Breaking: Formal Impeachment Charges To Be Introduced Tommorow Against Eric Holder

Nothing as usual from the far right reactionaries.

Nope nota zip , same ol crap

Fast n furious



Strike three ,what really should happen is D Issa sorry ass should put out on his
Ass . For wasting tax payers dollars on false charges .

Who gives a shit about Holder? When are Republicans going to show some balls and impeach Obama like they promised?

The A/G is the most important post in the cabinet, so much so it shouldn't even be in the cabinet but a separate branch of government. I mean having the President appoint his own watch/lap dog with the approval of the Senate which is run by the President's party, is like having a cold-blooded snake sit on a chicken's nest, or the government as the guardian against its own corruption.

The A/G should be elected separately and attached to the Supreme Court and completely separated from the Justice Dept. He could indict government officials up to and including the President, for violating the Constitution, or bring constitutionally questionable bills before the Court immediately.
I never thought it would happen but it is. He will be the first Attorney General in the history of the U.S. to have Impeachment charges formally brought against him. Holder has been a firewall so to speak protecting Obama and his unconstitutional acts since he became president. Of course Holder has been aided by the liberal media but once Holder is out of there, Obama will be extremely vunerable.

GOP Lawmakers Release Holder Articles of Impeachment | 218

By Matt Fuller Posted at 4:13 p.m. on Nov. 13

"A rump group of House Republicans are..." Asses? :lol:

"Olson told CQ Roll Call that he would be dropping the articles of impeachment Thursday. On Wednesday, he released a five-page white paper explaining the four articles of impeachment against Holder." -- on the 13th regarding the 14th it is now the 16th. Douchebaghs say 'what'? 6 of 11 are Texas Republicans? nuf said

Oh I see, Texas nutjobs and Tea Party whackos wasting taxayer monies again with frivolous bs instead of doing actual legislating: "A group of congressional Republicans introduced a resolution Thursday..." "The resolution was introduced by Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas, who claims..." -

House Republicans introduce resolution to impeach Attorney General Holder | Fox News

This has been going on for a few years now. These people suck big time
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Nothing as usual from the far right reactionaries.
Nope nota zip , same ol crap Fast n furious Benghazi Solyndra
Strike three ,what really should happen is D Issa sorry ass should put out on his
Ass . For wasting tax payers dollars on false charges .

Got nothing, huh? Nothing new.

jake is the ground hog day MOVIE version of the USMB, maybe he will get it right sooner or later and we can move on.
For the sake of argument let's assume that these articles manage to make it to the Senate. Who gets to preside over the impeachment trial? That would be Roberts, right? The same Roberts who presided over the decision to strike down DOMA. What is Article 3 against Holder all about?

Do any of the Tea Party caucus have the ability to think things through to their logical conclusion?

Do any of them have any idea of the negative political ramifications they are about to incur just by bringing up these article of impeachment?

Do they understand how this could end up distracting negative attention away from the ACA and refocusing negative attention of the same group who so recently tried to destroy the economy?

The term clueless seems appropriate at this juncture.
Oh I see, Texas nutjobs and Tea Party whackos wasting taxayer monies again with frivolous bs instead of doing actual legislating: "A group of congressional Republicans introduced a resolution Thursday..." "The resolution was introduced by Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas, who claims..." -

House Republicans introduce resolution to impeach Attorney General Holder | Fox News

This has been going on for a few years now. These people suck big time

Watergate went on for quite some time and it ended a very popular presidency. Because of Watergate we were thrust into the Ford/Carter years ending with Carter's Malaise speech. I believe had Nixon did not step down we would have been economically better off. But we stood as a nation and said that truth and honesty were important. I think it right what happened but there is no doubt in my mind the nation paid a price.

Then we got Clinton and ended all of that. Truth no longer mattered.

If we allow an AG to ignore congress, to not tell the truth to congress, and to run a gun running program incompetently then where are we as a nation?

If the charges are false then damn Congress. But we must hold the AG accountable and he is accountable to Congress. Otherwise we are just a banana republic.
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Oh I see, Texas nutjobs and Tea Party whackos wasting taxayer monies again with frivolous bs instead of doing actual legislating: "A group of congressional Republicans introduced a resolution Thursday..." "The resolution was introduced by Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas, who claims..." -

House Republicans introduce resolution to impeach Attorney General Holder | Fox News

This has been going on for a few years now. These people suck big time

Watergate went on for quite some time and it ended a very popular presidency. Because of Watergate we were thrust into the Ford/Carter years ending with Carter's Malaise speech. I believe had Nixon did not step down we would have been economically better off. But we stood as a nation and said that truth and honesty were important. I think it right what happened but there is no doubt in my mind the nation paid a price.

Then we got Clinton and ended all of that. Truth no longer mattered.

If we allow an AG to ignore congress, to not tell the truth to congress, and to run a gun running program incompetently then where are we as a nation?

If the charges are false then damn Congress. But we must hold the AG accountable and he is accountable to Congress. Otherwise we are just a banana republic.

Does the name Ollie North ring any bells when it comes to gun running and lying to Congress?
Oh I see, Texas nutjobs and Tea Party whackos wasting taxayer monies again with frivolous bs instead of doing actual legislating: "A group of congressional Republicans introduced a resolution Thursday..." "The resolution was introduced by Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas, who claims..." -

House Republicans introduce resolution to impeach Attorney General Holder | Fox News

This has been going on for a few years now. These people suck big time

Watergate went on for quite some time and it ended a very popular presidency. Because of Watergate we were thrust into the Ford/Carter years ending with Carter's Malaise speech. I believe had Nixon did not step down we would have been economically better off. But we stood as a nation and said that truth and honesty were important. I think it right what happened but there is no doubt in my mind the nation paid a price.

Then we got Clinton and ended all of that. Truth no longer mattered.

If we allow an AG to ignore congress, to not tell the truth to congress, and to run a gun running program incompetently then where are we as a nation?

If the charges are false then damn Congress. But we must hold the AG accountable and he is accountable to Congress. Otherwise we are just a banana republic.

The shame of partisan hacks impeaching President Clinton only to have the Senate throw the shit out...

Nixon was a disgrace and the GOP later re-embraced him. Pardons all around, like we did the Confederate criminals.

Watergate was much more than the burglary...burglary btw directed out of the WH and the Committee to Re-Elect the President - CREEP.

Imagine if President Obama and his Attorney General directed a break in of GOP Headquarters:eek:

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