Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Nunes said, "....IC incidentally collected information about U.S. Citizens..."

Do you know what "incidental" collection is? It's intelligence equivalent of overhearing a conversation in the hallway as you sit in your own office. That's not even remotely close to what it means to say that the IC tapped Trump's wires. To suggest otherwise is to show unequivocally one's utter ignorance on the matter.

"Incidental" meant that Trump and his staff was under surveillance by that asshole Obama when Obama said Trump was never under surveillance. What part of that don't you understand?

That Obama is one hellva liar, isn't he?

No. It doesn't.

If you are tapping Person A (like the Russian Ambassador) - then "incidental" might mean the people with whom he was conversing.

The claim that Obama was spying on Trump was thoroughly bunked.
Trump keeps changing his story.

Phones ................ debunked
Wiretaps .............. debunked
Trump Towers ...... debunked
Before Victory ...... debunked
Obama Tapping ... debunked

His current story looks nothing like his original story.

I agree with you in general. I'd note that it's important, because of the way surveillance happens that it's important to expressly indicate the nature of deliberacy that one has in mind when making the claims you did. Nobody has ever denied that Trump's phone calls or whatever may have been incidentally picked up by surveillance activity deliberately undertaken to monitor someone other than Trump.
Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.

You want the witch hunt to be thorough and Stalinesque because the leftist scum have convinced you that Trump is bad and that he did bad things, you rube.

Sent from my iPhone using
Trump's history, comments, campaign strategy, and embarrassing Presidency have convinced me that Trump is bad. Now get back to work trying to deflect this into being about "unmasking," and not about the traitors that were unmasked, like your masters want you to.

Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.
Dumb rube. You didn't even know about "masking" or "unmasking" until 2 days ago, and now you recite that shit like it's gospel to you. No leakers are going to jail, and I thank them for their work. Without them, sanctions would have been dropped against Russia, Tillerson, Flynn, and Manafort would be colluding with Putin against us, and Ukraine would probably be transitioning to full annexation by Russia. Btw, you have supported all of those things in your posting, so I know you wish it were happening.

Pffffffffffffft. I learned what unmasking was right quick when it happened to Flynn.

As to all the rest you threw in there, the Podestas were working for the Russians. Collecting mega $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lobby for sanctions being lifted. All on record.

Tony was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank. All thru the election.
Odds are the intel community back doored the warrants IF there were warrants. I'm trying to get a handle on it.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Another leak? Didn't I hear Intel Committee members calling for prison for leakers on Monday? Now Nunes is collecting information from them and running it to the President?

One more question: How do you get caught up in incidental surveillance if the calls had nothing to do with Russia or the investigation? Who WERE you talking to? It only happens when a criminal or a foreign agent is being surveilled.
He said it went beyond incidental collection just now. Had nothing to do with Russia, either. FBI still has not responded.
'Trump personal communications collected'

As already reported:
- We know Trump has under investigation by both the NSA and FBI since July 2016
--- And we are to believe that at no time during this whole investigation did the FBI or NSA engage in 'electronic surveillance', ie 'wire-tapping'?

- NSA documents show Trump was under 'electronic' surveillance'
--- Ok there WAS 'electronic surveillance'. So if it did not include 'wire-tapping' WTF did their 'electronic surveillance' consist of?

- Now we have the Intel chairman declaring Trump's 'personal communications were collected': 'Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance'.
--- How can you collect someone's 'personal communications' if you are not listening in on their conversations and phone calls?

- “I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters.

--- HOW were they monitored? every detail needs to come out!

When all of this comes out and the same Democrats who illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / CONGRESS and LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT (Clapper) declare they did not illegally (or even legally) wire-tap Trump, I smell BULLSHIT!

“It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the president-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”
-- That is not necessarily what CNN reported. They reported Obama 'illegally' collected private/personal info on Trump and his team then gave it to his hold-overs in the Intel Community. Then again, CNN is a FAKE NEWS agency.

"Nunes described the surveillance as most likely being “incidental collection.” This can occur when a person inside the United States communicates with a foreign target of U.S. surveillance."
--- This is somewhat contradicted by other reports, such as CNN's, which states Trump and his team members' information was 'COLLECTED' / 'MONITORED', as in information obtained through active investigation rather than just being 'stumbled upon' / through 'incidental collection'.

"He said the information that he had seen and was disseminated across the intelligence community appeared to him to have "little or no apparent intelligence value."
--- Which goes to show why the Democrats have found NO EVIDENCE of collusion during their 9 month 'fishing expedition'.

"The Intelligence panel is set to hold a public hearing next Tuesday with members of the Obama administration, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was fired by Trump in January after refusing to defend his first travel ban executive order in court."

--- It was members of the Obama administration - Obama hold-overs - btw, who was just fingered for having committed Felony ESPIONAGE. This is one helluva 'stellar cast': Clapper lied under oath about 'NOT' illegally spying on millions of Americans during the Obama administration, and Yates - another Obama holdover - refused to comply with her boss' orders. Not hard to guess which side the holdovers took.

Nunes: Trump transition members were under surveillance during Obama administration
He said it went beyond incidental collection just now. Had nothing to do with Russia, either. FBI still has not responded.
'Trump personal communications collected'

As already reported:
- We know Trump has under investigation by both the NSA and FBI since July 2016
--- And we are to believe that at no time during this whole investigation did the FBI or NSA engage in 'electronic surveillance', ie 'wire-tapping'?

- NSA documents show Trump was under 'electronic' surveillance'
--- Ok there WAS 'electronic surveillance'. So if it did not include 'wire-tapping' WTF did their 'electronic surveillance' consist of?

- Now we have the Intel chairman declaring Trump's 'personal communications were collected': 'Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance'.
--- How can you collect someone's 'personal communications' if you are not listening in on their conversations and phone calls?

- “I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters.

--- HOW were they monitored? every detail needs to come out!

When all of this comes out and the same Democrats who illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / CONGRESS and LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT (Clapper) declare they did not illegally (or even legally) wire-tap Trump, I smell BULLSHIT!

“It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the president-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”
-- That is not necessarily what CNN reported. They reported Obama 'illegally' collected private/personal info on Trump and his team then gave it to his hold-overs in the Intel Community. Then again, CNN is a FAKE NEWS agency.

"Nunes described the surveillance as most likely being “incidental collection.” This can occur when a person inside the United States communicates with a foreign target of U.S. surveillance."
--- This is somewhat contradicted by other reports, such as CNN's, which states Trump and his team members' information was 'COLLECTED' / 'MONITORED', as in information obtained through active investigation rather than just being 'stumbled upon' / through 'incidental collection'.

"He said the information that he had seen and was disseminated across the intelligence community appeared to him to have "little or no apparent intelligence value."
--- Which goes to show why the Democrats have found NO EVIDENCE of collusion during their 9 month 'fishing expedition'.

"The Intelligence panel is set to hold a public hearing next Tuesday with members of the Obama administration, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was fired by Trump in January after refusing to defend his first travel ban executive order in court."

--- It was members of the Obama administration - Obama hold-overs - btw, who was just fingered for having committed Felony ESPIONAGE. This is one helluva 'stellar cast': Clapper lied under oath about 'NOT' illegally spying on millions of Americans during the Obama administration, and Yates - another Obama holdover - refused to comply with her boss' orders. Not hard to guess which side the holdovers took.

Nunes: Trump transition members were under surveillance during Obama administration
Comey and Barry are fucked!
Doesn't anyone find it curious that Obama has gone in to hiding and has not made one public comment about all of this?
MSM is busy on other key issues like asking if Trump is afraid of stairs.
Very possible. Trump doesn't even know how to swim.
Neither did Abe, so we have yet another link between the two.
Nunes Says Trump Team Conversations Caught in Surveillance

“I’m actually alarmed by it,” Nunes, a California Republican, told reporters at the Capitol. “Details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in an intelligence community report,” he said. He said he didn’t know if Trump’s “own communications were intercepted.”

The disclosure may bolster Trump’s effort to back up his disputed claim in Twitter postings that former President Barack Obama tapped his phones, which his spokesman later said shouldn’t be taken literally and referred generally to having his team under surveillance."

Now WHY would Barry disseminate Trump 'incidentally collected' 'wire-tap' information of NO APPARENT FOREIGN SURVEILLANCE to 16 US Intel Agencies? Hmmm....

"Republicans on Nunes’s committee have zeroed in on leaks of intelligence information to counter Democrats’ focus on the intelligence agencies’ continuing investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s presidential campaign."

When asked before Congress if he (Comey) woudld reassure the American people that he will investigate the Felony crimes of ESPIONAGE perpetrated by the leakers and bring them to justice, Comey declared 'NO, I WON'T!'

"If the Trump campaign’s conversations are caught up in surveilling a foreign agent, there are rules about what you can release and who you can unmask,” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told reporters. “That’s different than having the Obama administration surveil the Trump campaign.”
Nunes is not anonymous, nor is the person that gave him the surveillance reports. He said it went beyond what he is comfortable with and thinks the American people will possibly see it the same way.
Seems it was an improper collecting, with nothing criminal, nothing regarding Russia, and improper unmasking. Seems surveillance was done. Seems a whistleblower has come forward. From Nunes.

The OP says it was collected legally. I thought NaziCons were against "anonymous" sources.
Seems it was an improper collecting, with nothing criminal, nothing regarding Russia, and improper unmasking. Seems surveillance was done. Seems a whistleblower has come forward. From Nunes.

The OP says it was collected legally. I thought NaziCons were against "anonymous" sources.

Did you miss the part about improper collecting and dissemination, nothing regarding Russia or even any foreign intelligence, illegal unmasking and leaking?

They were just spying on the transition team and passing information around.
One more question: How do you get caught up in incidental surveillance if the calls had nothing to do with Russia or the investigation? Who WERE you talking to? It only happens when a criminal or a foreign agent is being surveilled.

Nunes is sugar-coating it because if/when the truth came out, they'd have to indict an ex-president....this is like the phony baloney of the Warren Commission on Kennedy in Dallas.....they don't think we can handle the truth....and it's bad for Wall Street.
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.

The simple fact of the whole matter is that none of this would be going on had Trump and his team members fully disclosed the details of the nature, extent and timing of their interactions -- financial, conversational, etc. -- with Russians. At the very least, releasing the applicable foreign interest forms and schedules of Trump's tax return, were they to have no Russian cash flows and assets reported in them, that would at least put to bed the notion that Trump might still personally have financial interests that align with those of one or more Russian oligarchs.

It'd be different were Russia not an adversary of the U.S., but it is. Were it not so that many of Russia's top business people have past KGB/SVU employment histories, it'd, again, be a different matter. The matter would also be different were it that Trump does not have a long history of misrepresenting facts.
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Doesn't anyone find it curious that Obama has gone in to hiding and has not made one public comment about all of this?

Gone into hiding?

He's relaxing and basking in the glory of having been one of the most successful and brilliant Presidents in history despite the obstruction and racist hatred aimed at him during his tenure. On top of that, it's only a few weeks into the hairclown's disastrous WH residency and he's already proven Obama absolutely right that he wasn't qualified for the office and would be a disaster.
He won't need to write a book to say, "I told you so."
History will do it for him.
Doesn't anyone find it curious that Obama has gone in to hiding and has not made one public comment about all of this?
MSM is busy on other key issues like asking if Trump is afraid of stairs.
Very possible. Trump doesn't even know how to swim.
Neither did Abe, so we have yet another link between the two.
Abe was a competent stair user.
Doesn't anyone find it curious that Obama has gone in to hiding and has not made one public comment about all of this?

Gone into hiding?

He's relaxing and basking in the glory of having been one of the most successful and brilliant Presidents in history despite the obstruction and racist hatred aimed at him during his tenure. On top of that, it's only a few weeks into the hairclown's disastrous WH residency and he's already proven Obama absolutely right that he wasn't qualified for the office and would be a disaster.
He won't need to write a book to say, "I told you so."
History will do it for him.
Your little quadroon is about to be humiliated.
You must have missed my links showing both Obama's transition team and Hillary's team all spoke with foreign officials
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.
I will admit I did a giant WHEW! of relief when TD posting this thread.....I knew what had happened but nobody would stand up for our President. Today Nunes did let's get Gorsuch approved and TrumpCare through the House.

Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.

You want the witch hunt to be thorough and Stalinesque because the leftist scum have convinced you that Trump is bad and that he did bad things, you rube.

Sent from my iPhone using
Trump's history, comments, campaign strategy, and embarrassing Presidency have convinced me that Trump is bad. Now get back to work trying to deflect this into being about "unmasking," and not about the traitors that were unmasked, like your masters want you to.

Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.
Dumb rube. You didn't even know about "masking" or "unmasking" until 2 days ago, and now you recite that shit like it's gospel to you. No leakers are going to jail, and I thank them for their work. Without them, sanctions would have been dropped against Russia, Tillerson, Flynn, and Manafort would be colluding with Putin against us, and Ukraine would probably be transitioning to full annexation by Russia. Btw, you have supported all of those things in your posting, so I know you wish it were happening.

Pffffffffffffft. I learned what unmasking was right quick when it happened to Flynn.

As to all the rest you threw in there, the Podestas were working for the Russians. Collecting mega $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lobby for sanctions being lifted. All on record.

Tony was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank. All thru the election.
By any chance, did Putin personally give Podesta a Russian friendship medal? Why did Russia go after Hillary and support Trump? You're speculations do not seem in sync with reality.

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