Breaking! Horowitz To Release Evidence Comey Had Counterintelligence Covert Agent In White House

I've warned you about watching fake news....
Try taking your own advice.
Eyes over ears....
Dumbfuck.... here's the 1960 census .... you show me were it asks if a respondent is a U.S. citizen.....

1960 U.S. Census
1960??????? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

That was your only response as it proves you wrong again.

Now deflect to something else like communism....
When all else fails, rightards laugh like a clown in lieu of refutation.
Do not except the evidence to ever materialize, this is just one more bullshit story from the GWP, the current king of BullShit

The Gateway Pundit
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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

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The Gateway Pundit - Media Bias/Fact Check


This is the same "source" that ran an article claiming that Obama had the citizenship question removed from the 2010 census.
He did.....he changed the way it was worded....

Liar. That change was made long before 2009. It was made before the American Community Survey started in 2005. Obama had nothing to do with that 2010 Census, it was all set before he even took office.

Stop swallowing fake news....

"Barack Obama was the first President to exclude a question on citizenship in the U.S. Census".

Trump’s Citizenship Question Isn’t Controversial. Obama Deleting It Should’ve Been.
The decision was made right after the 2000 census to remove it from the short version of the census and do it with a survey.
Uhhhh, you don't tell the entity or person you are conducting a counter intelligence assessment on or anyone without knowledge and clearance of the assessment, that you are conducting such assessment on them, do you? That would be counter productive, and defeat the purpose?

Seems normal procedure to me?

And counter intelligence investigations are not criminal investigations, they are information gathering investigations.... they usually go on for years and years, as long as they are helpful and informative to what is going on with the foreign country.... from all I have read about them.
I've warned you about watching fake news....
Try taking your own advice.
Eyes over ears....
Dumbfuck.... here's the 1960 census .... you show me were it asks if a respondent is a U.S. citizen.....

1960 U.S. Census
1960??????? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Dumbfuck, you said Obama removed the question. I just posted the 1960 census which doesn't have it. The only reasonable conclusion anyone can reach is that you actually b'lieve Obama was president in 1960.
Imbecile...I showed you pictures of the census where Obama had made a change and you refuse to admit you are misled by fake news....I can't help ya pal....I keep winning debates with you but you keep on coming back for more.....

Don't expect this story to be on CNN...MSNBC...ABC...CBS...PBS...NY Times...

Oh it gets much better. Prof. Misfud, the one that lured Papadapoulos to London. And then fed him the line that the Russian had dirt on the bitch, that George repeated to the Australian Ambassador, had over $400,000 in DOD contracts. He was supposedly preparing some reports for the DOD. I wonder if those reports were ever submitted. The DOD IG found some major problems with the audit trail. There's going to be some shit hitting the fan, but I don't think the blow back will be in Trumps direction.

Don't expect this story to be on CNN...MSNBC...ABC...CBS...PBS...NY Times...

Oh it gets much better. Prof. Misfud, the one that lured Papadapoulos to London. And then fed him the line that the Russian had dirt on the bitch, that George repeated to the Australian Ambassador, had over $400,000 in DOD contracts. He was supposedly preparing some reports for the DOD. I wonder if those reports were ever submitted. The DOD IG found some major problems with the audit trail. There's going to be some shit hitting the fan, but I don't think the blow back will be in Trumps direction.

Yep...its all going to come out...
This is why Micheal Obama will not run... Obama signed off on Crooked Hillary and the Deep State spying on our President and attempting to overthrow our democratic election! Obama has been in hiding for months now. Wonder why?
Try taking your own advice.
Eyes over ears....
Dumbfuck.... here's the 1960 census .... you show me were it asks if a respondent is a U.S. citizen.....

1960 U.S. Census
1960??????? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Dumbfuck, you said Obama removed the question. I just posted the 1960 census which doesn't have it. The only reasonable conclusion anyone can reach is that you actually b'lieve Obama was president in 1960.
Imbecile...I showed you pictures of the census where Obama had made a change and you refuse to admit you are misled by fake news....I can't help ya pal....I keep winning debates with you but you keep on coming back for more.....


Dumbfuck, Obama was president after 1960, when the citizenship question was already removed. It was put back in 1970 on the long form only, which was distributed to little more than 10% of the population. Meanwhile, it was not in at all in 1960, exposing you as the raging rightard you are for idiotically claiming Obama was the first president to exclude that question. :cuckoo:
Uhhhh, you don't tell the entity or person you are conducting a counter intelligence assessment on or anyone without knowledge and clearance of the assessment, that you are conducting such assessment on them, do you? That would be counter productive, and defeat the purpose?

Seems normal procedure to me?

And counter intelligence investigations are not criminal investigations, they are information gathering investigations.... they usually go on for years and years, as long as they are helpful and informative to what is going on with the foreign country.... from all I have read about them.

1. What was the predicate for spying on Trump, a US citizen and presidential candidate?
2. Counter-intelligence investigations would be: WTF are the Russians doing to meddle in US elections, correct?
3. Would counter-intelligence investigations involve using foreign assets to setup the opposition party?
4. Would counter-intelligence investigations also look at the Steele Dossier and using bogus Russian intel to setup the opposition party?
5. Would counter-intelligence involve the FBI secretly placing an agent inside the Trump WH?
6. Would counter-intelligence involve lying on the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and admin?
7. What was the legitimate reason for the Mueller Investigation? What evidence was used?
8. Why didn't the FBI advise Trump that Carter Page was under surveillance like they told Feinstein about her driver?
9. I'm sure Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will find many more deep state coup attempt crimes to prosecute.

The Deep State protects The Deep State.

The Swamp protects The Swamp.

The Ruling Class protects The Ruling Class.

The Royals protect The Royals.

I'll care when they start locking these scumbags up.

Until then -- Not.

BTW, anybody heard from Lois Lerner?
Breaking News Update!

Comeys covert White House agent Anthony Ferrante

Comey's Cyber Spy in White House Stole Classified White House Material -- Is Now Working for CNN
Eyes over ears....
Dumbfuck.... here's the 1960 census .... you show me were it asks if a respondent is a U.S. citizen.....

1960 U.S. Census
1960??????? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Dumbfuck, you said Obama removed the question. I just posted the 1960 census which doesn't have it. The only reasonable conclusion anyone can reach is that you actually b'lieve Obama was president in 1960.
Imbecile...I showed you pictures of the census where Obama had made a change and you refuse to admit you are misled by fake news....I can't help ya pal....I keep winning debates with you but you keep on coming back for more.....


Dumbfuck, Obama was president after 1960, when the citizenship question was already removed. It was put back in 1970 on the long form only, which was distributed to little more than 10% of the population. Meanwhile, it was not in at all in 1960, exposing you as the raging rightard you are for idiotically claiming Obama was the first president to exclude that question. :cuckoo:
The census had a section that said if you are not a citizen skip to question 9....Obama changed that so everyone answered the same questions as if we were all are such a CNN know only what they puke out on the lame stream are a CNN zombie short on knowledge but heavy with misguided makes you look really stupid...
1. What was the predicate for spying on Trump, a US citizen and presidential candidate?
The Trump campaign 140 plus contacts with the very Russians who were meddling in our democracy/election. Trump's praising and genuflecting before/about Putin, while Putin was interfering in our election process

2. Counter-intelligence investigations would be: WTF are the Russians doing to meddle in US elections, correct?
yes correct! And that involved all of the Russians contacts with the Trump campaign, the campaign they were supporting and interfering for....

3. Would counter-intelligence investigations involve using foreign assets to setup the opposition party?
There is no opposition party for the FBI... there is gathering information to figure out what the Russians were doing and any Americans that they drew in to help them, witting or unwitting, to accomplish their goal, Whatever it takes to do that, is what they were obligated and had a duty to do.

4. Would counter-intelligence investigations also look at the Steele Dossier and using bogus Russian intel to setup the opposition party?
Counter intelligence should use all of their sources and information gathered, and research them all. It was fine using parts of the dossier if it was true or likely true... even unproven stuff or stuff from an opponent, as long as the Judge was aware of it, and of course along with other substantiated evidence from other sources and facts known.

5. Would counter-intelligence involve the FBI secretly placing an agent inside the Trump WH?
If that's what it would take to figure out what the Russians were doing with them, to accomplish the Russian's goal. It was the intelligence agency's DUTY to do such, IF it was found necessary to find out what was going on between our foreign enemies attacking us, and the Trump campaign.

6. Would counter-intelligence involve lying on the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and admin?
Page no longer worked for the campaign when FISA was issued. No one lied on the FISA, the Judge was made aware that the opposition research came from a source that was hired by the Trump campaign's opposition party.

Page has never spoken to Trump and still to this day, has never met him.... no one was spying on Trump or the Trump campaign for any nefarious reason of stealing RNC or Trump campaign plans so they could be given to the DNC or the Clinton campaign.... like what happened in the Water Gate Scandal/Theft.

7. What was the legitimate reason for the Mueller Investigation? What evidence was used?
Mueller was hired because Trump fired Comey who was investigating the Russians and any American connections to the Russians, who were illegally interfering in our election/democratic process... Trump said he fired Comey to basically get rid of the bogus investigation in to the Russians and his campaign on National Television, and he told the Russian delegation that he invited in to the Oval Office the exact same thing.

that right there was possible obstruction of an official investigation, and one that involved the Trump campaign team. Possible abuse of power, much like Nixon tried to do, with the investigators investigating him and the Nixon campaign members.

8. Why didn't the FBI advise Trump that Carter Page was under surveillance like they told Feinstein about her driver?

NEVER! Should they have told Trump! One, he was NOT our president when it was initiated, nor was he president elect, and two, counter intelligence is something kept secret from the people who could be involved in the possible conspiracy. Trump would have TOLD EVERYONE, including Page, including his Russian friends, that Page was under investigation/FISA!!!!!

9. I'm sure Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will find many more deep state coup attempt crimes to prosecute.
There is no Deep State conspiracy against Trump.

It is all a made up conspiracy that Trump has created to lure his followers in to not believing the TRUTH.
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If you still deny that Obama illegally spied on the Trump campaign and other GOP campaigns you are not thinking or you are a liar.....its that simple....if you still deny that Obama tried to frame Trump in a fabricated crime you are not thinking....or you are lying to yourself....its that simple....Obama is a crumb....a shitstain on American history...he will forever be known as a felonious president with no love for the USA and its founding documents....
Obama weaponized his intel apparatus used to spy on foreign entities and used it against a domestic political enemy.


To defend it over political ideology is fucked. Next time it’ll be you.
The Magic Kenyan belongs in Prison...if this were 1890 he would be swinging from the gallows....

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