Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Honey, no, that question was answered in the intelligence hearing. Because you wish to ignore it, or keep yourself in the dark, I don't.
What a fools game.
Maybe listen to a hearing some time. You wouldn't have to ask such questions.
Dumb rube. You didn't even know about "masking" or "unmasking" until 2 days ago, and now you recite that shit like it's gospel to you. No leakers are going to jail, and I thank them for their work. Without them, sanctions would have been dropped against Russia, Tillerson, Flynn, and Manafort would be colluding with Putin against us, and Ukraine would probably be transitioning to full annexation by Russia. Btw, you have supported all of those things in your posting, so I know you wish it were happening.

Pffffffffffffft. I learned what unmasking was right quick when it happened to Flynn.

As to all the rest you threw in there, the Podestas were working for the Russians. Collecting mega $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lobby for sanctions being lifted. All on record.

Tony was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank. All thru the election.
By any chance, did Putin personally give Podesta a Russian friendship medal? Why did Russia go after Hillary and support Trump? You're speculations do not seem in sync with reality.
Over your head of course.
You don't even understand the question. Your replies are painfully dumb.
First it was "Incidental" surveillance that resulted in the recording of private citizen Flynn. Now it turns out that SEVERAL Trump people were under this "incidental" surveillance between Election Day and the inauguration. Obviously, this was all being directed by Obama people.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

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You just don't understand incidental, they were wiring tapping the Russian's when Trump team pops in to say Hi Vladmir, that is where they got them. If trumptards had not called the Russian's the U.S. would not have them on tape. It's called we monitor the Russian's everyday, before Obama and today. So quit your whining snowflake and get back to work.

I gather you didn't read the link? The key is they were spying on the transition team and passed along information that had not a damn thing to do with foreign intelligence let alone Russia.

That's a big freaking no no.

"The intelligence collected has nothing to do with Russia or the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, according to Nunes."

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes said that "none of it this surveillance was related to Russia, or the investigation of Russian activities, or the Trump team". My guess is there is a great deal more to this, and it could get messy, especially with the GOP rightfully angry at the excessive activities Clinton engaged in and got away with. I don't even need to rehash it, but most Americans believed she should have been charged, this was before Comey released the ongoing investigation details:

56 percent of Americans disapprove of FBI decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton
56 percent of Americans disapprove of FBI decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton

Bottom line, who leaked the names? Who were the intended targets? Who approved such a high level investigation?
if President Bush had wiretapped Mr Obama's transition, I'm sure liberals would think that's okey-dokey
If he was colluding with the russians to destroy America we'd be mad at him too.

You traitors should wake the fuck up.

The traitors are the assholes in the Obama administration that sold this country down the road with a failed economic policies, dishonesty about foreign policy and domestic issues and giving away the store to all the scumbag Muslims and Mexicans.

The same Moon Bat assholes that raided the Treasury for all the welfare queens, unions, illegals, abortion clinics, environmental wackos and every Left Wing organization looking for a handout.

Those are the traitors to this country and we all know it. Even you Moon Bats. You just won't admit it because you benefited from the traitorous activity.
Then so did Obama with lots of others
A World of Advice for Obama on Foreign Policy

What do you not understand; there was nothing criminal having to do with a Trump.
Actually, I would have been surprised if Trump's mafia wasn't under surveillance.
Using him to launder money while living in Trump Tower wasn't too bright.
What YOU don't understand is all the illegal dealing Trump had with Russians has been the reason for them supporting his run for president and his willingness to work in their interests (and his own) and not what's best for the American people.
He's proven himself to be a liar and thief and now a traitor. As the facts come out so much that you cannot deny or distract from the truth even willful ignorance won't save you.
He's a conman and a fraud, that was clear to most of us. There will be no hiding now.
First it was "Incidental" surveillance that resulted in the recording of private citizen Flynn. Now it turns out that SEVERAL Trump people were under this "incidental" surveillance between Election Day and the inauguration. Obviously, this was all being directed by Obama people.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

Sent from my iPhone using

You just don't understand incidental, they were wiring tapping the Russian's when Trump team pops in to say Hi Vladmir, that is where they got them. If trumptards had not called the Russian's the U.S. would not have them on tape. It's called we monitor the Russian's everyday, before Obama and today. So quit your whining snowflake and get back to work.

I gather you didn't read the link? The key is they were spying on the transition team and passed along information that had not a damn thing to do with foreign intelligence let alone Russia.

That's a big freaking no no.

"The intelligence collected has nothing to do with Russia or the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, according to Nunes."

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

Fucking liar.

From your link:

The congressman said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was all collected legally....

...Under surveillance law, intelligence officials can incidentally collect information on the communications of an American citizen, so long as they are not the target of a warrant.
First it was "Incidental" surveillance that resulted in the recording of private citizen Flynn. Now it turns out that SEVERAL Trump people were under this "incidental" surveillance between Election Day and the inauguration. Obviously, this was all being directed by Obama people.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

Sent from my iPhone using

You just don't understand incidental, they were wiring tapping the Russian's when Trump team pops in to say Hi Vladmir, that is where they got them. If trumptards had not called the Russian's the U.S. would not have them on tape. It's called we monitor the Russian's everyday, before Obama and today. So quit your whining snowflake and get back to work.

I gather you didn't read the link? The key is they were spying on the transition team and passed along information that had not a damn thing to do with foreign intelligence let alone Russia.

That's a big freaking no no.

"The intelligence collected has nothing to do with Russia or the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, according to Nunes."

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

We have no idea of the extent of the Obama Administration's spying on Trump. I suspect it is a lot more extensive than just what we learned today.

Somebody needs to go to jail. You can't use the government for political objectives.
Honey, Imunderstand it allll too well. It is you that is making innuendo, rather than working with facts.
Honey, no, that question was answered in the intelligence hearing. Because you wish to ignore it, or keep yourself in the dark, I don't.
What a fools game.
Maybe listen to a hearing some time. You wouldn't have to ask such questions.
Pffffffffffffft. I learned what unmasking was right quick when it happened to Flynn.

As to all the rest you threw in there, the Podestas were working for the Russians. Collecting mega $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lobby for sanctions being lifted. All on record.

Tony was lobbying for the Kremlin's bank. All thru the election.
By any chance, did Putin personally give Podesta a Russian friendship medal? Why did Russia go after Hillary and support Trump? You're speculations do not seem in sync with reality.
Over your head of course.
You don't even understand the question. Your replies are painfully dumb.
Trump Tax Returns Released: FELONY
Flynn Transcripts Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Mexico Gov Transcript Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Australia Gov Transcript Released: FELONY
Trump Call with Thailand Gov Transcript Released: FELONY

Now if you want to argue over the actual surveillance being felonies, then you have 9 Felonies being committed, not by President Trump, as they haven't found a phucking thing after 8 months of surveillance and investigation by The Obama Administration, but by The Obama Administration Itself and The Intelligence Community.

Add in The Hack of Trump Tower Server and Russian Bank Server to plant a Beacon Ping to try to draw attention to Intelligence to go digging in The Trump Server and again found nothing....well friends, that is 2 more Felonies.

And lets not forget The Clinton\Obama mole who leaked classified information about our Surveillance Methods as well.

You get me?

12 Felonies

Muhammad on a cracker with Goat Cheese. Those are just The Felonies we Know OF!

Someone please explain why the most Powerful Intelligence and Surveillance Apparatus the world has known, cannot find one shred of evidence The Trump Team did anything illicit with Russia and at the same time, cannot find The Leakers committing these Felonies in their own ranks.

Anyone care to explain this MIND BOGGLING MYSTERY?

They're looking for TRAITORS to this country, and they will use any means they have to--to disclose them. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This is a National Security issue. This is no suprise, this is how General Flynn got busted for lying under oath to the FBI--which is actually a FELONY. The Russian phone lines were wiretapped during the transistion period. They were wiretapped from July all the way up until Obama threw out all Russian diplomats out of this country.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

It's clearly still under investigation, and according to what FBI Director James Comey stated, (2 days ago) it started in July 2016, which was when the RNC convention was held. They aren't going to stop until they get answers.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


One YUUUUUGE ASS Mistake America!

Last edited:
Here is one for you
A World of Advice for Obama on Foreign Policy
You must have missed my links showing both Obama's transition team and Hillary's team all spoke with foreign officials
What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.
I have not seen your links.
TY for that.

I don't have an issue with asking the same question and having the same thinking.
What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.​
I recognize, however, that the background circumstances pertaining to PEOTUS Trump and PEOTUS Obama are very different.
  • Obama didn't have any former deals between himself/his closely held company and Russians.
  • Obama didn't have a history of having had substantial cash flows from Russians.
  • And the link.
  • Obama never made a point of hiding his financial interactions with anyone.
As noted earlier, a huge portion of the issue with Trump and Russians is Trump's refusal to fully disclose/demonstrate the nature, timing and extent of his financial dealings in an environment wherein we know he's had multiple multimillion dollar deals with Russians having close ties to the Russian state and its intelligence organs and we know he has a deal with one Russian oligarch that has merely been put on hold, but not cancelled. That Trump also refuses to relinquish control of Trump Organization compounds the appearance and plausibility of there being something untoward going on.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Nunes? I don't care what a partisan hack running cover for Trump has to say. I want this investigation to be thorough and for Russia's pro-Trump intervention into our free elections to be explained, along with why multiple members of the Trump team were in direct contact with Russia during the campaign and transition period.

Shouldn't that investigation come after Bill and Hillary and their foundation are investigated for campaign promises made in exchange for money? What's good for the goose and all that........
Trump was 100% correct. Obama wiretapped him.

Drudge Report

Nunes: Trump transition members were under surveillance during Obama administration

By Austin Wright

03/22/17 01:19 PM EDT

Updated 03/22/17 03:28 PM EDT

Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance following November’s presidential election, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday.

Nunes said the monitoring appeared to be done legally as a result of what's called "incidental collection," but said he was concerned because it was not related to the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election and was widely disseminated across the intelligence community.

“I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters. “It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the president-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”

Nunes said he is heading to the White House later Wednesday to brief Trump on what he has learned, which he said came from “sources who thought that we should know it.” He said he was trying to get more information by Friday from the FBI, CIA and NSA.

Nunes described the surveillance as most likely being “incidental collection.” This can occur when a person inside the United States communicates with a foreign target of U.S. surveillance. In such cases, the identities of U.S. citizens are supposed to be kept secret — but can be “unmasked” by intelligence officials under certain circumstances.

Nunes said his new information appears to show that additional members of the Trump transition team — beyond former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — were unmasked. This means they were identified in U.S. intelligence reports.​
Intel gathered under a FISA wiretap is considered classified information, and you simply cannot leak classified information. To this point that is the ONLY known crime committed, and we should find out who did it and send their sorry MFin' ass to jail.
if President Bush had wiretapped Mr Obama's transition, I'm sure liberals would think that's okey-dokey
If he was colluding with the russians to destroy America we'd be mad at him too.

You traitors should wake the fuck up.

The traitors are the assholes in the Obama administration that sold this country down the road with a failed economic policies, dishonesty about foreign policy and domestic issues and giving away the store to all the scumbag Muslims and Mexicans.

The same Moon Bat assholes that raided the Treasury for all the welfare queens, unions, illegals, abortion clinics, environmental wackos and every Left Wing organization looking for a handout.

Those are the traitors to this country and we all know it. Even you Moon Bats. You just won't admit it because you benefited from the traitorous activity.
You're not you when you're hungry.

What I want to know is this. What did a non-government employee have to discuss with one or more officials of the Russian government? Did one or more of the conversation topics pertain to current or future U.S. policy re: Russia? If yes, I have a problem with that. If no, fine.

The simple fact of the whole matter is that none of this would be going on had Trump and his team members to have fully disclosed the details of the nature, extent and timing of their interactions -- financial, conversational, etc. -- with Russians. At the very least, seeing that the applicable foreign interest forms and schedules of Trump's tax return, were they to have no Russian cash flows and assets reported in them, would at least put to bed the notion that Trump might still personally have financial interests that align with those of one or more Russian oligarchs.

It'd be different were Russia not an adversary of the U.S., but it is. Were it not so that many of Russia's top business people have past KGB/SVU employment histories, it'd, again, be a different matter. The matter would also be different were it that Trump does not have a long history of misrepresenting facts.
I'm thinking Nunes is pulling this to help out his buddy Trump. Source? If we've got real facts here, let's here them. Otherwise it's more stewed prunes.

I'm sorry. Are you asking me for a source or are you rhetorically noting that Nunes hasn't fully disclosed the nature of the source of his information?
Who is really surprise that the filthy ass Democrats spied on Trump as President Elect and then lied about it?

We all found out from the Wikileaks what scumbags the Democrats are, didn't we?

Democrats are the scum of this country.
The incidental collection was because they were talking to Russian agents. Perhaps not every conversation had to do with the tampering they were plotting.. Release the transcripts so we will know, then those fuks in DC can't play their fucking word games anymore.
Then so did Obama with lots of others
A World of Advice for Obama on Foreign Policy

What do you not understand; there was nothing criminal having to do with a Trump.
Actually, I would have been surprised if Trump's mafia wasn't under surveillance.
Using him to launder money while living in Trump Tower wasn't too bright.
What YOU don't understand is all the illegal dealing Trump had with Russians has been the reason for them supporting his run for president and his willingness to work in their interests (and his own) and not what's best for the American people.
He's proven himself to be a liar and thief and now a traitor. As the facts come out so much that you cannot deny or distract from the truth even willful ignorance won't save you.
He's a conman and a fraud, that was clear to most of us. There will be no hiding now.
Nonsense. Show me where Obama sold properties for hundreds millions of dollars

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