Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Trump Tax Returns Released: FELONY
Flynn Transcripts Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Mexico Gov Transcript Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Australia Gov Transcript Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Thailand Gov Transcript Released: FELONY

Now if you want to argue over the actual surveillance being felonies, then you have 9 Felonies being committed, not by President Trump, as they haven't found a phucking thing after 8 months of surveillance and investigation by The Obama Administration, but by The Obama Administration Itself and The Intelligence Community.

Add in The Hack of Trump Tower Server and Russian Bank Server to plant a Beacon Ping to try to draw attention to Intelligence to go digging in The Trump Server and again found nothing....well friends, that is 2 more Felonies.

And lets not forget The Clinton\Obama mole who leaked classified information about our Surveillance Methods as well.

You get me?

12 Felonies

Muhammad on a cracker with Goat Cheese. Those are just The Felonies we Know OF!

Someone please explain why the most Powerful Intelligence and Surveillance Apparatus the world has known, cannot find one shred of evidence The Trump Team did anything illicit with Russia and at the same time, cannot find The Leakers committing these Felonies in their own ranks.

Anyone care to explain this MIND BOGGLING MYSTERY?
Didn't you watch the hearing? They can't release the evidence, the investigation is on going, and they don't want to expose to the Russians their counter intelligence methods, nor do they want to release the evidence they will use down the road for possible criminal charges....

As long as our intel community is still investigation the Russian interference and or any ties with the Trump campaign team, it won't be released to the public,

nor should it be.
You're right and what is good for the goose is good for the gander. The whiny's had no problem with DNC being hacked and probably wiretapped, but since this is Heir trump they're all crying all over the internet. What goes around comes around trumptards.

Who's whining? I'm having a great day because the intel community completely screwed up and are busted big time for this surveillance that they passed around indiscriminately that didn't have a damn thing to do with Russia.

Odds are the intel community back doored the warrants IF there were warrants. I'm trying to get a handle on it.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

FBI Director James Comey, on March 20, 2017 testified that the surveillance on Trump and the Trump team started in July 2016. July 2016 was when the RNC Convention was held.

J.D Gordon a Trump surrogate met with the Russian Ambassador in Cleveland--and they were writing Foreign policy.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

I imagine this set off a 6 alarm fire bell with all Intelligence agencies in this country. Of course they'll continue to do survellance during the transition, in fact they're still investigating this.

John McCain says there will be a lot more shoes to drop.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
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Nunes said, "....IC incidentally collected information about U.S. Citizens..."

Do you know what "incidental" collection is? It's intelligence equivalent of overhearing a conversation in the hallway as you sit in your own office. That's not even remotely close to what it means to say that the IC tapped Trump's wires. To suggest otherwise is to show unequivocally one's utter ignorance on the matter.

"Incidental" meant that Trump and his staff was under surveillance by that asshole Obama when Obama said Trump was never under surveillance. What part of that don't you understand?

That Obama is one hellva liar, isn't he?

No. It doesn't.

If you are tapping Person A (like the Russian Ambassador) - then "incidental" might mean the people with whom he was conversing.

The claim that Obama was spying on Trump was thoroughly bunked.

No you are wrong.

If an illegal alien that Obama allowed into the country "incidentally" raped a 14 year old girl the girl is still raped, isn't she?

Obama came out and said that he did not run a surveillance on Trump and he was wrong. Either he was stupid or he was lying. Which one is it?

I am going with lying because of all the many other lies Obama told.
Folks, this is Steve McGarrett- Trey Gowdy was grilling Comey Monday, and he kept honing in on the term ‘unmasked’- And kept trying to get Comey to admit that unmasking was a crime- which he eventually did- I thought then “Trey seems very insistent on this unmasking issue- and also elise stephanic zeroe’d in or the fact that Comey did not inform the new senior officials that there was an investigation going on”- And trey kept insisting that there was ‘no carvout for news stations that report leaked info’ to which Comey finally, reluctantly admitted-

Well today I heard spicer bring up the unmasking issue and bingo- it dawned on me why trey was so insistent-

Spicer put the msm on notice that indictments are coming- both for the leakers, and for those who may have printed the leaks-

What Spicer said today was big- He threw down the gauntlet-
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.
The guy who gave the report said none of the spying was related to russia.
You lost the election.
And now you're just being a cry baby F'r about it.
TomChuckles and RobChuckles keep dodging but keep getting run over with the facts.

I started calling Fakey "Chuckles" this morning, so like the emotional 7 year old he is, now he's calling me and others that......anybody got any Thorazine we can give him?
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.
The guy who gave the report said none of the spying was related to russia.
You lost the election.
And now you're just being a cry baby F'r about it.
You're telling the wrong person bro. Here's how to contact the FBI:

It's their investigation. Feel free to tell them they're being cry baby F'rs
TomChuckles and RobChuckles keep dodging but keep getting run over with the facts.

I started calling Fakey "Chuckles" this morning, so like the emotional 7 year old he is, now he's calling me and others that......anybody got any Thorazine we can give him?
Hey, Chuckles, you don't like your name. Go cry on your boyfriend's shoulder. He will comfort you in the way you like.

Contact that you are being called Chuckles and get back to us.
These stupid immoral Moon Bats don't understand the difference between "legal" and "right".

Democrats are the scum of America and it was wrong to have a surveillance operations going on against a President Elect.
This is just now coming out over the local news....Nunez...the head of the committee where Comey testified monday just announced that he discovered surveillance of Trump and his associates.....states he is disturbed by what he found....and is going to the White House to brief President Trump....


Here is a link...but the actual story came out over the news on the radio during Rush's show...

Nunes Confirms There Was "Incidental Surveillance" Of Trump During Obama Administration | Zero Hedge

It appears Trump may have been right, again.

Two days after FBI director Comey shot down Trump's allegation that Trump was being wiretapped by president Obama before the election, it appears that president Trump may have been on to something because moments ago, the House Intelligence Chairman, Devin Nunes, told reporters that the U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump's transition team, possibly including Trump himself, and the information was "widely disseminated" in intelligence reports.

As AP adds, Nunes said that President Donald Trump's communications may have been "monitored" during the transition period as part of an "incidental collection."

Nunes told a news conference Wednesday that the communications appear to be picked up through "incidental collection" and do not appear to be related to the ongoing FBI investigation into Trump associates' contacts with Russia.

He says he believes the intelligence collections were done legally, although in light of the dramatic change in the plotline it may be prudent to reserve judgment on how "incidental" it was.

"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.

"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."

The information was "legally brought to him by sources who thought we should know it," Nunes said, though he provided little detail on the source.

And those who keep forgetting Trump is the President and now has access to all of the information....keep doubting him...please......we need to keep defeating you....

Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.
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