Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

You must have missed my links showing both Obama's transition team and Hillary's team all spoke with foreign officials
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.
I have not seen your links.
No, you need to wake the fuck up. Quit spouting what you don't know and sit down and listen for a change.
if President Bush had wiretapped Mr Obama's transition, I'm sure liberals would think that's okey-dokey
If he was colluding with the russians to destroy America we'd be mad at him too.

You traitors should wake the fuck up.
Here is one for you
A World of Advice for Obama on Foreign Policy
You must have missed my links showing both Obama's transition team and Hillary's team all spoke with foreign officials
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.
I have not seen your links.
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.

The simple fact of the whole matter is that none of this would be going on had Trump and his team members to have fully disclosed the details of the nature, extent and timing of their interactions -- financial, conversational, etc. -- with Russians. At the very least, seeing that the applicable foreign interest forms and schedules of Trump's tax return, were they to have no Russian cash flows and assets reported in them, would at least put to bed the notion that Trump might still personally have financial interests that align with those of one or more Russian oligarchs.

It'd be different were Russia not an adversary of the U.S., but it is. Were it not so that many of Russia's top business people have past KGB/SVU employment histories, it'd, again, be a different matter. The matter would also be different were it that Trump does not have a long history of misrepresenting facts.
Linking to Kos gives you all the credit you deserve.
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.
News from The Associated Press

I watched Spicer dancin' the jig all around the questions about why didn't Trump vet Manafort enough to know about his Russian deals. Two, maybe three times, he abruptly answered one reporter's questions about that only to call on another and get the same topic reasked.
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.

The simple fact of the whole matter is that none of this would be going on had Trump and his team members to have fully disclosed the details of the nature, extent and timing of their interactions -- financial, conversational, etc. -- with Russians. At the very least, seeing that the applicable foreign interest forms and schedules of Trump's tax return, were they to have no Russian cash flows and assets reported in them, would at least put to bed the notion that Trump might still personally have financial interests that align with those of one or more Russian oligarchs.

It'd be different were Russia not an adversary of the U.S., but it is. Were it not so that many of Russia's top business people have past KGB/SVU employment histories, it'd, again, be a different matter. The matter would also be different were it that Trump does not have a long history of misrepresenting facts.
I'm thinking Nunes is pulling this to help out his buddy Trump. Source? If we've got real facts here, let's here them. Otherwise it's more stewed prunes.
Maybe listen to a hearing some time. You wouldn't have to ask such questions.
You want the witch hunt to be thorough and Stalinesque because the leftist scum have convinced you that Trump is bad and that he did bad things, you rube.

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Trump's history, comments, campaign strategy, and embarrassing Presidency have convinced me that Trump is bad. Now get back to work trying to deflect this into being about "unmasking," and not about the traitors that were unmasked, like your masters want you to.

Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.
Dumb rube. You didn't even know about "masking" or "unmasking" until 2 days ago, and now you recite that shit like it's gospel to you. No leakers are going to jail, and I thank them for their work. Without them, sanctions would have been dropped against Russia, Tillerson, Flynn, and Manafort would be colluding with Putin against us, and Ukraine would probably be transitioning to full annexation by Russia. Btw, you have supported all of those things in your posting, so I know you wish it were happening.

Pffffffffffffft. I learned what unmasking was right quick when it happened to Flynn.

As to all the rest you threw in there, the Podestas were working for the Russians. Collecting mega $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lobby for sanctions being lifted. All on record.

Tony was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank. All thru the election.
By any chance, did Putin personally give Podesta a Russian friendship medal? Why did Russia go after Hillary and support Trump? You're speculations do not seem in sync with reality.
What do you not understand; there was nothing criminal having to do with a Trump.
Actually, I would have been surprised if Trump's mafia wasn't under surveillance.
Using him to launder money while living in Trump Tower wasn't too bright.
What YOU don't understand is all the illegal dealing Trump had with Russians has been the reason for them supporting his run for president and his willingness to work in their interests (and his own) and not what's best for the American people.
He's proven himself to be a liar and thief and now a traitor. As the facts come out so much that you cannot deny or distract from the truth even willful ignorance won't save you.
He's a conman and a fraud, that was clear to most of us. There will be no hiding now.
Maybe listen to a hearing some time. You wouldn't have to ask such questions.
Trump's history, comments, campaign strategy, and embarrassing Presidency have convinced me that Trump is bad. Now get back to work trying to deflect this into being about "unmasking," and not about the traitors that were unmasked, like your masters want you to.

Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.
Dumb rube. You didn't even know about "masking" or "unmasking" until 2 days ago, and now you recite that shit like it's gospel to you. No leakers are going to jail, and I thank them for their work. Without them, sanctions would have been dropped against Russia, Tillerson, Flynn, and Manafort would be colluding with Putin against us, and Ukraine would probably be transitioning to full annexation by Russia. Btw, you have supported all of those things in your posting, so I know you wish it were happening.

Pffffffffffffft. I learned what unmasking was right quick when it happened to Flynn.

As to all the rest you threw in there, the Podestas were working for the Russians. Collecting mega $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lobby for sanctions being lifted. All on record.

Tony was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank. All thru the election.
By any chance, did Putin personally give Podesta a Russian friendship medal? Why did Russia go after Hillary and support Trump? You're speculations do not seem in sync with reality.
Over your head of course.
You watched reporters asking questions, throwing in speculation before he knew what was going on. The Trump/Nunez meeting was going on about that time.
You guys are getting ready to be blown out of the water and you will make up anything trying to stave it off, by even more false accusations/innuendos. Ain't gonna happen.

If you want to retain the ounce of credibility you might have left, you might want to back off, or come out looking like a fool.
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.
News from The Associated Press

I watched Spicer dancin' the jig all around the questions about why didn't Trump vet Manafort enough to know about his Russian deals. Two, maybe three times, he abruptly answered one reporter's questions about that only to call on another and get the same topic reasked.
Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.

You want the witch hunt to be thorough and Stalinesque because the leftist scum have convinced you that Trump is bad and that he did bad things, you rube.

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Trump's history, comments, campaign strategy, and embarrassing Presidency have convinced me that Trump is bad. Now get back to work trying to deflect this into being about "unmasking," and not about the traitors that were unmasked, like your masters want you to.


1. Unmasking: exposing identities and transcripts of electronic surveillance; very illegal, very much a felony. We know for a fact this happened.


2. A fairy tale conspiracy theory asserting that a presidential candidate and the leader of Russia conspired to rig a presidential election: absolutely ZERO evidence; absurd; and politically motivated.

Sounds like the REAL conspiracy here is the one to bring down a sitting US president.

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I love how you dumb fucking rubes keep pretending that the report about unanimous agreement between 17 intelligence organizations on Russia's interference in the U.S. election doesn't exist. And how the deep ties between Trump's team members and Russia are just figments from someone's imagination.

17 intelligence agencies who NEVER fucking examined the DNC servers but were taking the DNC's IT employees word for it that the Ruskies hacked the election.

Honey, no, that question was answered in the intelligence hearing. Because you wish to ignore it, or keep yourself in the dark, I don't.
What a fools game.
Maybe listen to a hearing some time. You wouldn't have to ask such questions.
Those that were unmasked did nothing illegal. But some in the intel community can and will be hunted and brought to justice for the unmasking and leaking.
Dumb rube. You didn't even know about "masking" or "unmasking" until 2 days ago, and now you recite that shit like it's gospel to you. No leakers are going to jail, and I thank them for their work. Without them, sanctions would have been dropped against Russia, Tillerson, Flynn, and Manafort would be colluding with Putin against us, and Ukraine would probably be transitioning to full annexation by Russia. Btw, you have supported all of those things in your posting, so I know you wish it were happening.

Pffffffffffffft. I learned what unmasking was right quick when it happened to Flynn.

As to all the rest you threw in there, the Podestas were working for the Russians. Collecting mega $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lobby for sanctions being lifted. All on record.

Tony was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank. All thru the election.
By any chance, did Putin personally give Podesta a Russian friendship medal? Why did Russia go after Hillary and support Trump? You're speculations do not seem in sync with reality.
Over your head of course.

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