Breaking: Fox News Bows To Trump; Roger Ailes Just Called Him To Assure He Will Be Treated Fair

she'd need to bring a microscope and tweezers.
..and you know that how? I detect disappointment?
simple, guys like that asshat can't get it up. and when it did work it was smaller than usual it explains his attitude towards women.
I bet you're a lot like him.
sounds like your personal problem
nope not mine.
seems you have quite the knowledge! Seems like personal experience to me.
you seem far more interested in the subject than I am..
Is Trump Jewish? Other than Nutanyahoo - I've never heard so much whining.
This first debate was a complete debacle. When the headlines the next day are all about the moderator it means it was FUBAR'D.

The debate was not only unfair to the Donald with the "gottcha" bullshit but the stats have it that the moderators actually sucked up all the air time.

1/3rd of the airtime. It was unfair to all the participants.

Obviously Kelly and crew really believed this was all about them the FOX STARS and not the primary candidates nor the millions of viewers who tuned in to witness a debate and not an inquisition.

Really disappointed in Chris Wallace for going along with this bullshit.
Its fantastic that I have lived long enough to see someone like Trump slap the pompous ass GOP establishment around :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
odd thing to say for a republican ?

We conservatives don't blindly worship Republican party leaders. The only thing I hate more than liberals are lying disrespectful RINO's in the GOP.
right on , seems to me that we might as well have a 'hil' rather than a bush, Christy or roobio ,just my opinion . Cruz may be good but I do hear that he is pro immigration but opposes illegal immigration . I'm liking Trump just because he is going after the 'gop' and its moderates or rinos . Crash and burn is my hopes for the 'gop' and its moderate rinos .
Its fantastic that I have lived long enough to see someone like Trump slap the pompous ass GOP establishment around :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
odd thing to say for a republican ?

We conservatives don't blindly worship Republican party leaders. The only thing I hate more than liberals are lying disrespectful RINO's in the GOP.
bullshit !

Brilliant response /sarcasm
sarcasm is not in your skill set.
you claim to be a conservative

believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism

: not liking or accepting changes or new ideas
when you say you don't blindly worship your leaders you are breaking a long held conservative tradition.
Megyn Kelly stuck her finger up her twat on National TV. wonder how it tasted???

I wonder if FOX will make Kelly perform a BJ on Trump?
she'd need to bring a microscope and tweezers.
..and you know that how? I detect disappointment?
simple, guys like that asshat can't get it up. and when it did work it was smaller than usual it explains his attitude towards women.
I bet you're a lot like him.
You seem to be very familiar with the Donald's dick… Spare us from the details though...
So, what kind of questions does Trump think are "fair"? What is favorite ice cream? Does he like puppies or Kittens better?
I wonder if FOX will make Kelly perform a BJ on Trump?
she'd need to bring a microscope and tweezers.
..and you know that how? I detect disappointment?
simple, guys like that asshat can't get it up. and when it did work it was smaller than usual it explains his attitude towards women.
I bet you're a lot like him.
You seem to be very familiar with the Donald's dick… Spare us from the details though...
Only because I read your diary.
Donald Trump should not give Fox News any credibility by attending any future debates hosted by them.

Forgiveness and trust are two different things. Forgiveness is free. Trust is earned.
Yes, he should not be party to any of the debates any more. Stand on the principle of the 2 year old not getting what he wanted and stand clear, way way clear of any debates in the future. That's the ticket.

Fox News isn't the only News source for holding debates. There are other stations out there who are quite capable and willing to do the job. So let Fox News step aside - they have been disqualified in the eyes of the american people anyhow - let an unbiast news source hold the debates.

That's the answer.

This isn't about Donald Trump's behavior. This is about Fox News and their choice of a bad moderator who ruined a Presidential debate by targeting one of the candidates present. Stop turning it around on Donald Trump. It isn't about him. Had he been the moderator - we'd be discussing his bad behavior! It's not. It's about Fox News and in the eyes of the American people I believe they have been disqualified.
No, this is about both FOX News and Trump. The big story is about Trump and his crude behavior. No one is turning it around on Trump. Trump is trying to turn it around and point the finger at FOX and Kelly. Just because that spin has caught you doesn't mean it is catching the majority of others. No one is whining about FOX other than Trump supporters. Same for Kelly.
I am a Kasich Walker supporter right now. This is Fox news manipulating a debate.
Donald Trump should not give Fox News any credibility by attending any future debates hosted by them.

Forgiveness and trust are two different things. Forgiveness is free. Trust is earned.
Yes, he should not be party to any of the debates any more. Stand on the principle of the 2 year old not getting what he wanted and stand clear, way way clear of any debates in the future. That's the ticket.

Fox News isn't the only News source for holding debates. There are other stations out there who are quite capable and willing to do the job. So let Fox News step aside - they have been disqualified in the eyes of the american people anyhow - let an unbiast news source hold the debates.

That's the answer.

This isn't about Donald Trump's behavior. This is about Fox News and their choice of a bad moderator who ruined a Presidential debate by targeting one of the candidates present. Stop turning it around on Donald Trump. It isn't about him. Had he been the moderator - we'd be discussing his bad behavior! It's not. It's about Fox News and in the eyes of the American people I believe they have been disqualified.
No, this is about both FOX News and Trump. The big story is about Trump and his crude behavior. No one is turning it around on Trump. Trump is trying to turn it around and point the finger at FOX and Kelly. Just because that spin has caught you doesn't mean it is catching the majority of others. No one is whining about FOX other than Trump supporters. Same for Kelly.
I am a Kasich Walker supporter right now. This is Fox news manipulating a debate.
More proof denial is contagious
Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny, Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes, Beginning Day


The multibillionaire stares at his aging, deteriorating form in the mirror.
NEWS June 20, 2012
Vol 48 Issue 25 · News · Featured Section: Masculinity · Donald Trump

NEW YORK—Real estate mogul and television personality Donald Trump reportedly stood before his bedroom's full-length mirror Wednesday morning and stared forlornly at his aged, shriveled penis before getting dressed and leaving his residence in Manhattan's Trump Tower to start the day.

According to reports, the 66-year-old had laid his suit out on his bed and was preparing to step into a pair of silk boxer shorts when he glimpsed his deteriorating body in the mirror. Trump then spent approximately 15 to 20 minutes morosely reflecting on his appearance, dedicating most of that time to gazing at his desiccated sexual anatomy and contemplating its all-but-total lack of function.

"God, look at this thing," said a dejected Trump, hoisting up a large quantity of belly flab with his forearm to make his stunted organ visible. "Pitiful."

Trump, who in just over an hour would be appearing on the morning show Fox And Friends to assert that the president of the United States was not an American citizen, is said to have grasped the bulb of his penis with his thumb and forefinger and stretched the organ to its full 3-inch length before letting it go and leaving it to loll on an unruly tangle of mostly gray pubic hair. Noticing the pronounced droop of his scrotum, Trump glumly cupped his testicles in his hand and lifted them several inches until they reached the approximate height at which they had hung in his youth and even into early middle age.


Sources say Trump sat on his bed and lightly shook his head for a full five minutes.

At this point, Trump is purported to have released the heavily crinkled pouch and sighed deeply.

"What the hell happened?" said Trump, who appeared to receive no reassurance by swiveling and viewing his shrunken penis in profile. "It's just…dead."

Sources confirmed Trump then received a phone call from an Associated Press reporter asking him to respond to charges that he was a "blowhard" and a "bully," allegations Trump managed to address despite his preoccupation with the condition of his sexual organ.

"I'm rich and famous, and everyone wants to be me," Trump told the caller, all the while struggling to recall the last time he was able to achieve even a partial erection. "That doesn't make me a bully. That just makes me better than most people."

"There's never been a success story like mine in the history of America," continued Trump, who briefly tipped the phone away from his mouth as he licked his palm and began tugging on his penis with a loose fist. "I'm a phenomenon, and I don't care who knows it—of course, everyone already does."

Upon disconnecting, Trump continued to stroke vigorously for three full minutes before giving up in exhaustion.

Shortly thereafter, Trump reportedly turned his attention to the remainder of his body, miserably noting in his reflection the complete absence of muscle tone in his arms, the vast network of wrinkles on his face that showed through despite a freshly applied layer of bronzer, and the loose flesh on his neck, which he pulled taut several times with his thumbs. According to sources, Trump then attempted to shake free of his melancholy by rising to his toes in a boxing stance and pantomiming a series of punch combinations, an effort that quickly embarrassed him and intensified his gloom.

"Sixty-six years old," said Trump, who has an estimated fortune of $2.9 billion. "What's 70 going to look like? And 75? What the hell am I gonna do then?"

Gazing over at the clothes neatly laid out on his bed, Trump added, "Goddamn it."

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Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes Beginning Day - The Onion - America s Finest News Source

Youre sick.
Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny, Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes, Beginning Day


The multibillionaire stares at his aging, deteriorating form in the mirror.
NEWS June 20, 2012
Vol 48 Issue 25 · News · Featured Section: Masculinity · Donald Trump

NEW YORK—Real estate mogul and television personality Donald Trump reportedly stood before his bedroom's full-length mirror Wednesday morning and stared forlornly at his aged, shriveled penis before getting dressed and leaving his residence in Manhattan's Trump Tower to start the day.

According to reports, the 66-year-old had laid his suit out on his bed and was preparing to step into a pair of silk boxer shorts when he glimpsed his deteriorating body in the mirror. Trump then spent approximately 15 to 20 minutes morosely reflecting on his appearance, dedicating most of that time to gazing at his desiccated sexual anatomy and contemplating its all-but-total lack of function.

"God, look at this thing," said a dejected Trump, hoisting up a large quantity of belly flab with his forearm to make his stunted organ visible. "Pitiful."

Trump, who in just over an hour would be appearing on the morning show Fox And Friends to assert that the president of the United States was not an American citizen, is said to have grasped the bulb of his penis with his thumb and forefinger and stretched the organ to its full 3-inch length before letting it go and leaving it to loll on an unruly tangle of mostly gray pubic hair. Noticing the pronounced droop of his scrotum, Trump glumly cupped his testicles in his hand and lifted them several inches until they reached the approximate height at which they had hung in his youth and even into early middle age.


Sources say Trump sat on his bed and lightly shook his head for a full five minutes.

At this point, Trump is purported to have released the heavily crinkled pouch and sighed deeply.

"What the hell happened?" said Trump, who appeared to receive no reassurance by swiveling and viewing his shrunken penis in profile. "It's just…dead."

Sources confirmed Trump then received a phone call from an Associated Press reporter asking him to respond to charges that he was a "blowhard" and a "bully," allegations Trump managed to address despite his preoccupation with the condition of his sexual organ.

"I'm rich and famous, and everyone wants to be me," Trump told the caller, all the while struggling to recall the last time he was able to achieve even a partial erection. "That doesn't make me a bully. That just makes me better than most people."

"There's never been a success story like mine in the history of America," continued Trump, who briefly tipped the phone away from his mouth as he licked his palm and began tugging on his penis with a loose fist. "I'm a phenomenon, and I don't care who knows it—of course, everyone already does."

Upon disconnecting, Trump continued to stroke vigorously for three full minutes before giving up in exhaustion.

Shortly thereafter, Trump reportedly turned his attention to the remainder of his body, miserably noting in his reflection the complete absence of muscle tone in his arms, the vast network of wrinkles on his face that showed through despite a freshly applied layer of bronzer, and the loose flesh on his neck, which he pulled taut several times with his thumbs. According to sources, Trump then attempted to shake free of his melancholy by rising to his toes in a boxing stance and pantomiming a series of punch combinations, an effort that quickly embarrassed him and intensified his gloom.

"Sixty-six years old," said Trump, who has an estimated fortune of $2.9 billion. "What's 70 going to look like? And 75? What the hell am I gonna do then?"

Gazing over at the clothes neatly laid out on his bed, Trump added, "Goddamn it."

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Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes Beginning Day - The Onion - America s Finest News Source

Youre sick.
Being born without a sense of humor must be terrible.
Donald Trump should not give Fox News any credibility by attending any future debates hosted by them.

Forgiveness and trust are two different things. Forgiveness is free. Trust is earned.
Yes, he should not be party to any of the debates any more. Stand on the principle of the 2 year old not getting what he wanted and stand clear, way way clear of any debates in the future. That's the ticket.

Fox News isn't the only News source for holding debates. There are other stations out there who are quite capable and willing to do the job. So let Fox News step aside - they have been disqualified in the eyes of the american people anyhow - let an unbiast news source hold the debates.

That's the answer.

This isn't about Donald Trump's behavior. This is about Fox News and their choice of a bad moderator who ruined a Presidential debate by targeting one of the candidates present. Stop turning it around on Donald Trump. It isn't about him. Had he been the moderator - we'd be discussing his bad behavior! It's not. It's about Fox News and in the eyes of the American people I believe they have been disqualified.
No, this is about both FOX News and Trump. The big story is about Trump and his crude behavior. No one is turning it around on Trump. Trump is trying to turn it around and point the finger at FOX and Kelly. Just because that spin has caught you doesn't mean it is catching the majority of others. No one is whining about FOX other than Trump supporters. Same for Kelly.
I am a Kasich Walker supporter right now. This is Fox news manipulating a debate.

I am not a Trump supporter either. I am not supporting any candidate, Jackson. I just see that Trump was targeted and as you say - Fox News manipulated a debate. It was wrong.

When I read Camp's words no one is whining about Fox other than Trump supporters I thought well I guess I'm no one then! Because I do not agree with what they did. At all.
Is it just me or were all these posters rabid fox viewers before the debate? They seem to be fatality butthurt that fox didn't do its standard turd polishing, instead they did what journalist are trained to do.
So, what kind of questions does Trump think are "fair"? What is favorite ice cream? Does he like puppies or Kittens better?

What will your policy be on immigration? What is your plan on reviving our economy? What will you do to stop our run away deficit? What will you do to ensure our security as a nation - military budget, etc. Those are the questions a decent Moderator asks.

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