Breaking: Germanwings plane crashes over France, 148 dead

I don't know, but my gut guess is there are muslims involved.
It's looking more and more like my gut instinct was correct. Those crazy muslims! How did a dumb hillbilly like me figure it out? It was easy. EVERY TIME we have a plane crash, it always turns out to be muslims. WAS THE PILOT MUSLIM??? Or isn't that question politically correct?

I heard something about one of the pilots being Malaysian. Have to recheck that one.
Germanwings Pilot Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France: Report

One of the pilots of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps may have been locked out of the cockpit, a senior military official involved in the investigation told The New York Times.

The official said that the audio on the cockpit voice recorder indicated one of the pilots was outside of the cockpit and unable to re-enter, according to the paper. The unnamed official described hearing the pilot unable to re-enter the cockpit lightly knocked on the door at first - before pounding on it.

"You can hear he is trying to smash the door down," he told the Times.

ABC News was unable to independently confirm the report.

Investigators have not yet recovered the second black box from the Airbus A320, which crashed Tuesday in Southern France while en route to Dusseldorf, Germany. All 150 on board, including three Americans, are believed to have been killed.

Earlier Wednesday, the director of the Bureau d’Enquetes et d’Analyses (BEA) said an audio file from one of the the black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder, had been found, but did not say whether voices were heard on the recording.


Bureau dEnquetes et dAnalyses
PHOTO: The Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety in France released images of the black box recovered in the Germanwings plane crash.

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Germanwings Pilot Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France Report - ABC News
I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.

Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just hope it was an accident.
That will make the dead and their survivors feel a whole lot better.
You don't find this suspicious? Those families are going through some major grief but this is the third plane. I'm sorry for their loss but I don't want their loss to be felt by another plane load of peoples families.
I am very suspicious.

When I first suggested it was terror yesterday, posters had shit fits, and demanded I apologize.

I don't apologize much, and don't for thinking this is terror.

Let's go back to this point.

It looks very much like the co-pilot committed suicide and brought about 150 others with him into death.

But still, even today, the French and German authorities are ruling out "terroristische Hintergründe" (terroristic backgrounds). But the statement still says "as of this time".

I keep trying to hammer home that we should never jump to conclusions and rather, let the evidence and facts take us where they take us.
Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just hope it was an accident.
That will make the dead and their survivors feel a whole lot better.
You don't find this suspicious? Those families are going through some major grief but this is the third plane. I'm sorry for their loss but I don't want their loss to be felt by another plane load of peoples families.
I am very suspicious.

When I first suggested it was terror yesterday, posters had shit fits, and demanded I apologize.

I don't apologize much, and don't for thinking this is terror.
They ruled it out less than a day after the crash and before they had time to examine the black boxes. That alone is suspicious.

Happened to you too? All I said was I had thought of it and they came to the idea I was rushing to judgment. Strange. Did you see this yet? Listen to this news! This isn't the first time. 5 other commercial airplanes have crashed due to "suicide by the pilot or co-pilot". Coincidence or not? I do not believe there was silence all the way to the end - I believe at the end of that recording was Allah Akbar! Why they won't release that to the public is obvious. The airline industry would be finished. American airlines employ Muslim pilots as well. Another question. If they have converted Islam? How are you going to know? Anyway, I doubt Rome is going to waste a good crisis. They will surely inform the media to report he was a Protestant or a Jew. And very unstable! Of course!

Note that he says that Andreas Lubitz had only 600 hours of air time. He wasn't even qualified to be in the air flying a commercial airplane! Who would get that kind of privilege to go to the front of the line for a job like that? In Europe. Think hard.
Just hearing, he had a history of depression.

The international media is camped around his house, where he lived with his parents.

Of course. Funny how I read a report less than an hour ago stating that he had shown no sign of depression to his friends prior. Now we'll wait for them to report he was a Protestant! They will most likely wait until the evening news to roll that one out. I'm expecting it. Europe has never been more anti-Protestant /anti -semitic than it is right now.
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This is supposedly a photo of him. The family is said to have left Marseille which was where they lived prior. That is predominantly Muslim I hear.

Just hearing, he had a history of depression.

The international media is camped around his house, where he lived with his parents.

Of course. Funny how I read a report less than an hour ago stating that he had shown no sign of depression to his friends prior. Now we'll wait for them to report he was a Protestant! They will most likely wait until the evening news to roll that one out. I'm expecting it. Europe has never been more anti-Protestant /anti -semitic than it is right now.

Oh, fer Chrissakes.

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