BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

We have had relative peace and calm, for many many decades, till this;

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot​

Israeli settlers have stormed the complex in groups and attempted to perform ‘Talmudic rituals’, according to a Waqf official.

Jewish worshippers pray next to one of the gates to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem [Ohad Zwigenberg/AP Photo]

". . .Analysis of the wooden beams and panels removed from the mosque during renovations in the 1930s shows they are made from Lebanese cedar and cypress. Radiocarbon dating gave a large range of ages, some as old as 9th century BCE, showing that some of the wood had previously been used in older buildings.[33] However, reexamination of the same beams in the 2010s gave dates in the Byzantine period.[34]"

Interior decoration of Aqsa main dome

I'm not really partisan on this issue, I just want folks to live in peace. What would be a shame? Is to destroy the beautiful shared cultural and architectural treasure of the Earth, which is over a thousand years old. Only barbarians do such things.

I didn't like it when the Taliban went around destroying ancient monuments, and I would lose all respect for Israel if they did such things.

Folks that start wars, or kill others are evil. End of story.

You do where they built that piece of shit, right? And they regularly throw stones at Jews praying at the wall, right?
Israel has been trying to use surgical tactics to spare Gaza civilians. That ENDED today. What's coming is going to be horrific and if this is traced back to Iran, the whole region may be about to burn. If Iran DID cause this, Israel needs to literally take out some IRGC bases and target senior Iranian leadership for assassination. The time for half-measures is over, apparently.

Gaza needs to be reduced to rubble and the ground salted...
You do where they built that piece of shit, right? And they regularly throw stones at Jews praying at the wall, right?
It was built a long time after the Romans expelled them from Levant, you do know this, right knuckled head? :rolleyes:

Dispersion of the Jews in the Roman Empire​

Expulsion of the Jews in the Reign of the Emperor Hadrian (135 CE): How Heraclius turned the Jews out of Jerusalem. (Facsimile of a miniature in the Histoire des Empereurs, 15th-century manuscript, in the Library of the Arsenal, Paris.)

". . . Following the 1st-century Great Revolt and the 2nd-century Bar Kokhba revolt, the destruction of Judea exerted a decisive influence upon the dispersion of the Jewish people throughout the world, as the center of worship shifted from the Temple to Rabbinic authority.

Some Jews were sold as slaves or transported as captives after the fall of Judea, others joined the existing diaspora, while still others remained in Judea and began work on the Jerusalem Talmud. The Jews in the diaspora were generally accepted into the Roman Empire, but with the rise of Christianity, restrictions grew. Forced expulsions and persecution resulted in substantial shifts in the international centers of Jewish life to which far-flung communities often looked, although not always unified, due to the Jewish people's dispersion itself. Jewish communities were thereby largely expelled from Judea and sent to various Roman provinces in the Middle East, Europe and North Africa. The Roman Jewry came to develop a character associated with the urban middle class in the modern age.[37]"

Israel’s population time bomb​

The ceasefire won't end the demographic struggle between Jews and Arabs​


". . . But while ultra-Orthodox Jews rear between 6 and 7 children, modern Orthodox women have 3 or 4 — higher than the secular Jews, who have 2.2. This dynamic is having a number of consequences. First, the relatively poor ultra-Orthodox population is spilling out from concentrated areas such as Meah Shearim, near Jerusalem. A relatively inexpensive option is to move across the Green Line into East Jerusalem or to the Settlements in the occupied territories.

There are political repercussions, too. With their increased vote-share, the Ultra-Orthodox have shifted Israel in a more Right-wing and religious direction, generating increased support for Haredi and pro-Settler parties. This, in turn, makes it more difficult for the Government to trade occupied land — and the settlements of religious Jews which now stand on it — for peace.

Meanwhile, the still-healthy Palestinian fertility rate has resulted in a young and fast-growing population in the West Bank, where the median age is 22, and Gaza, where it is just 18. Indeed, Gaza is the 13th fastest growing political unit in the world, with a population density of over 5,000 people per square kilometre.


As Figure 2 (above) shows, this, together with Jewish fertility, has resulted in a soaring population in Israel-Palestine. While it is far too crude to describe the region as a ticking time bomb, it’s equally difficult to see how this population boom can continue without resulting in increased pressure on land, as well as producing a surplus of young men willing to join militant groups.

How will this all end? In the long run, it seems possible that the ultra-Orthodox could bankrupt Israel, while Palestine may have to send its excess population to work abroad if Arab countries in the Persian Gulf once again become willing to accept large numbers of Palestinians. The region’s demographic struggle for power is heating up — and, despite yesterday’s ceasefire, it doesn’t look like it will be brought to an end anytime soon."
14 active combat centers in the south.
The security system estimates that there are about 60 terrorists in Israel.
Ofakim, Netivot, Sderot, Re'im, Ein Hasholsha, Bari and Yekhini, are the main centers.
Most of the fighting is conducted by Israel Police and Border Guard fighters.

Hillel Biton Rozen
Apparantly, there are witnesses claiming people snatch people out of their houses (women, children and elderly) through them in trucks to abduct them intio Gaza. Problem is many of those can be false-news and we don't know what to believe.
Definitely some of that is happening.

There's way more than 60 of them though, 2000 or more. Hide, this is war.
Definitely some of that is happening.

There's way more than 60 of them though, 2000 or more. Hide, this is war.
Right now my town is basically a ghost town, after the police shushed us in. I'm mostly worried about my father, who's in the south. Being southerners, this really devastates us; we're losing complete towns.
Israel has been trying to use surgical tactics to spare Gaza civilians. That ENDED today. What's coming is going to be horrific and if this is traced back to Iran, the whole region may be about to burn. If Iran DID cause this, Israel needs to literally take out some IRGC bases and target senior Iranian leadership for assassination. The time for half-measures is over, apparently.

Gaza needs to be reduced to rubble and the ground salted...
White phosphorous those pieces of shit. Bomb the shit out of them.

Don't send troops in and get all ugly.

Lay down fire and walk it steady, raze everything. (Maybe spare historical architecture)

Then send troops in to kill only the fighting age hostile men.
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