never make it out of the house, the commies will never give them a 2/3 majority to send it to the senate and the senate would never vote to convict. Even with this knowledge I agree to them filing the articles, it will be another BLACK mark on maobama's legacy.

QUE the lefties screaming racism.

I don't know about that obamacare has been shown to be the stumbling block for the democrats. obama is losing his once high approval rating.
I wish they would but you racist fuckwads have them scared and cowering in the corner.

Grampa, is endlessly playing the race card the only tactic you have left?

No wonder all the decent people have left the Repulican party. Just look at this thread. No honest and moral person could read it without feeling disgusted at the antics of the ODS crowd.
If you support the democrat agenda shut the fuck up about morals.
you want the son-of-a-bitch impeached ?? GOOD !!!!!!!

when we take over the senate in "14".., that commiecrat muslime ,son-of-a-bitch will be HISS-TOW-REEE :up: .... :lmao:

How did that go in 2012? Did you take the Senate in 2010? How did that go in 2008? Or 2006?

We are not going to beat the dems playing your failed game plan.
The point about 2012 and the Senate was well-made, but, here's the thing...

The House is likely to remain in Republican hands in 2014, for no other reason than to serve as a last line of defense and check-and-balance against an increasingly isolated and runaway Presidency that is no longer entirely trusted, even by many of its earlier supporters...

And, ObamaCare may prove to be a shattering, game-changing disaster, as more substantive problems unfold and as more people are hurt due to dropped policies and increasing rates and as Democrats begin running for cover in a rush to distance themselves...

If it gets bad enough - and it's beginning to shape up that way as we approach 2014 - there are 33 Senate seats up for grabs (more Democrats than Republicans) - then the Democratic hold on the Senate is probably going to be a matter of great anxiety to the Democrats by the November timeframe...

There just isn't enough time left on the calendar, following an ObamaCare disaster, for the Electorate to forget about it, prior to the election... and a significant loss to the Republicans seems well within the realm of possibility.

If all that does end-up unfolding, then, with a modest shift in control of the Senate, and with enough Democrats jumping-ship in a mad scramble to distance themselves from ObamaCare and Obama, anything is possible...

With a full three years left on his Presidential term, it may prove worth the effort to try to Impeach and Convict Obama and to clean-out his crew, than to simply hobble them in traditional Lame-Duck fashion.

The charges don't matter... if the combined House and Senate want him gone that badly, they'll sort that out easily enough... given the wealth of topical material to choose from.

At this juncture, Impeachment, Trial and Conviction seem like a long-shot, but, for the first time in the past five years, we are beginning to see conditions and sentiments unfolding that might actually lead to such an outcome if left unchanged, and in a far more credible manner than the spin-doctored scenarios that we saw emerging from the hotheads and knee-jerkers and racists and malcontents and sore losers of earlier times in O's tenure.

Joe Biden as President?

In any event, it would make for grand Political Theater...

The House should stay GOP in 2014 after the incredibly poor roll out of ACA, providing (1) we don't try to shut down the government and default the debt again and (2) if the far right candidates are primaried out next year.

The Senate will hold Dem, even if it loses five seats, and I think best hopes for GOP are three to four seat pick up. Provided we don't run TeaP candidates; otherwise, the Senate may go to 56 or 57 Dems.

Any move to impeach BHO etc will rebound badly on the GOP because we don't have anywhere the 2/3ds necessary to get it done in House much less try him in the Senate. The American public is far more tired of GOP congressional stunts than Dem fouling up the rollout of the ACA.

BHO will veto any attempt to end ACA.

I think he is going to have work with our side on reforming it.

Out of all of this, it is now clear America's health care is not going back to a pre-Obama era.
Brian Terry's Family deserves peace & justice. Shame on anyone defending Eric Holder. He is a very bad person.
I wish they would but you racist fuckwads have them scared and cowering in the corner.

Grampa, is endlessly playing the race card the only tactic you have left?

No wonder all the decent people have left the Repulican party. Just look at this thread. No honest and moral person could read it without feeling disgusted at the antics of the ODS crowd.

Lol, the race card is only valid when used by the left.
Any news about the impeachment, or are we going to just shift gears again ... you know ... like we do in the rest of these kind of threads?

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