BREAKING: Georgia State Lawmaker Moves to Impeach DA Fani Willis for Political Bias in Indictments Against President Trump

Juries can be corrupted by a wild ass prosecutor.

I dunno about that, poster Robert W.
I recall OJ Simpson. Where the prosecutors didn't prevail.
That's one. There must be, oh, about a gabillion juries that came in with a verdict far different than what the prosecution desired. No?
And too, there is such things as the most 'skilled defense lawyers' as unlimited financial resources can obtain.
Or perhaps, more importantly, competent and insightful voir dire by those same expensive and highly skilled defense lawyers?
Not to mention, in criminal trials it has to be unanimous.
So all in all, the defendant in American jurisprudence seems to have better than an even chance.
Most especially very rich defendants. No?
"Just do a full recount but exclude the ones that got dumped late and the ones from people not legally registered and the ones not corresponding with the various signature requirements. You know. All the legal votes only."

Well, if we look to the Cyber Ninjas that good poster BackAgain cheerled for in the Arizona brouhaha, (along with colleagues Lenny Partiv and EMH.....which some wag termed them Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod)......well, the Cyber Ninja-thingy in Arizona wrung out MORE votes for Biden than originally counted. Meaning he increased his lead over Don Trump.
So, with Cyber Ninjas as our sherpa here (and remember their CEO, Doug Logan, was active in the Coffee County GA breach that Willis's office investigated and laid out indictments for).....well, with Cyber Ninjas, it is reasonable to expect that of all those ballots that poster Back Again frets over, well, a whole big bunch of those invalid/illegal/improper ballots......would have been FOR Don Trump. And maybe some of 'em for Joe Biden. ????
Seems reasonable that there is a good chance that if BackAgain got his CyberNinjas to audit those ballots......Biden would again increase his lead. In Georgia.

Fanny Ho is from a Marxist family. This should turn our real "fair"
What does that mean?
What is a "Marxist family"? And does the term include all members of a 'family'? Even children? Even 3rd cousins? Even dead grandparents?
And why wouldn't a progeny from such a "family"...... not be fair? And if they are in a public role.....well, don't they take an oath to country and some god?
Explain yourself poster NeverFree.


"...giggling with Lesbian Rachel MADCOW about Trump's possible demise. I hope Karma is served to her sweetly when they bend her over, give her what she deserves and Bot Flies come out of her rear-end."
With no desire to be disrespectful towards poster NeverFree, but.......but he write like his is 14yrs old. With some sort of anal fascination and juvenile homophobia.
Really, NeverFree, are you old enough.....or, at any rate, mature enough to post on this venue?

We prefer when MAGAs keep their personal sex fantasies to themselves. You be you, but we don't need to hear about it.
Thank you, ZW. You responded to poor poster Freedomisneverfree better than my poor avatar.

Trump should tell that little black pantherette to GFY!!!!

I will give credit to the prolific poster SeaMajor7. He is consistent.
In most every post of his he finds a way to insert a f-bomb, a FU, or some crude vulgarity a way to articulate his point. Without being articulate in English whatsoever.
The MAGA's of this venue continue to impress with their educational achievement and sense of civic responsibility and decorum. No wonder some are skeptical of their ability to make America, then, or in the future. America's prevailing 'achievement' ethic is a meritocracy. Meaning, the best, the most skilled, the most effective git-er-done folks.....rise to become leaders. Rise to become more than slow-leaks and ne'er-do-wells.
The MAGA's seem a bit unprepared for that level of rigor. Or, to be fair, the MAGA's we so frequently observe on this venue.
Great move by Senator Colton Moore. Fani Willis, the daughter of a Black Panther, has been completely unethical from the beginning going after Trump. She even campaigned on having Trump arrested. She has/is abusing her office politically. It's time to put a stop to her bias once and for all.

That's going nowhere fast. You can add the paper that it's written on to your collection of toilet tissue, Tvaritch...
I will give credit to the prolific poster SeaMajor7. He is consistent.
In most every post of his he finds a way to insert a f-bomb, a FU, or some crude vulgarity a way to articulate his point. Without being articulate in English whatsoever.
The MAGA's of this venue continue to impress with their educational achievement and sense of civic responsibility and decorum. No wonder some are skeptical of their ability to make America, then, or in the future. America's prevailing 'achievement' ethic is a meritocracy. Meaning, the best, the most skilled, the most effective git-er-done folks.....rise to become leaders. Rise to become more than slow-leaks and ne'er-do-wells.

The MAGA's seem a bit unprepared for that level of rigor. Or, to be fair, the MAGA's we so frequently observe on this venue.
The Pretentious One chimes in.
Fuck you and your little black pantherette!!!
A state senator in Georgia is moving to impeach Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over the charges brought against former President Trump.

Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore is moving to impeach Willis, accusing the prosecutor of carrying out a political agenda against Trump.

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday.

“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents,” he added.

Moore also published a letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to demand a special session be called to address “the actions of Fani Willis.”

“We, the undersigned, being duly elected members of the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia Senate, and comprising 3/5 of each respective house, pursuant to Article IV, Section II, Paragraph VII(b), hereby certify to you, in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in our opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state, requiring a special session to be convened under that section, for all purposes, to include, without limitation, the review and response to the actions of Fani Willis.”

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday. -REUTERS

If they actually have 3/5 of both houses on board, that might be doable but they need 2/3 to convict.

Good news is, even if Kemp says no, the session starts nonetheless after a few days, though it doesn't actually give him a choice.

(b) The Governor shall convene the General Assembly in special session for all purposes whenever three-fifths of the members to which each house is entitled certify to the Governor in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in their opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state. The General Assembly may convene itself if, after receiving such certification, the Governor fails to do so within three days, excluding Sundays.

Dems need to understand.....Lawfare can cut both ways. ;)
Kemp is not the only Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" in office in GA. This is a noble cause but the GA GOP will once again demonstrate it has no loyalty to truth, justice, or America, but rather to Dominion Voting Machines and Israel.
A state senator in Georgia is moving to impeach Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over the charges brought against former President Trump.

Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore is moving to impeach Willis, accusing the prosecutor of carrying out a political agenda against Trump.

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday.

“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents,” he added.

Moore also published a letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to demand a special session be called to address “the actions of Fani Willis.”

“We, the undersigned, being duly elected members of the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia Senate, and comprising 3/5 of each respective house, pursuant to Article IV, Section II, Paragraph VII(b), hereby certify to you, in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in our opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state, requiring a special session to be convened under that section, for all purposes, to include, without limitation, the review and response to the actions of Fani Willis.”

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday. -REUTERS

If they actually have 3/5 of both houses on board, that might be doable but they need 2/3 to convict.

Good news is, even if Kemp says no, the session starts nonetheless after a few days, though it doesn't actually give him a choice.

(b) The Governor shall convene the General Assembly in special session for all purposes whenever three-fifths of the members to which each house is entitled certify to the Governor in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in their opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state. The General Assembly may convene itself if, after receiving such certification, the Governor fails to do so within three days, excluding Sundays.

Dems need to understand.....Lawfare can cut both ways. ;)

A bit late to the gate eh?

A state senator in Georgia is moving to impeach Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over the charges brought against former President Trump.

Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore is moving to impeach Willis, accusing the prosecutor of carrying out a political agenda against Trump.

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday.

“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents,” he added.

Moore also published a letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to demand a special session be called to address “the actions of Fani Willis.”

“We, the undersigned, being duly elected members of the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia Senate, and comprising 3/5 of each respective house, pursuant to Article IV, Section II, Paragraph VII(b), hereby certify to you, in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in our opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state, requiring a special session to be convened under that section, for all purposes, to include, without limitation, the review and response to the actions of Fani Willis.”

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday. -REUTERS

If they actually have 3/5 of both houses on board, that might be doable but they need 2/3 to convict.

Good news is, even if Kemp says no, the session starts nonetheless after a few days, though it doesn't actually give him a choice.

(b) The Governor shall convene the General Assembly in special session for all purposes whenever three-fifths of the members to which each house is entitled certify to the Governor in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in their opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state. The General Assembly may convene itself if, after receiving such certification, the Governor fails to do so within three days, excluding Sundays.

Dems need to understand.....Lawfare can cut both ways. ;)

Y-A-W-N. This douche is nobody. Let him cry and whine.
Kemp isn't going to give these people the time of day.
A bit late to the gate eh?

Damn....Dupe....Kill/combine it mods.
Why are teabaggers so adamant about impeaching/firing anyone who confronts their dear leader?
Trump has them by the balls.
Let them take him to court, he will expose ALL of them for the frauds they are.
I just hope it's on TV.
A state senator in Georgia is moving to impeach Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over the charges brought against former President Trump.

Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore is moving to impeach Willis, accusing the prosecutor of carrying out a political agenda against Trump.

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday.

“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents,” he added.

Moore also published a letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to demand a special session be called to address “the actions of Fani Willis.”

“We, the undersigned, being duly elected members of the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia Senate, and comprising 3/5 of each respective house, pursuant to Article IV, Section II, Paragraph VII(b), hereby certify to you, in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in our opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state, requiring a special session to be convened under that section, for all purposes, to include, without limitation, the review and response to the actions of Fani Willis.”

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday. -REUTERS

If they actually have 3/5 of both houses on board, that might be doable but they need 2/3 to convict.

Good news is, even if Kemp says no, the session starts nonetheless after a few days, though it doesn't actually give him a choice.

(b) The Governor shall convene the General Assembly in special session for all purposes whenever three-fifths of the members to which each house is entitled certify to the Governor in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in their opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state. The General Assembly may convene itself if, after receiving such certification, the Governor fails to do so within three days, excluding Sundays.

Dems need to understand.....Lawfare can cut both ways. ;)

We know all about Republican Lawfare, Republicans have been doing it for decades, dems learned from YOU, though Dems are still not as good at it....beginning with all the President Clinton investigations and "GATES", and his impeachment for lying about extra marital sex...., 9 separate investigations in to Benghazi and emails, for Hillary hurt her candidacy numbers.... This Hunter Biden, crime family shit of Giuliani's regurgitated now to hurt Biden..... :rolleyes:
A state senator in Georgia is moving to impeach Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over the charges brought against former President Trump.

Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore is moving to impeach Willis, accusing the prosecutor of carrying out a political agenda against Trump.

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday.

“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents,” he added.

Moore also published a letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to demand a special session be called to address “the actions of Fani Willis.”

“We, the undersigned, being duly elected members of the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia Senate, and comprising 3/5 of each respective house, pursuant to Article IV, Section II, Paragraph VII(b), hereby certify to you, in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in our opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state, requiring a special session to be convened under that section, for all purposes, to include, without limitation, the review and response to the actions of Fani Willis.”

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis,” Moore said on social media Thursday. -REUTERS

If they actually have 3/5 of both houses on board, that might be doable but they need 2/3 to convict.

Good news is, even if Kemp says no, the session starts nonetheless after a few days, though it doesn't actually give him a choice.

(b) The Governor shall convene the General Assembly in special session for all purposes whenever three-fifths of the members to which each house is entitled certify to the Governor in writing, with a copy to the Secretary of State, that in their opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state. The General Assembly may convene itself if, after receiving such certification, the Governor fails to do so within three days, excluding Sundays.

Dems need to understand.....Lawfare can cut both ways. ;)

Impeachment proceedings against Fani Willis would need 2/3 of the Senate to remove her. Republicans do not have that majority. This is all for show and attempts to discredit her.
I dunno about that, poster Robert W.
I recall OJ Simpson. Where the prosecutors didn't prevail.
That's one. There must be, oh, about a gabillion juries that came in with a verdict far different than what the prosecution desired. No?
And too, there is such things as the most 'skilled defense lawyers' as unlimited financial resources can obtain.
Or perhaps, more importantly, competent and insightful voir dire by those same expensive and highly skilled defense lawyers?
Not to mention, in criminal trials it has to be unanimous.
So all in all, the defendant in American jurisprudence seems to have better than an even chance.
Most especially very rich defendants. No?
Trump will not be convicted once the Supreme Court acts.
They can't find anyone that's even remotely presentable to carry water for them.

This filthy sow has been fucking the gang bangers she's supposed to be prosecuting. :laughing0301:

Image 8.png

Lock these filthy animals up.

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