BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

Suspect arrested in mall shooting that left 5 dead

"the 20-year-old man was taken into custody in Oak Harbor, about 29 miles southwest of Burlington.

The man's identity and other details about the arrest were not immediately available."

Suspect arrested in mall shooting that left 5 dead
He's a MUSLIM from Turkey.

He's a supporter of HILLARY

I think it is reaction against 'whites' to Trump's racist policies and statements against Hispanics. The more people who support Trump, the more this kind of thing is going to happen.
You may want to rethink that one.
She can't. Thinking is out of her reach. She feels, like most leftists. Make them feel something and that's what they "think".
The BIG question is will she DISAVOW this Muslim mass murderer, or should the right continue to make hay out of this as the scumbag left tried to do with Trump and the KKK, and David Dukes?

In Bill's wife's lexicon, there are either Muslims or 'deplorables.'
"...Arcan Cetin is a Turkish Muslim, contrary to original reports that the shooter was a Hispanic man."

Arcan Cetin Arrested: Burlington Police Capture Cascade Mall Shooting Suspect One Day After Attack That Left Five Dead


And what does his being Muslim have to do with it?
Probably everything.

'Everything' is right.

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers..."

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey
Oh my....just ANOTHER mass MUSLIM Terrorist murder as Trump for told, when is the regime going to act against muslims...ALL should be investigsted!!!!

Don't be a retard.

Just because someone who commits a crime is Muslim doesn't mean he's a terrorist.

You're right, it might have been:

a) a workplace accident
b) a mentally unstable person, which seems to primarily affect muslims, driving them to act violently
c) a misunderstood young muslim, who was just acting out
d) a muslim protesting the so-called Israeli "occupation", who felt oppressed and had no other way to address it
e) all of the above
I call him a murder.Like the boys that shot up Columbine.Or VA Tech.Or a number of such incidents.

After a week in which there were multiple terror attacks in the US by muslims with this one being the latest, you bring stupid down to a whole new level. Your awful, non-credible reputation in the Israel forum is well-deserved, and it doesn't look like any better in the rest of the forum.
You saying your deporting me? That's just cold :(

The fifth columnists and enablers like you running interference for the muslim filth would probably be deported/executed before even the muslims in a properly administered country, like every other one on earth. Only in the US do people have any tolerance for people like you, its quite unfortunate, actually.
And what does his being Muslim have to do with it?

The question, idiot, is why are the vast majority of the attacks being done by muslims? I hope you experience one or more of these attacks up close like I have, a mental and physical weakling of turpid, low character like you would be the first to come running with panties soaking wet begging for protection from the rest of us. Fucking far left trash; you're a dime a dozen - spouting this utopian nonsense until you or a family member gets your arm blown off.
Bullshit. Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

So then asshole why would you leftists accept the media attributing the attack to a hispanic if they both look alike, you fucking moron?

The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic leadership rally.
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The BIG question is will she DISAVOW this Muslim mass murderer, or should the right continue to make hay out of this as the scumbag left tried to do with Trump and the KKK, and David Dukes?

He's not a "Muslim mass murderer". He's a fucked up kid who went on a shooting rampage for reasons we don't yet know.

She has nothing to do with him. Why does she need to disavow him? He's one individual.

This is the second mass shooter to have ties to Hilary...the father of the Orlando shooter is also a Hilary supporter....and was given a priority spot sitting in the background of that Hilary rally.....
What is sad is, something went terribly wrong with this young man. We don't know what. Innocent people died as a result.

Instead of waiting to see what is revealed, we have people salivating over the hope - yes HOPE - that it is a Muslim. And, it it is - they are ready to jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon and blame this crime on Islam.

I want to ask these questions - can you answer them thoughtfully?

Can a Muslim commit a crime that is not ideologically based?

If so - what difference does the religion of the perpetrator make?

Why such eagerness to politicize this tragedy?

Just a bit of payback for the immediate condemnation by LWNJ'S that any white guy Is a Christian if they commit a mass murder. After all, he went to Sunday School twice when he was 6 years old, he must be an evangelical.
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National media hoping it is a white supremacist.....

Trump Tards are hoping it's a Muslim


Left buffoons are hoping it's not

Absolutely no reason to believe it is.

Nope none at all.....LOL

TADA!!!!! Guess what? LOL
Has Obama come out to condemn guns yet?

....but if the shooting involves a cop and a black man, he condemns cops.
Unlike you I need not hide, Golliwog!

Uh ok. Hint, if I have to look it up, it isn't going to be an effective burn. Secondly, if I don't even remotely resemble what you are trying to call me, that's not going to work either.


Yess, stupid y is one of your finer traits, it's all downhill from there.

Sorry, and unfortunately you won't understand this, but ignorance and a lack of intelligence work hand and hand in the mid of a racist. If you'd like, I can buy some flash cards on Amazon and have them sent to your house... and then maybe in a few months after using them, you can come back to the forum and hold down a conversation with the rest of us adults.
Unlike you I need not hide, Golliwog!

Uh ok. Hint, if I have to look it up, it isn't going to be an effective burn. Secondly, if I don't even remotely resemble what you are trying to call me, that's not going to work either.


Yess, stupid y is one of your finer traits, it's all downhill from there.

Sorry, and unfortunately you won't understand this, but ignorance and a lack of intelligence work hand and hand in the mind of a racist. If you'd like, I can buy some flash cards on Amazon and have them sent to your house... and then maybe in a few months after using them, you can come back to the forum and hold down a conversation with the rest of us adults.

It's amazing watching some of you who wanted SO BADLY for it to be a Mexican just going on and on and freaking on with your pre-programmed crap instead of being man or woman enough to admit you were wrong.

It takes a special type of cowardice to stick to the script like this .

It takes a special type of bigotry to create a script that blames religion over the individual's motivations.

It takes a special kind of dumbass that doesn't know that radical Islam preaches genocide. Convert or die!
What is sad is, something went terribly wrong with this young man. We don't know what. Innocent people died as a result.

Instead of waiting to see what is revealed, we have people salivating over the hope - yes HOPE - that it is a Muslim. And, it it is - they are ready to jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon and blame this crime on Islam.

I want to ask these questions - can you answer them thoughtfully?

Can a Muslim commit a crime that is not ideologically based?

If so - what difference does the religion of the perpetrator make?

Why such eagerness to politicize this tragedy?

Just a bit of payback for the immediate condemnation by LWNJ'S that any white guy Is a Christian if they commit a mass murder. After all, he went to Sunday School twice when he was 6 year old, he must be an evangelical.
That and every isis brown piece of stink shit who yell allahu akbar are not radical islamists.

So, Mcveigh is an automatic Christian, due to his light beige skin with a pinkish hue. And the Fort Hood shooter was not a islamic terrorist.

Yes, that is all they know.

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