Breaking: Germanwings plane crashes over France, 148 dead

Despite this misfit's attempt at prominence because he supposedly speaks German, there is ZERO information at this time as to cause. Radar sources will have to be accessed, black box recovered, forensic teams will have to examine the wreckage, the passenger manifest will have to looked at. Commercial aircraft don't "drop like lead" because of sensor malfunctions. This could be anything from hydraulics failure to a shoe bomb.
If you are referring to me, you missed by many miles. I also never said what the cause was, but German and French authorities are both ruling out a terror attack, at least for now . The German Sicherheitsbehörden estimate one month before a probable cause can be ascertained. Und da das jetzt erledigt ist, kannst Du Dich freilich ins Knie ficken,; Du wertloser Penner. Zisch ab.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk


Can I copy that last bit? I have someone in mind.
Despite this misfit's attempt at prominence because he supposedly speaks German, there is ZERO information at this time as to cause. Radar sources will have to be accessed, black box recovered, forensic teams will have to examine the wreckage, the passenger manifest will have to looked at. Commercial aircraft don't "drop like lead" because of sensor malfunctions. This could be anything from hydraulics failure to a shoe bomb.
If you are referring to me, you missed by many miles. I also never said what the cause was, but German and French authorities are both ruling out a terror attack, at least for now . The German Sicherheitsbehörden estimate one month before a probable cause can be ascertained. Und da das jetzt erledigt ist, kannst Du Dich freilich ins Knie ficken,; Du wertloser Penner. Zisch ab.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk


Can I copy that last bit? I have someone in mind.
Bitte, nur zu. Aber Vorsicht, ich hat's etwas revidiert. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
BullKurtz USMC
Using this horrible tragedy this way is just despicable.
Why don't you take it elsewhere.

Back to the topic, I've heard that the crew did indeed make contact with the ground.

Worst I've heard is that these poor people had 8 minutes to know they were crashing.

Just beyond sad and tragic. My heart breaks for the families as well as the first responders who must have one of the worst jobs on the planet.
Using this horrible tragedy this way is just despicable.
Why don't you take it elsewhere.

Who says this is a tragedy, numbnuts? It's more likely a travesty because of pilot error, equipment failure, or a terrorist bomb....could even be a russian shootdown since Putin has his aircraft flying without transponders turned on to defy European allies of ours...that's a travesty....that Obama has completely given away our dignity and resolve in the world's eyes.
I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.
I don't know, but my gut guess is there are muslims involved. It just seems that everytime we have an aircraft crash there are muslims involved.
I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.

Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.

Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just hope it was an accident.
What about terrorism?

While there has been little word on the possibility that the crash could be a terror attack in France or Germany, the US has been quick to rule it out as a likely cause.

White House national security spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan told Fox News: "There is no indication of a nexus to terrorism at this time."

From The Independent UK
France: Airbus fake crash staged with *** REAL urban GARBAGE *** directly from dump to Alps - END of the SHOW
Now you know why the scene was prepared to look like a dump, before the urban garbage was DROPPED.

Mocking the human cattle desperately hanging on to their seats although the show is being terminated
Mockery starts by having nobody in totally controlled media, starting with the aviation "experts", state or ask what a child would:
The crash scene is DELIBERATELY all wrong.
A planeload of fuel hits a mountain like a bullet, yet there's no smoke, let alone evidence of any fire, burnt wreckage or anything.
The only piece of recognizable wreckage displays the plane's number.
So what happened to the fuel? Did it just dissolve? Or was the plane flying on empty?

Argentina March 2015: More than just the fake deaths of the day:
Argentina: Simulated mass funeral to bury reality shows: french olympians of Survival show Dropped
Illuminati Grand Master stages fake death of ALL DROPPED participants.
Simulated reality terminated NOW Survival reality show Dropped FAKE deaths staged by Illuminati Grand Master
Last edited:
What about terrorism?

While there has been little word on the possibility that the crash could be a terror attack in France or Germany, the US has been quick to rule it out as a likely cause.

White House national security spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan told Fox News: "There is no indication of a nexus to terrorism at this time."

From The Independent UK
Considering the plane is in a million pieces and no distress calls were made and not one body has been recovered, I don't know how they can be so quick to rule out terrorism. I find that alone suspicious and wonder if we will ever get the truth.
France: Airbus fake crash staged with *** REAL urban GARBAGE *** directly from dump to Alps - END of the SHOW
Now you know why the scene was prepared to look like a dump, before the urban garbage was DROPPED.

Mocking the human cattle desperately hanging on to their seats although the show is being terminated
Mockery starts by having nobody in totally controlled media, starting with the aviation "experts", state or ask what a child would:
The crash scene is DELIBERATELY all wrong.
A planeload of fuel hits a mountain like a bullet, yet there's no smoke, let alone evidence of any fire, burnt wreckage or anything.
The only piece of recognizable wreckage displays the plane's number.
So what happened to the fuel? Did it just dissolve? Or was the plane flying on empty?

Argentina March 2015: More than just the fake deaths of the day:
Argentina: Simulated mass funeral to bury reality shows: french olympians of Survival show Dropped
Illuminati Grand Master stages fake death of ALL DROPPED participants.
Simulated reality terminated NOW Survival reality show Dropped FAKE deaths staged by Illuminati Grand Master
If a plane traveling at a high rate of speed hits the side of a mountain it makes a crater or a skid mark depending on the position it hits the mountain with. NO marks that I could see, how is that possible? One piece of smoking wreckage? That plane was still loaded up with jet fuel the whole thing should have been and immediate fire ball. This is the third plane full of people that his gone down in mysterious circumstances . These explanations are bull shit. Below is the crater from flight 103 that went down over Lockerbie Scotland. This is an example of what I'd expect to find. Even flight 103 blew up from a terrorist attack and crashed in bigger pieces than this flight. J/S

And it has been confirmed: there were circa 20 "Gymnasium" (roughly translates as "High School") students from the König-Josef Gymnasium in Haltern am See, Germany (between Münster and Düsseldorf) on the plane. They would have been 9th or 10th graders, just as I suspected.

Airbus-Absturz in Frankreich Viele Sch ler aus NRW an Bord - Aus aller Welt - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten

"An Bord der in Frankreich abgestürzten Germanwings-Maschine waren 150 Menschen - darunter viele Deutsche. Es soll sich auch eine Schulklasse aus NRW an Bord des Fliegers befunden haben.

Nach FOCUS-Online-Informationen hat das Joseph-König-Gymnasium in Haltern am See eine Notfall-Hotline eingerichtet."

The international exchange partner to this school, in the USA, in is LaPorte, Indiana.
König-Josef Gymnasium is an upper-end High School in NRW, with about 1,400 students and a heavy focus on English, French, the Sciences and the Arts.
I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.

Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just hope it was an accident.
That will make the dead and their survivors feel a whole lot better.
If you are referring to me, you missed by many miles. I also never said what the cause was, but German and French authorities are both ruling out a terror attack, at least for now. The German Sicherheitsbehörden estimate one month before a probable cause can be ascertained. Und da das jetzt erledigt ist, kannst Du Dich freilich ins Knie ficken, Du wertloser Penner. Zisch ab. So, that's enough information for the fake wannabe marine.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Of course I'm referring to're a known liar and asshole and you don't know shit about airline crashes. This is nothing more than an attention-getting vehicle for you. Gehen Sie einen Schwanz zu saugen, pervertieren
Says the Marine poser.
What about terrorism?

While there has been little word on the possibility that the crash could be a terror attack in France or Germany, the US has been quick to rule it out as a likely cause.

White House national security spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan told Fox News: "There is no indication of a nexus to terrorism at this time."

From The Independent UK
If Luddy and the Obama administration say terror was not involved, I'd bet terror was involved.
I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.

Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just hope it was an accident.
That will make the dead and their survivors feel a whole lot better.
You don't find this suspicious? Those families are going through some major grief but this is the third plane. I'm sorry for their loss but I don't want their loss to be felt by another plane load of peoples families.
I just saw the footage on TV. I expected to see the plane in smoldering pieces however that plane isn't just in pieces, it's shattered. IDK but it seems odd that the pieces are so small and scattered all over the side of the mountain. Only a few pieces are recognizable as a plane. If it came in at a high rate of speed I'd expect to see a crater or a giant skid mark but I didn't see either so maybe it broke up in the air.

My sympathies to the families.

Yep, and the only way an airliner breaks up in mid-air is if it's fuel ignites and explodes from an electrical short, a bomb, or an air-to-air missile.
I just hope it was an accident.
That will make the dead and their survivors feel a whole lot better.
You don't find this suspicious? Those families are going through some major grief but this is the third plane. I'm sorry for their loss but I don't want their loss to be felt by another plane load of peoples families.
I am very suspicious.

When I first suggested it was terror yesterday, posters had shit fits, and demanded I apologize.

I don't apologize much, and don't for thinking this is terror.
France: Airbus fake crash staged with *** REAL urban GARBAGE *** directly from dump to Alps - END of the SHOW
Now you know why the scene was prepared to look like a dump, before the urban garbage was DROPPED.

Mocking the human cattle desperately hanging on to their seats although the show is being terminated
Mockery starts by having nobody in totally controlled media, starting with the aviation "experts", state or ask what a child would:
The crash scene is DELIBERATELY all wrong.
A planeload of fuel hits a mountain like a bullet, yet there's no smoke, let alone evidence of any fire, burnt wreckage or anything.
The only piece of recognizable wreckage displays the plane's number.
So what happened to the fuel? Did it just dissolve? Or was the plane flying on empty?

Argentina March 2015: More than just the fake deaths of the day:
Argentina: Simulated mass funeral to bury reality shows: french olympians of Survival show Dropped
Illuminati Grand Master stages fake death of ALL DROPPED participants.
Simulated reality terminated NOW Survival reality show Dropped FAKE deaths staged by Illuminati Grand Master

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