Breaking: Germanwings plane crashes over France, 148 dead

I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.

Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just hope it was an accident.
That will make the dead and their survivors feel a whole lot better.
You don't find this suspicious? Those families are going through some major grief but this is the third plane. I'm sorry for their loss but I don't want their loss to be felt by another plane load of peoples families.
I am very suspicious.

When I first suggested it was terror yesterday, posters had shit fits, and demanded I apologize.

I don't apologize much, and don't for thinking this is terror.
They ruled it out less than a day after the crash and before they had time to examine the black boxes. That alone is suspicious.
The terrorism theory. From The Independent UK.

Could terrorism - or other human intervention - have been the cause?

It seems unlikely, though the passenger list will be scrutinised by security authorities in case there are “persons of interest”. If an explosive decompression had been caused by a bomb that was planted on board, the plane would likely have disintegrated at a much higher altitude; as it was, it was tracked until it was relatively low.
The terrorism theory. From The Independent UK.

Could terrorism - or other human intervention - have been the cause?

It seems unlikely, though the passenger list will be scrutinised by security authorities in case there are “persons of interest”. If an explosive decompression had been caused by a bomb that was planted on board, the plane would likely have disintegrated at a much higher altitude; as it was, it was tracked until it was relatively low.
It could have been an accident, but stuff still isn't adding up.
The terrorism theory. From The Independent UK.

Could terrorism - or other human intervention - have been the cause?

It seems unlikely, though the passenger list will be scrutinised by security authorities in case there are “persons of interest”. If an explosive decompression had been caused by a bomb that was planted on board, the plane would likely have disintegrated at a much higher altitude; as it was, it was tracked until it was relatively low.
It could have been an accident, but stuff still isn't adding up.

I don't pretend to know any answers, but the Air Bus compared to the Boeing is too dependent on the computer. I was talking to someone today who has had experience with both aircraft.

If the system fails.......
I don't pretend to know any answers, but the Air Bus compared to the Boeing is too dependent on the computer. I was talking to someone today who has had experience with both aircraft.

If the system fails.......

There are pilot-overrides for every computer system on modern aircraft. It's the airline's responsibility to have qualified, veteran pilots who are flying the aircraft and not handing the controls to a junior officer while they're back flirting with the stews or sleeping off a hangover...especially over mountain ranges that present unique weather challenges..
Lots of international press today recalling other, very similar events involving Airbus A320/A321. Time to get back to thinking, when planning a trip:
"If it ain't Boeing I ain't going".
You calling me that doesn't make you any less a Marine poser. :D

Sure does....nobody thinks you're anything but a pussy liar....I only correct your crap for the newcomers who may not know your sordid history here.
Lots of international press today recalling other, very similar events involving Airbus A320/A321. Time to get back to thinking, when planning a trip:
"If it ain't Boeing I ain't going".

That's what my friend said today.
Just checked. RyanAir use Boeing

But Aegean, with which I fly a lot, has a fleet of Airbuses.
Eight minutes on a fast downward trajectory.

Computer failure? Hard to imagine the crew wouldn't notice and manually override. In the past that apparently has been the case with other planes of the same type.

So, could they somehow have totally failed to notice what was happening?
Was the crew somehow rendered unconscious?
(includes loss of oxygen, physical intervention by someone)
Would the computer somehow prevent them from overriding?

Of all those possibilities I rather fear it was right out of the 2001 movie only, given where the planes are made, with a sickening French accent.
Eight minutes on a fast downward trajectory.

Computer failure? Hard to imagine the crew wouldn't notice and manually override. In the past that apparently has been the case with other planes of the same type.

So, could they somehow have totally failed to notice what was happening?
Was the crew somehow rendered unconscious?
(includes loss of oxygen, physical intervention by someone)
Would the computer somehow prevent them from overriding?

Of all those possibilities I rather fear it was right out of the 2001 movie only, given where the planes are made, with a sickening French accent.

They might have responded to the wrong programme.
New announcements say the descent lasted a lot longer than the previously cited eight minutes. Also that a French fighter jet was sent to shadow the plane when it broke off communications.

Feeling like somebody knows a lot more about what happened than they're talking about just yet.
I don't know, but my gut guess is there are muslims involved.
It's looking more and more like my gut instinct was correct. Those crazy muslims! How did a dumb hillbilly like me figure it out? It was easy. EVERY TIME we have a plane crash, it always turns out to be muslims. WAS THE PILOT MUSLIM??? Or isn't that question politically correct?
One of the pilots was locked out of the cockpit. The plot thickens.

  1. Among the dead are believed to be 72 German nationals and at least 51 Spaniards
  2. Citizens of the UK, Australia, Japan, Israel, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Denmark, the Netherlands, the USA and Belgium were also on board

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