BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

Bullshit. Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

So then asshole why would you leftists accept the media attributing the attack to a hispanic if they both look alike, you fucking moron?

The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic
Oh my....just ANOTHER mass MUSLIM Terrorist murder as Trump for told, when is the regime going to act against muslims...ALL should be investigsted!!!!

Don't be a retard.

Just because someone who commits a crime is Muslim doesn't mean he's a terrorist.

You're right, it might have been:

a) a workplace accident
b) a mentally unstable person, which seems to primarily affect muslims, driving them to act violently
c) a misunderstood young muslim, who was just acting out
d) a muslim protesting the so-called Israeli "occupation", who felt oppressed and had no other way to address it
e) all of the above
OR nothing whatsoever to do with his religion.

You guys are so gleeful it's a Muslim you are celebrating a tragedy. Scumwaffle.
Bullshit. Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

So then asshole why would you leftists accept the media attributing the attack to a hispanic if they both look alike, you fucking moron?

The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic
Oh my....just ANOTHER mass MUSLIM Terrorist murder as Trump for told, when is the regime going to act against muslims...ALL should be investigsted!!!!

Don't be a retard.

Just because someone who commits a crime is Muslim doesn't mean he's a terrorist.

You're right, it might have been:

a) a workplace accident
b) a mentally unstable person, which seems to primarily affect muslims, driving them to act violently
c) a misunderstood young muslim, who was just acting out
d) a muslim protesting the so-called Israeli "occupation", who felt oppressed and had no other way to address it
e) all of the above
OR nothing whatsoever to do with his religion.

You guys are so gleeful it's a Muslim you are celebrating a tragedy. Scumwaffle.
...well one thing we know for certain, should Hillary win, events like this one will continue unabated and very likely increase as she imports more Sharia loving fanatics.
Bullshit. Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

So then asshole why would you leftists accept the media attributing the attack to a hispanic if they both look alike, you fucking moron?

The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic
Oh my....just ANOTHER mass MUSLIM Terrorist murder as Trump for told, when is the regime going to act against muslims...ALL should be investigsted!!!!

Don't be a retard.

Just because someone who commits a crime is Muslim doesn't mean he's a terrorist.

You're right, it might have been:

a) a workplace accident
b) a mentally unstable person, which seems to primarily affect muslims, driving them to act violently
c) a misunderstood young muslim, who was just acting out
d) a muslim protesting the so-called Israeli "occupation", who felt oppressed and had no other way to address it
e) all of the above
OR nothing whatsoever to do with his religion.

You guys are so gleeful it's a Muslim you are celebrating a tragedy. Scumwaffle.
Bullshit! We can't change the fact that a Muslim walked into a mall, up to the makeup counter and shot five women. Them's the facts babe!
"...Arcan Cetin is a Turkish Muslim, contrary to original reports that the shooter was a Hispanic man."

Arcan Cetin Arrested: Burlington Police Capture Cascade Mall Shooting Suspect One Day After Attack That Left Five Dead


The media threw all hispanics under the bus.

To protect this scum!


Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.
Bullshit on you

No one has ever mistaken me for middle eastern.
You don't look very hispanic either.

Look at the peoples of the middle east and look at the peoples we term hispanic. You will see a huge variety within each group. What special define features in those initial police pictures makes him one or the other?
National media hoping it is a white supremacist.....

Trump Tards are hoping it's a Muslim

Speaky early....hahaha
I think it is reaction against 'whites' to Trump's racist policies and statements against Hispanics. The more people who support Trump, the more this kind of thing is going to happen.
You may want to rethink that one.
She can't. Thinking is out of her reach. She feels, like most leftists. Make them feel something and that's what they "think".

Well, I would say there are liberals who are thinking individuals, but these leftists certainly don't. They are motivated by fear lest they say anything not approved by the rest of the hive, as well as the sense of smug virtue they derive by their "tolerance" for everything Islamic Of course, they do not apply tolerance to any OTHER ideology, just Islam.
Bullshit. Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

So then asshole why would you leftists accept the media attributing the attack to a hispanic if they both look alike, you fucking moron?

The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic
Oh my....just ANOTHER mass MUSLIM Terrorist murder as Trump for told, when is the regime going to act against muslims...ALL should be investigsted!!!!

Don't be a retard.

Just because someone who commits a crime is Muslim doesn't mean he's a terrorist.

You're right, it might have been:

a) a workplace accident
b) a mentally unstable person, which seems to primarily affect muslims, driving them to act violently
c) a misunderstood young muslim, who was just acting out
d) a muslim protesting the so-called Israeli "occupation", who felt oppressed and had no other way to address it
e) all of the above
OR nothing whatsoever to do with his religion.

You guys are so gleeful it's a Muslim you are celebrating a tragedy. Scumwaffle.
Dark skinned, black hair.

I'm not sure it's that easy to tell the difference.

Usually it's just the far right hillbillies who claim that all thems darkies look the same to them.

Now that I see the extremist left hillbillies do as well, it removes political persuasion from the formula.

Evidently, it is just a hillbilly thing in general.
"...Arcan Cetin is a Turkish Muslim, contrary to original reports that the shooter was a Hispanic man."

Arcan Cetin Arrested: Burlington Police Capture Cascade Mall Shooting Suspect One Day After Attack That Left Five Dead


The media threw all hispanics under the bus.

To protect this scum!


Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.
Bullshit on you

No one has ever mistaken me for middle eastern.
You don't look very hispanic either.

Look at the peoples of the middle east and look at the peoples we term hispanic. You will see a huge variety within each group. What special define features in those initial police pictures makes him one or the other?
That's not the fucking point and you damn well know it. This asshole who is MUSLIM came here as an immigrant thanks to leftist policy and was allowed to slaughter innocent Americans for no fucking reason what so ever... or should I say, just to appease you TREASONOUS leftists.. The media did everything they could once again, to lie, jump to conclusions, anything to call it something other than what it is.. TERRORISM from the same fucking SCUM- RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS...
Bullshit. Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

So then asshole why would you leftists accept the media attributing the attack to a hispanic if they both look alike, you fucking moron?

The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic
Oh my....just ANOTHER mass MUSLIM Terrorist murder as Trump for told, when is the regime going to act against muslims...ALL should be investigsted!!!!

Don't be a retard.

Just because someone who commits a crime is Muslim doesn't mean he's a terrorist.

You're right, it might have been:

a) a workplace accident
b) a mentally unstable person, which seems to primarily affect muslims, driving them to act violently
c) a misunderstood young muslim, who was just acting out
d) a muslim protesting the so-called Israeli "occupation", who felt oppressed and had no other way to address it
e) all of the above
OR nothing whatsoever to do with his religion.

You guys are so gleeful it's a Muslim you are celebrating a tragedy. Scumwaffle.

She has to deflect her own fucking ignorance and asinine remarks in this thread.. She's full of SHIT
What is sad is, something went terribly wrong with this young man. We don't know what. Innocent people died as a result.

Instead of waiting to see what is revealed, we have people salivating over the hope - yes HOPE - that it is a Muslim. And, it it is - they are ready to jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon and blame this crime on Islam.

I want to ask these questions - can you answer them thoughtfully?

Can a Muslim commit a crime that is not ideologically based?

If so - what difference does the religion of the perpetrator make?

Why such eagerness to politicize this tragedy?

Why do you always fucking excuse it?? While you lick every muslims asshole, peoples lives are being turned upside down watching their father die, their mother.. and for what???
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.
THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.. Not the Arab League.. Not Sharia compliant. There's a period at the end of that last sentence. End of discussion.
Another young arab Muslim male who was allowed in to this country to appease the Leftists.. THE LEFT OWNS IT and is covered in the blood of innocent Americans.
Purportedly From his My Space page



Sad when young people feel that is the only solution to their problems.

No what's sad is you enable these fucking parasites.. WHAT'S TRULY SAD is 4 families have lost mothers.. and for what??? So you can slap around your appeasement of your own??? FUCK YOU

absolutely spot on, I almost think democrats secretly view this a price to be paid for their ideology. They are the ones gleeful at the downfall of white western civ, while they pretend to be saddened by the effects of their own policies.
Purportedly From his My Space page



Sad when young people feel that is the only solution to their problems.

No what's sad is you enable these fucking parasites.. WHAT'S TRULY SAD is 4 families have lost mothers.. and for what??? So you can slap around your appeasement of your own??? FUCK YOU

absolutely spot on, I almost think democrats secretly view this a price to be paid for their ideology. They are the ones gleeful at the downfall of white western civ, while they pretend to be saddened by the effects of their own policies.
I couldn't have said it better.. you are absolutely correct. Democrats don't care if their appeasement policy costs lives so long as they remain in power and destroy the last vestige of freedom that is the United States of America.. POWER AT ALL COST.

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