BREAKING: Hillary’s Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Here's a heart attack waiting to happen and who eats KFC with a fork?

Oh! The same guy who eats pizza with a fork

If you can buy the KFC franchise and dine in your jetliner you can eat the food any way you want. For you it's with fingers under the bridge.
Mr.DaFucka doesn't understand etiquette. There are certain things mandated by etiquette, there are certain things what are optional.
With all the democrats/MSM "nuclear code" propaganda...what if she has a spaz attack and pressed the buttons? Is it insensitive if The Donald were to discuss Crooked Hillary's obvious and serious medical issues?

if she is having uncontrolled seizure activity

who knows WTF other medications she is on

unable to climb steps without help. Needing breaks from the campaign to "recover". The woman is not physically or mentally fit to be president. She needs to be in a rest home.

she is unfit physically mentally and politically
No. That is trump you are talking about.

no actually i posted that in regards to hillary
Here's a heart attack waiting to happen and who eats KFC with a fork?

Oh! The same guy who eats pizza with a fork


So? I have been known to eat chicken and pizza BOTH with a fork. Many people do. Who wants that gunk all over your fingers and face.
New Yorker do NOT eat pizza with a fork....very rube.
Yep you can spot the fly over country rubes visiting the city eating pizza like that
Here's a heart attack waiting to happen and who eats KFC with a fork?

Oh! The same guy who eats pizza with a fork


I often do. Saves smearing grease and marinara all over everything. I bet you leave the napkin on the table too.
I bet you raise your pinky when you drink tea too.
Mr.DaFucka needs to understand that enjoying a perfectly brewed tea from fine china is different from drinking iced tea from a mason jar. It is similarly different from enjoying a fine port or sherry from a snifter than gulping malt liquor from a solo cup.
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The American people have a right to know if a major candidate is likely to die in office or to not be able to perform their duties. Let's see the medical records.


But not their tax records even though they could owe money to enemies of the US...

Where in the constitution does it say she has to release her health records...

Life is a bitch when it burns you back...
Don't care if it is Constitutional or not.

I could care less about her medical records. I do care if she is able to lead this Country effectively.

I could care less about their tax records. It's none of your business. Are you willing to release yours?

And again. Before you go all Marxist Progressive, I do not support Trump and despise the lying Bitch Hillary.

You!? You'd jump off a cliff if your handlers told you to.

What were you saying about "life is a bitch?"
I'm just wondering if the black guy with the anti-seizure pen is gonna be standing at the podium when she debates Trump, in case the Donald gets too rough and she freezes up.
They'll just go to commercials.

The public will be kept in the dark.
Lying liars.

"But looks can be deceiving. The Drudge Report, one of the most widely read sites on the web, is misleading visitors by taking a six-month-old photo out of context.

Clinton slipped on some stairs while campaigning in South Carolina ahead of the February 27 primary -- that much is true. A couple of men helped her up the stairs.

Photos of the awkward entrance were published right afterward by two wire services, Reuters and Getty. Drudge Report misleads readers with Hillary Clinton photo
So she can't walk on her own accord but she is physically and mentally capable of running this nation?
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter

This recent rash of sensational stories are generated by websites funded by either the RNC or Mr. Trump himself. Why?
Why didn't these stories come out before? Because Mr. Trump wasn't losing.
Notice that these inflammatory and disparaging articles are only surfacing now because Mr. Trump has fallen 10+/- points behind Mrs. Clinton in the polls.
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter

This recent rash of sensational stories are generated by websites funded by either the RNC or Mr. Trump himself. Why?
Why didn't these stories come out before? Because Mr. Trump wasn't losing.
Notice that these inflammatory and disparaging articles are only surfacing now because Mr. Trump has fallen 10+/- points behind Mrs. Clinton in the polls.
^^^ cheerleading for the decline of the middle class ^^^
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter

This recent rash of sensational stories are generated by websites funded by either the RNC or Mr. Trump himself. Why?
Why didn't these stories come out before? Because Mr. Trump wasn't losing.
Notice that these inflammatory and disparaging articles are only surfacing now because Mr. Trump has fallen 10+/- points behind Mrs. Clinton in the polls.
Lefties have never stopped bashing Trump. Why? Because they got stuck with a mountain of baggage that can only be polished so much.
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter

This recent rash of sensational stories are generated by websites funded by either the RNC or Mr. Trump himself. Why?
Why didn't these stories come out before? Because Mr. Trump wasn't losing.
Notice that these inflammatory and disparaging articles are only surfacing now because Mr. Trump has fallen 10+/- points behind Mrs. Clinton in the polls.
Lefties have never stopped bashing Trump. Why? Because they got stuck with a mountain of baggage that can only be polished so much.

And then there's Mr. Trump's troop of bashers, all high level Republicans who are stuck with a psychopath that should be institutionalized:
50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’
Twitter detectives found a new picture of Hillary’s handler — a mysterious man with what looks like a medical lapel-pin that follows Clinton everywhere she goes, helps her up stairs, and calms her down when she’s seizing up because of stress....

BREAKING: Hillary's Handler Carrying Auto-Injector Syringe For Anti-Seizure Drug Diazepam

Azusa on Twitter

This recent rash of sensational stories are generated by websites funded by either the RNC or Mr. Trump himself. Why?
Why didn't these stories come out before? Because Mr. Trump wasn't losing.
Notice that these inflammatory and disparaging articles are only surfacing now because Mr. Trump has fallen 10+/- points behind Mrs. Clinton in the polls.
Lefties have never stopped bashing Trump. Why? Because they got stuck with a mountain of baggage that can only be polished so much.

And then there's Mr. Trump's troop of bashers, all high level Republicans who are stuck with a psychopath that should be institutionalized:
50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’
Same guys that helped the economy to crash.


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