Breaking! Horowitz To Release Evidence Comey Had Counterintelligence Covert Agent In White House

Dumbfuck.... here's the 1960 census .... you show me were it asks if a respondent is a U.S. citizen.....

1960 U.S. Census
1960??????? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Dumbfuck, you said Obama removed the question. I just posted the 1960 census which doesn't have it. The only reasonable conclusion anyone can reach is that you actually b'lieve Obama was president in 1960.
Imbecile...I showed you pictures of the census where Obama had made a change and you refuse to admit you are misled by fake news....I can't help ya pal....I keep winning debates with you but you keep on coming back for more.....


Dumbfuck, Obama was president after 1960, when the citizenship question was already removed. It was put back in 1970 on the long form only, which was distributed to little more than 10% of the population. Meanwhile, it was not in at all in 1960, exposing you as the raging rightard you are for idiotically claiming Obama was the first president to exclude that question. :cuckoo:
The census had a section that said if you are not a citizen skip to question 9....Obama changed that so everyone answered the same questions as if we were all are such a CNN know only what they puke out on the lame stream are a CNN zombie short on knowledge but heavy with misguided makes you look really stupid...

You're such a retard.

Retard, you claimed Obama was the first U.S. president to not include a citizenship question .... I showed you the 1960 census which didn't have it. You're obviously so insane, you think Obama was president back then, not Eisenhower. :cuckoo:
If you still deny that Obama illegally spied on the Trump campaign and other GOP campaigns you are not thinking or you are a liar.....its that simple....if you still deny that Obama tried to frame Trump in a fabricated crime you are not thinking....or you are lying to yourself....its that simple....Obama is a crumb....a shitstain on American history...he will forever be known as a felonious president with no love for the USA and its founding documents....
There are no FACTS supporting your contentions.... simply Trump Talk, and we all KNOW that he is a chronic and pathological LIAR.... he can't help himself, the truth is just too damn hard for his narcissistic mind to grasp or deal with in this reality tv, made up world that he lives in, and thru his spell, draws you all in to living in.

When you have some ACTUAL PROVEN FACTS, come back and talk to me, then we can have something tangible to debate.
If you still deny that Obama illegally spied on the Trump campaign and other GOP campaigns you are not thinking or you are a liar.....its that simple....if you still deny that Obama tried to frame Trump in a fabricated crime you are not thinking....or you are lying to yourself....its that simple....Obama is a crumb....a shitstain on American history...he will forever be known as a felonious president with no love for the USA and its founding documents....
There are no FACTS supporting your contentions.... simply Trump Talk, and we all KNOW that he is a chronic and pathological LIAR.... he can't help himself, the truth is just too damn hard for his narcissistic mind to grasp or deal with in this reality tv, made up world that he lives in, and thru his spell, draws you all in to living in.

When you have some ACTUAL PROVEN FACTS, come back and talk to me, then we can have something tangible to debate.
Do you think Comey acted on his own? about Brennan?....don't be stupid by half....No one acted without Obama's blessing....whether Obama is brought to justice or not the people will know what he did.....
If you still deny that Obama illegally spied on the Trump campaign and other GOP campaigns you are not thinking or you are a liar.....its that simple....if you still deny that Obama tried to frame Trump in a fabricated crime you are not thinking....or you are lying to yourself....its that simple....Obama is a crumb....a shitstain on American history...he will forever be known as a felonious president with no love for the USA and its founding documents....
There are no FACTS supporting your contentions.... simply Trump Talk, and we all KNOW that he is a chronic and pathological LIAR.... he can't help himself, the truth is just too damn hard for his narcissistic mind to grasp or deal with in this reality tv, made up world that he lives in, and thru his spell, draws you all in to living in.

When you have some ACTUAL PROVEN FACTS, come back and talk to me, then we can have something tangible to debate.
Do you think Comey acted on his own? about Brennan?....don't be stupid by half....No one acted without Obama's blessing....whether Obama is brought to justice or not the people will know what he did.....
I think they made the decisions on what was needed intel wise for this just and legitimate investigation in to the Russians, and they updated Obama on the big things, I do not think Obama was directing the investigation himself with hands on every thing they did or decisions they made on smaller things.
Hillary losing really fucked up the worlds of all

Hillary was supposed to win and continue the corruption as usual.

Dumbfuck.... here's the 1960 census .... you show me were it asks if a respondent is a U.S. citizen.....

1960 U.S. Census
1960??????? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Dumbfuck, you said Obama removed the question. I just posted the 1960 census which doesn't have it. The only reasonable conclusion anyone can reach is that you actually b'lieve Obama was president in 1960.
Imbecile...I showed you pictures of the census where Obama had made a change and you refuse to admit you are misled by fake news....I can't help ya pal....I keep winning debates with you but you keep on coming back for more.....


Dumbfuck, Obama was president after 1960, when the citizenship question was already removed. It was put back in 1970 on the long form only, which was distributed to little more than 10% of the population. Meanwhile, it was not in at all in 1960, exposing you as the raging rightard you are for idiotically claiming Obama was the first president to exclude that question. :cuckoo:
The census had a section that said if you are not a citizen skip to question 9....Obama changed that so everyone answered the same questions as if we were all are such a CNN know only what they puke out on the lame stream are a CNN zombie short on knowledge but heavy with misguided makes you look really stupid...
The new survey (vs the short form census that went to a few of our population in 2000 with citizenship question that was terminated in 2001), began in 2005 and was done every year from 2005 leading up to 2010 and every year after 2010. Obama did not create the questions, that was done in 2005.... and this new survey allowed the USA do get a projected count of immigrants for every single year, vs doing it only on the supplemental census form once every ten years

Tramp has had long ties to the Russian Mafia. Go for it Horowitz.
Such Obvious Russian Ties should be uncovered as evidence of Russian Collusion by Super Genius and Dem Tard Messiah Mueller, No?

Yet Mueller's 400 sheets of toilet paper say

1. What was the predicate for spying on Trump, a US citizen and presidential candidate?
The Trump campaign 140 plus contacts with the very Russians who were meddling in our democracy/election. Trump's praising and genuflecting before/about Putin, while Putin was interfering in our election process.

[etc. etc. etc.]

That was a yeoman's job there. Pity it's going to be wasted, as throwing facts at Trumpletons has about the same success rate as throwing pearls at pigs. Still, that was one fine job. Thanks. No idea whence you take the energy for it, but...
1. What was the predicate for spying on Trump, a US citizen and presidential candidate?
The Trump campaign 140 plus contacts with the very Russians who were meddling in our democracy/election. Trump's praising and genuflecting before/about Putin, while Putin was interfering in our election process

2. Counter-intelligence investigations would be: WTF are the Russians doing to meddle in US elections, correct?
yes correct! And that involved all of the Russians contacts with the Trump campaign, the campaign they were supporting and interfering for....

3. Would counter-intelligence investigations involve using foreign assets to setup the opposition party?
There is no opposition party for the FBI... there is gathering information to figure out what the Russians were doing and any Americans that they drew in to help them, witting or unwitting, to accomplish their goal, Whatever it takes to do that, is what they were obligated and had a duty to do.

4. Would counter-intelligence investigations also look at the Steele Dossier and using bogus Russian intel to setup the opposition party?
Counter intelligence should use all of their sources and information gathered, and research them all. It was fine using parts of the dossier if it was true or likely true... even unproven stuff or stuff from an opponent, as long as the Judge was aware of it, and of course along with other substantiated evidence from other sources and facts known.

5. Would counter-intelligence involve the FBI secretly placing an agent inside the Trump WH?
If that's what it would take to figure out what the Russians were doing with them, to accomplish the Russian's goal. It was the intelligence agency's DUTY to do such, IF it was found necessary to find out what was going on between our foreign enemies attacking us, and the Trump campaign.

6. Would counter-intelligence involve lying on the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and admin?
Page no longer worked for the campaign when FISA was issued. No one lied on the FISA, the Judge was made aware that the opposition research came from a source that was hired by the Trump campaign's opposition party.

Page has never spoken to Trump and still to this day, has never met him.... no one was spying on Trump or the Trump campaign for any nefarious reason of stealing RNC or Trump campaign plans so they could be given to the DNC or the Clinton campaign.... like what happened in the Water Gate Scandal/Theft.

7. What was the legitimate reason for the Mueller Investigation? What evidence was used?
Mueller was hired because Trump fired Comey who was investigating the Russians and any American connections to the Russians, who were illegally interfering in our election/democratic process... Trump said he fired Comey to basically get rid of the bogus investigation in to the Russians and his campaign on National Television, and he told the Russian delegation that he invited in to the Oval Office the exact same thing.

that right there was possible obstruction of an official investigation, and one that involved the Trump campaign team. Possible abuse of power, much like Nixon tried to do, with the investigators investigating him and the Nixon campaign members.

8. Why didn't the FBI advise Trump that Carter Page was under surveillance like they told Feinstein about her driver?

NEVER! Should they have told Trump! One, he was NOT our president when it was initiated, nor was he president elect, and two, counter intelligence is something kept secret from the people who could be involved in the possible conspiracy. Trump would have TOLD EVERYONE, including Page, including his Russian friends, that Page was under investigation/FISA!!!!!

9. I'm sure Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will find many more deep state coup attempt crimes to prosecute.
There is no Deep State conspiracy against Trump.

It is all a made up conspiracy that Trump has created to lure his followers in to not believing the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is that there was no collusion by Trump and no obstruction, just ask the DOJ, and the Putin link is total bullshit, but the MSM got lots of mileage out of it for 2-years. How many Russian contacts did the Hillary Clinton campaign have? More than 140? The FBI and CIA used foreign intel assets to setup Trump, that is a mega-scandal.
Mueller found nothing on Trump, and Comey excused Hillary's crimes, so the Trump investigation was total political bullshit, as Strzok & McCabe both said, there is no "there there".
News flash, the Carter Page surveillance was total bullshit, they got nothing on him, it was just a way to surveillance Trump using the 2-hop rule.
AG Barr will find out the TRUTH about the deep state conspirators, and one of us will be very disappointed, I think it will be you after Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz unleash their reports. The real criminals will end up in prison.

Good luck with the Mueller testimony tomorrow. I'm sure it will be a big nothing-burger, SSDD.

What they did was Commit Treason, and this goes not only through The Obama DOJ and FBI, but through Clinton and all the way up to Obama. Both Clapper and Brennan are also in trouble for their role in The COUP attempt as well as Susan Rice, Powers, Jarret, and Lynch...

Yates and Possibly Rosenstein, unless they are cooperating.

Some of these people, maybe someone like Ohr, Baker, Paige, are going to turn on some of the co-conspirators. The "Suicide" Watch is on.

What we have seen since Mueller was appointed was a full scale attempt at a cover up.

Nearly all of the Original COUP participants were On Mueller's Staff. Very Strange.

Mueller never even attempted to give the appearance of impartiality.

Mueller's only problem was that it's difficult to Manufacture Evidence and pin a crime or non crime on an Innocent Man.

He has accomplished this before though and cost The Taxpayer Millions in Restitution for his dishonesty, but to Try to Manufacture Evidence against Someone that can fight back, is nearly impossible.

400 Pages of Bullshit and Mueller AGAIN, costing The Taxpayer Millions.

Tramp has had long ties to the Russian Mafia. Go for it Horowitz.

Yep....this is it Obama...your evil plan is about to be exposed....



Any day now! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Thnx Maga and TOT, and to the rest of you------------>YOU DO realize that while it has been reported where you sighted, the author of this piece has been the only person to get this 100% correct, while your sources have gotten it 100% bassackwards!

You people want to shrug it off when he has gotten it 100% correct? Go ahead! So far, you clowns are batting O'fer, and he is batting 1000. Stick your head in the sand if you wish like an ostrich, but this is what is coming your way, and shortly.

You can pretend all you want a reporter has everything wrong, over, and over, and over again; but what you can't do is have a DEMOCRAT reporting the same thing, which is exactly what Horowitz is!

Your goofs were always smart, and controlled the narrative. Methinks your side, has finally met their match; which is exactly why your side is going to slide down in 2020. And if you want to bet against the one guy who has had everything correct so far, then you are honestly dumb as a box of rocks!

Has Horowitz released that evidence about Comey having a counterintelligence covert agent In White House yet?

Next thing Horowitz will be accused of raping someone, or having an affair.

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