Breaking: Germanwings plane crashes over France, 148 dead

"Suddenly dropped like lead".

That means catastrophic mechanical failure.


And now, the really sad message that 20 of those passengers were German schoolchildren whose class had paid a student-exchange visit to a small city in Spain. Heartbreaking. I don't know yet the age of the students, nor is it relevant for the purpose of great sadness, but I suspect they were 8th, 9th or 10th graders.

-Moment of silence-

I just heard this as well.


A spokesman for France's DGAC aviation authority said the airliner crashed near the town of Barcelonnette about 100 km (65 miles) north of the French Riviera city of Nice, and not far from the Northwest border of Italy.

This region is about 2,300 meters above sea level and is full of snow.

400 rescue workers are already in the area, which is hard to reach.
2,000 French Gendarme have also been mobilized to help search the area.

Massive snow is predicted for this area today.

No one knows why the plane crashed, but the radar shows that it suddenly dropped like lead.
No difficulties were reported within Spanish airspace.

The plane was supposed to land at noon in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Extra clergy has been brought to the airport in Düsseldorf and brought those who were waiting on the flight to arrive into an area to inform them and counsel them.

43 passengers were Spanish citizens. A great number, perhaps the majority, were German citizens, on their way back from Spain.

Düsseldorf is one of the finer international airports out there, I've flown in and out of Düsseldorf a number of times. Sad day in Germany.

Luthhansa is going to give out more information in about 5 minutes.
Dropped like lead?

Must have been one of those Stinger missiles Obama lost track of.
"Suddenly dropped like lead".

That means catastrophic mechanical failure.
Or, one of the scores of Stingers Obama lost track of.

Well, here we go again with the RWs making fun of tragedy and of course, blaming Obama.


Who made fun of the tragedy?

Lufthansa flights are not known for "dropping like lead".

Don't rule out terror so fast.

Very, very unlikely.

There was already a case of a Lufthansa that dropped like lead exactly 21 days ago and it appears that a certain sensor that gets stuck when it gets iced up may be the source of the problem. Lufthansa has just announced that this could be the problem.

I think that's a possibility because they're saying there were airports nearby and that the only thing that would stop them from landing is if the crew was disabled.

Not even the rabid right can make a case for this being Obama's fault.

"14:26 Keine Hinweise auf Terror-Anschlag

Deutsche Sicherheitsbehörden haben keinen Hinweis auf einen terroristischen Anschlag als Ursache für den Flugzeugabsturz. Das meldet die Nachrichtenagentur dpa."

No evidence of a terror-attack.
I have to inform you, I no longer can read much German.

College graduation was 40 years ago.

I hope it isn't terror, but, I don't guess that makes much difference to the victim's families.

These days, I don't rule out terror as the cause of any major catastrophe not attributable to nature.

I guess that means the terrorists are winning.

Which they seem to be.

If that offends you, so be it.
And it has been confirmed: there were circa 20 "Gymnasium" (roughly translates as "High School") students from the König-Josef Gymnasium in Haltern am See, Germany (between Münster and Düsseldorf) on the plane. They would have been 9th or 10th graders, just as I suspected.

Airbus-Absturz in Frankreich Viele Sch ler aus NRW an Bord - Aus aller Welt - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten

"An Bord der in Frankreich abgestürzten Germanwings-Maschine waren 150 Menschen - darunter viele Deutsche. Es soll sich auch eine Schulklasse aus NRW an Bord des Fliegers befunden haben.

Nach FOCUS-Online-Informationen hat das Joseph-König-Gymnasium in Haltern am See eine Notfall-Hotline eingerichtet."

The international exchange partner to this school, in the USA, in is LaPorte, Indiana.
König-Josef Gymnasium is an upper-end High School in NRW, with about 1,400 students and a heavy focus on English, French, the Sciences and the Arts.
Sister aircraft went into deep dive due to faulty sensors four months ago
Second reference to that.

Got a link?

I am curious, why didn't we hear much about that?

Of course, that was deer season, didn't have the news on much then.
Guest on the news just mentioned again that the crew had more than 8 minutes to contact the ground and wondered if they were incapacitated.
Despite this misfit's attempt at prominence because he supposedly speaks German, there is ZERO information at this time as to cause. Radar sources will have to be accessed, black box recovered, forensic teams will have to examine the wreckage, the passenger manifest will have to looked at. Commercial aircraft don't "drop like lead" because of sensor malfunctions. This could be anything from hydraulics failure to a shoe bomb.
Despite this misfit's attempt at prominence because he supposedly speaks German, there is ZERO information at this time as to cause. Radar sources will have to be accessed, black box recovered, forensic teams will have to examine the wreckage, the passenger manifest will have to looked at. Commercial aircraft don't "drop like lead" because of sensor malfunctions. This could be anything from hydraulics failure to a shoe bomb.
If you are referring to me, you missed by many miles. I also never said what the cause was, but German and French authorities are both ruling out a terror attack, at least for now. The German Sicherheitsbehörden estimate one month before a probable cause can be ascertained. Und da das jetzt erledigt ist, kannst Du Dich freilich ins Knie ficken, Du wertloser Penner. Zisch ab. So, that's enough information for the fake wannabe marine.

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