Breaking: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner In IRS Scandel

Draining the swamp......One criminal at a time! This is another step in making America great again!

That is good news indeed. They should make an example of her as a deterrent to others who might consider abusing their political appointments. The real shock here- BO didn't pardon her on his way out of the White House.
She has been cleared by both the Justice department and the FBI of any wrong doing

Again swept under the rug by that piece of shit trash Eric Holder that was held in contempt for fast and furious

He was never held in contempt you racist asshole

So you want to revise history that Holder was the first ever sitting cabinet member held in contempt by congress?

Contempt of Congress case against Holder will proceed
Prove me wrong?

Ya dumbfuck Bush gave lying Lois a job.
He has tunnel vision 24/7. He thought Flynn was a repub just because trump appointed him.
Right asshole, Democrats always give the keynote speech at a Republican convention. Are you having your period today, ****?

Your turn bumblebutt... Link?
You don't think that Flynn gave a keynote speech at the Republican convention? Do you spend your waking hours with you head up your ass?

Thought we were talking Lerner, shitstain. Didn't notice your sudden shift to Flynn, you useless mass of flesh, not to mention that you couldn't have paid me to watch any portion of that circle jerk of a convention.

For the record, Lerner was a career federal employee, she was not appointed to any position by Bush. She is a registered Democrat but was considered by her coworkers to be pretty much apolitical when it came to her job. No, I will not be providing a link, do your own homework.
Lois is a Republican, to boot!

Bummer for the Dems if she is indeed a Repub. it just makes the GOP look like they aren't swayed by party affiliation when pursuing justice.

But of course she is a registered dem.
Of course, but you can't prove it, its a figment of your warped imagination

Aaaaah Yes!!!!
The Dumbfuckery continues.....
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I give Trump 5 months at the most, the question is whether or not the VP goes down with him also.

Interesting prediction. You got the onions to back it up with a little wager? I'm guessing you'll ignore this post. If not, state your terms and let's have at it.
OP- Total bs as always from the dupes. She did nothing wrong or even out of the ordinary, dupes. If the GOP didn't cut the IRS to the bone...and there were huge numbers of new TP orgs at the time. NONE were turned down. DUHHHHH.
Rambunctious knows I have no trouble booting his butt when he gets uppity, like the above. The BLM and other liberal groups can go to court, just like conservative groups did to get it turned aound.

You see, little buddy, that's how it works. Now act like a real Republican and get behind the force of law instead of trying to undermine it
Rambunctious knows everything you know nothing.
OP- Total bs as always from the dupes. She did nothing wrong or even out of the ordinary, dupes. If the GOP didn't cut the IRS to the bone...and there were huge numbers of new TP orgs at the time. NONE were turned down. DUHHHHH.

She was held in contempt and yet that stupid bitch gets a $100,000 a year pension paid by the tax payers

Lois Lerner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Lois Lerner, Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS, set off the two-year long investigation into whether the Tea Party was improperly targeted for tax exemption investigations by the IRS. At an American Bar Association meeting in May 2013, Lerner answered a planted question, apologizing for the IRS taking “absolutely inappropriate” actions in scrutinizing Tea Party members extra closely, ABC News reported. She said the scrutiny wasn’t centrally planned, but only came from the Cincinnati office. However, later reports found that IRS officials from Washington were involved in scrutinizing conservative groups more closely.

In a conference call in May 2013, she said that between 2010 and 2012, the IRS used shortcuts to identify some tax exempt applicants for closer scrutiny. Among those shortcuts were searching for terms like “Tea Party” or “patriots” in applications. She said the shortcuts weren’t politically motivated, NPR reported.

Are you rdeans sock? Because you lie like him. Lois was moved from the fec to the irs because of her targeting there. She didn't learn her lesson. She continued it.
This explains one of her few targeting cases-

Rep. Roskam also told this story:

I want to take you back to 1996. A friend of mine in Illinois, my former law partner, Al Salvi, was running for the United States Senate. He loaned himself some money to his campaign. The Federal Election Commission—different agency than we’re talking about—but stick with me. This is like a Seinfeld episode—it’s all going to come together at the end. The Federal Election Commission said, ‘You did that the wrong way. You violated federal election law.’ They placed him under investigation. World War II headlines in the Chicago papers. He goes on and he loses the election for the United States Senate. Now, political scientists can debate whether he would have won or whether he would have lost. But let’s face it: being under investigation by the Federal Election Commission generally does not help you in a political campaign.

At the end of that campaign, the Federal Election Commission came and they made a very large settlement demand—I don’t remember off the top of my head how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they were demanding from him. But he said, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong and I’m not going to pay you any money.’ Federal Election Commission said, ‘That’s fine. We’re going to sue you,' which they did. They filed a lawsuit in federal court. The federal judge reads the pleadings [and] dismisses the case against the Federal Election Commission—finds in favor of Al Salvi. You would think that this drama all ended there. No, no, no. No, the Federal Election Commission came back. They said, ‘Well, we know you won, but we’re still going to make a settlement demand of you. We’re going to lower the amount, but we’re still going to make a demand. Because if you don’t pay us we’re going to appeal the judge’s ruling.’

Al Salvi’s a pretty sophisticated lawyer and he talked to the lawyer at the other end of the line and said to that person, ‘Give me the person, and let me talk to the person who had authority on this case. Because you don’t understand—I won, you lost, I’m not going to pay any money. Let me talk to the person with authority on the case at the Federal Election Commission.’ That person got on the phone with Al Salvi and said this, ‘If you pledge never to run for office again, we’ll drop this case.’ Al Salvi said, ‘Put that in writing.’ The person said, ‘We don’t put that in writing and we never lose.’ That person was Lois Lerner.
Before IRS Targeting, Lois Lerner Targeted At Federal Election Commission

This was just one of her targeting cases at the fec.

IOW, all the House can do is yell.

She committed no crime and will never face charges in federal court.
Lois is a Republican, to boot!
IOW, all the House can do is yell.

She committed no crime and will never face charges in federal court.
Lois is a Republican, to boot!
OP- Total bs as always from the dupes. She did nothing wrong or even out of the ordinary, dupes. If the GOP didn't cut the IRS to the bone...and there were huge numbers of new TP orgs at the time. NONE were turned down. DUHHHHH.

She was held in contempt and yet that stupid bitch gets a $100,000 a year pension paid by the tax payers

Lois Lerner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Lois Lerner, Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS, set off the two-year long investigation into whether the Tea Party was improperly targeted for tax exemption investigations by the IRS. At an American Bar Association meeting in May 2013, Lerner answered a planted question, apologizing for the IRS taking “absolutely inappropriate” actions in scrutinizing Tea Party members extra closely, ABC News reported. She said the scrutiny wasn’t centrally planned, but only came from the Cincinnati office. However, later reports found that IRS officials from Washington were involved in scrutinizing conservative groups more closely.

In a conference call in May 2013, she said that between 2010 and 2012, the IRS used shortcuts to identify some tax exempt applicants for closer scrutiny. Among those shortcuts were searching for terms like “Tea Party” or “patriots” in applications. She said the shortcuts weren’t politically motivated, NPR reported.

And she wasn't lying, dupe, for the reasons I gave. This OP is total bs. NOT happening, dupes.
OP- Total bs as always from the dupes. She did nothing wrong or even out of the ordinary, dupes. If the GOP didn't cut the IRS to the bone...and there were huge numbers of new TP orgs at the time. NONE were turned down. DUHHHHH.

She was held in contempt and yet that stupid bitch gets a $100,000 a year pension paid by the tax payers

Lois Lerner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Lois Lerner, Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS, set off the two-year long investigation into whether the Tea Party was improperly targeted for tax exemption investigations by the IRS. At an American Bar Association meeting in May 2013, Lerner answered a planted question, apologizing for the IRS taking “absolutely inappropriate” actions in scrutinizing Tea Party members extra closely, ABC News reported. She said the scrutiny wasn’t centrally planned, but only came from the Cincinnati office. However, later reports found that IRS officials from Washington were involved in scrutinizing conservative groups more closely.

In a conference call in May 2013, she said that between 2010 and 2012, the IRS used shortcuts to identify some tax exempt applicants for closer scrutiny. Among those shortcuts were searching for terms like “Tea Party” or “patriots” in applications. She said the shortcuts weren’t politically motivated, NPR reported.

And she wasn't lying, dupe, for the reasons I gave. This OP is total bs. NOT happening, dupes.

This is another thing I hate about liberals, they want to play dirty and then cry and complain when caught.

Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News

Lois Lerner demands secrecy, blames death threats over IRS tea party targeting
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, April 13, 2017
OP- Total bs as always from the dupes. She did nothing wrong or even out of the ordinary, dupes. If the GOP didn't cut the IRS to the bone...and there were huge numbers of new TP orgs at the time. NONE were turned down. DUHHHHH.

She was held in contempt and yet that stupid bitch gets a $100,000 a year pension paid by the tax payers

Lois Lerner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Lois Lerner, Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS, set off the two-year long investigation into whether the Tea Party was improperly targeted for tax exemption investigations by the IRS. At an American Bar Association meeting in May 2013, Lerner answered a planted question, apologizing for the IRS taking “absolutely inappropriate” actions in scrutinizing Tea Party members extra closely, ABC News reported. She said the scrutiny wasn’t centrally planned, but only came from the Cincinnati office. However, later reports found that IRS officials from Washington were involved in scrutinizing conservative groups more closely.

In a conference call in May 2013, she said that between 2010 and 2012, the IRS used shortcuts to identify some tax exempt applicants for closer scrutiny. Among those shortcuts were searching for terms like “Tea Party” or “patriots” in applications. She said the shortcuts weren’t politically motivated, NPR reported.

And she wasn't lying, dupe, for the reasons I gave. This OP is total bs. NOT happening, dupes.

This is another thing I hate about liberals, they want to play dirty and then cry and complain when caught.

Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News
Do you know who runs the W. Times, superdupe? You're the people assassinating the characters of good people based on total crap...
OP- Total bs as always from the dupes. She did nothing wrong or even out of the ordinary, dupes. If the GOP didn't cut the IRS to the bone...and there were huge numbers of new TP orgs at the time. NONE were turned down. DUHHHHH.

She was held in contempt and yet that stupid bitch gets a $100,000 a year pension paid by the tax payers

Lois Lerner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Lois Lerner, Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS, set off the two-year long investigation into whether the Tea Party was improperly targeted for tax exemption investigations by the IRS. At an American Bar Association meeting in May 2013, Lerner answered a planted question, apologizing for the IRS taking “absolutely inappropriate” actions in scrutinizing Tea Party members extra closely, ABC News reported. She said the scrutiny wasn’t centrally planned, but only came from the Cincinnati office. However, later reports found that IRS officials from Washington were involved in scrutinizing conservative groups more closely.

In a conference call in May 2013, she said that between 2010 and 2012, the IRS used shortcuts to identify some tax exempt applicants for closer scrutiny. Among those shortcuts were searching for terms like “Tea Party” or “patriots” in applications. She said the shortcuts weren’t politically motivated, NPR reported.

And she wasn't lying, dupe, for the reasons I gave. This OP is total bs. NOT happening, dupes.

This is another thing I hate about liberals, they want to play dirty and then cry and complain when caught.

Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News
Do you know who runs the W. Times, superdupe? You're the people assassinating the characters of good people based on total crap...

Well I guess she is a good person if your a democrat, but what she did in a official capacity is against the law.

Lois is a Republican, to boot!

Are all liberals this stupid?
You know something that we don't, asshole?
Most people know a lot of shit you don't know, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck
You aint one of them, hand job- not even close
hand job? Lol, loser.

Must be what brummelbutt considers a date?
Now that's funny. She assassinated herself by her behavior and hate. And I posted a Forbes link, dear.
OP- Total bs as always from the dupes. She did nothing wrong or even out of the ordinary, dupes. If the GOP didn't cut the IRS to the bone...and there were huge numbers of new TP orgs at the time. NONE were turned down. DUHHHHH.

She was held in contempt and yet that stupid bitch gets a $100,000 a year pension paid by the tax payers

Lois Lerner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Lois Lerner, Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS, set off the two-year long investigation into whether the Tea Party was improperly targeted for tax exemption investigations by the IRS. At an American Bar Association meeting in May 2013, Lerner answered a planted question, apologizing for the IRS taking “absolutely inappropriate” actions in scrutinizing Tea Party members extra closely, ABC News reported. She said the scrutiny wasn’t centrally planned, but only came from the Cincinnati office. However, later reports found that IRS officials from Washington were involved in scrutinizing conservative groups more closely.

In a conference call in May 2013, she said that between 2010 and 2012, the IRS used shortcuts to identify some tax exempt applicants for closer scrutiny. Among those shortcuts were searching for terms like “Tea Party” or “patriots” in applications. She said the shortcuts weren’t politically motivated, NPR reported.

And she wasn't lying, dupe, for the reasons I gave. This OP is total bs. NOT happening, dupes.

This is another thing I hate about liberals, they want to play dirty and then cry and complain when caught.

Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News
Do you know who runs the W. Times, superdupe? You're the people assassinating the characters of good people based on total crap...
You aint one of them, hand job- not even close

So are you sticking with your stance that Lois is a republican?
Wasn't she put in place by none other than GWB?

So you're saying Bush wasnt a hyper partisan prick like barry?
Did Bush put Democrats into positions of authority?
She is a registered Dem. Did he appoint her?
I know he appointed norman something to transportation sec.
She wasn't appointed. She's career civil service.

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If he was questioning their tax exempt status, because of their political activity, i'd say right on.
Everyone knows that is not what she was doing. We all know what she was up to and whom put her up to it.

Evidence? Or is just another "my feelings tell me she is GUILTY".

Hnmmm let's put on our thinking caps shall we?

One person held in contempt by congress let's another person held in contempt by congress go free...

Nope nothing fishy here, move along nothing to see kiddies


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