BREAKING: HERE IT IS: Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story

The real reason Elon Musk bough Twitter was to expose its internal documents which prove Twitter censored conservatives at the request of the DNC.

Conservative actor James Woods is suing the DNC over this.

The New York Post article on Hunter Biden’s laptop was true. The laptop was abandoned by Hunter, who ignored multiple requests from the repair shop to pick it up. After a certain number of days and ignored requests to pick up the laptop, it became the legal property of the repair shop. The laptop was never hacked, but Twitter falsely said it was hacked, in order to justify its ban on people linking to the story. The owner of the repair shop sued Twitter for defamation.

Before the election, every mainstream news source said the New York Post article was a lie. After the election, they all admitted it was true. Surveys of Biden voters in all the major swing states show that 1 in 6 would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the laptop.

Internal Twitter documents show that all of this censorship came at the request of the DNC.
We all know how the Communists hate the Constitution, so they found a back alley way to subvert it proxy. The unfortunate part is as long as they still have the White House, nothing will ever come of it.

We know you fascists are the ones who hate the Constitution when it gets in your way. Private organizations can censor and Twitter acted properly.
This reminds me of the WikiLeaks dumps. Elon is releasing everything as of 6 PM EST right now. Those people are completely busted.

[Rhetorical] Are conservatives truly this dishonest, stupid, and desperate to believe that ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden will turn voters against the President.
Prove it!
The Gateway Pundit is among the more infamous purveyors of rightwing fake news, misinformation, and lies.

“Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.”

The real reason Elon Musk bough Twitter was to expose its internal documents which prove Twitter censored conservatives at the request of the DNC.

Conservative actor James Woods is suing the DNC over this.

The New York Post article on Hunter Biden’s laptop was true. The laptop was abandoned by Hunter, who ignored multiple requests from the repair shop to pick it up. After a certain number of days and ignored requests to pick up the laptop, it became the legal property of the repair shop. The laptop was never hacked, but Twitter falsely said it was hacked, in order to justify its ban on people linking to the story. The owner of the repair shop sued Twitter for defamation.

Before the election, every mainstream news source said the New York Post article was a lie. After the election, they all admitted it was true. Surveys of Biden voters in all the major swing states show that 1 in 6 would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the laptop.

Internal Twitter documents show that all of this censorship came at the request of the DNC.

Twitter did not censor conservatives at the request of the DNC. Twitter refused to allow it's platform to be used to spread misinformation and fascists plotting against this country. In addition, advertisers do not want to see their ads running alongside right wing fascists plotting against this country. Musk is finding this out right now. He is admitting he may have to declare bankruptcy.

The New York Post article was questionable. Many of the employees had doubt about the credibility of the piece. Supposedly the laptop was left at a obscure Delaware dealer who Hunter Biden had never met before. He then supposedly leaves a laptop with supposedly questionable e-mails. The dealer then supposedly reads the e-mails rather than wiping it and selling the laptop. Then the dealer just happens to call Giuliani weeks before the election. The owner does not have a leg to stand on. He will lose.

Both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal looked at the e-mails and found no link between Joe Biden and the e-mails. Don't cite a phony poll.

Anything Musk does release is fake news.
bureaucrats within our government. Democrats in Congress, the DNC and Hollywood actors colluded to violate our Constitution and National Security by conspiring with Twitter to illegally censor and suppress the Hunter Laptop information.
Where in the world are you getting that from?!
After all of this do you think anyone wants to hear how free and fair our elections are? I don't. Criminals overthrew the country Nov.3rd 2020.

You criminals are the ones attacking our democracy. Our elections are free and fair.
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After all of this do you think anyone wants to hear how free and fair our elections are? I don't. Criminals overthrew the country Nov.3rd 2020.
After all what??? What exactly do you think was revealed in this Twitter dump?!
She was on PBS spouting off that pro-lifers are like Islamists and Russian rapists tonight.

Crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton Likens Pro-Lifers to Islamist and Russian Rapists (VIDEO)​

The leftoids are morphing into that attack on pro-life and attempting to redefine racism and antisemitism. This is how evil they are.
gonna be interesting to see how Biden’s gestapo takes him out.

Only if Warnock wins reelection. If Walker wins the Senate will remain 50-50 and they can't lose the tie-breaking vote of the VPOTUS. They can't risk the House refusing to approve her choice for VPOTUS.
Prove it!
ok hunter bides lap in quest was turned over to the FBI a long time ago .... the FBI did their magic and still found no laws violated ... the problem you have is you have taken the time to look that up ... you just here right-wing nonsense and can't deal with the reality there's no there their
The leftoids are morphing into that attack on pro-life and attempting to redefine racism and antisemitism. This is how evil they are.
boy are you full of bull shit where to start is the issue ... was it where Hillary said the republicans kept trying to make something out of hunter Biden's laptop and his business practices ... here's what they found... no laws were violated on the laptop issue ... on his alleged business practices, they found where he didn't file his taxes correctly and they found him in possession of a gun ... that's it homie like Hillary said these low life republicans tried and tried to convict me of a crime and they lost every time .... she said all you have to do is tell the truth and you got them by the balls every time
It will be fun to remind MAGAts of this over and over again.
I was thinking if Donald trump gets convicted of tax crimes and he's forced to pay the taxes and penalties.... if he doesn't have it all do they start selling off all of his golf courses and if that's not enough to cover his debt, do the sell trump towers ??? then the rest of his property until he's all paid up ... the crux of the biscuit would be after he pays off all of his debt and he's left with nothing to run, they convict him of violating classified documents laws and gets 20 years in the federal corrections in colorado ... these right-wing nut jobs would lose it ... but life will be good ...
It's Gateway Pundit. That's the proof.
You fucking prejudiced bigoted asshole, you're such a retarded fucking leftard, you wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit you in the butt.

You live a life of sound bites, not truth. Your world is an imaginary feel-good world where everything is the way you want it to be.

You're in no position to judge. You have LOST the ability to discern.

Which is generally what makes leftards dangerous. Buncha stupid motherfuckers with big political weapons and a bad attitude.

Fuck you, boi. Your shit won't fly in my neighborhood.

Elon Musk reveals what led to Twitter suppressing Hunter Biden story in 2020​


According to the latest information being released bureaucrats within our government. Democrats in Congress, the DNC and Hollywood actors colluded to violate our Constitution and National Security by conspiring with Twitter to illegally censor and suppress the Hunter Laptop information.
Persons like Vijaya Gadde, Jim Baker and others all signed off on this now known debacle.
While Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter, was apparently unaware of the policy actions his company was taking to suppress the truth about Hunter Biden laptop story, according to Elon Musk's findings shared by journalist Matt Taibbi.
Elon Musk deserves accolades for releasing this information rather the White house, Democrats and Quisling Media will now claim open season on Musk.

They are everything--EVERYTHING--they feared Trump would be.

Over to you, Mac1958

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